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Everything posted by Kav

  1. That's just so so awesome! I can only just about get through Through Fire and Flames on medium! Haha I've tried it on expert on training a fair few times and my best is 60% and a 55 note streak... bearing in mind that i'm near enough mindlessly hammering the buttons and I'd get booed off immediately if it wasn't on training! Haha
  2. So I've just bought all the Death Note manga, volumes 1-12 and also Another Note: The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases (which is about the case L and Naomi Misora worked on together)... AWESOME! Best day ever!!!
  3. Well I've finished Welcome to the NHK now, I really enjoyed it, made me laugh so much at times! I like the way it ended too, I'd say it's one of my favourite animes for sure! Great recommendation lads, thanks!
  4. I know a girl off one of those adds, when we first saw her on it we all starting text messaging her saying we wanted to chat to sexy local girls! Hehe, twas funny! How she regrets doing that advert... and some of the photoshoots she's done! We're all too mean (it's all banter really, she gets in on it too!) lol
  5. Watched the first 15 episodes of Welcome to the NHK now, I'm loving this anime so much, it's hilarious! One of the better ones I've seen... good recommendation guys, thanks!
  6. Watched the first 9 episodes of Welcome to the NHK and I'm absolutely loving it so far! Gotta get myself to bed now though, get some more watched tomorrow... I'll never pack for moving house at this rate! Ha ha
  7. I've got friday, monday and tuesday off work... but unfortunately I'm also miving into a new house so I'm not going to get as much gametime as I'd have liked! Poop!
  8. Watched the last of Kurenai, I really liked this anime, thought it was a nice little gem! Well worth a watch, very heart-warming! ...now for Welcome to the NHK!
  9. Twilight Princess and Metroid Prime 3 I'd say... I've not got Okami yet but I'd imagine that is pretty good too.
  10. Jet Li and Michelle Yeoh = win!
  11. I started watching Kurenai yesterday, last chapter I watched was chapter 9. I'm really enjoying it, there's been a few times that it's really made me laugh out loud! I kind of don't want it to end!
  12. So after hearing good things about Elfen Lied from you lot I decided to start reading the manga... I started just as Croatia vs Turkey kicked off and I'm now up to chapter 31 and I'm very much liking it! Chapter 31, page 9... "There's something slimy on your panties" ...genius, simply genius! I couldn't stop laughing! EDIT - so it's 3:50am and I've just read chapter 75... looks like 76 could be really interesting!
  13. HAHAHAHAHA! It made me giggle!
  14. My sentiments exactly! Hope this one will be it!
  15. IGN have a preview on the game... and it certainly sounds good this time round! http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/882/882148p1.html Nice!
  16. Buy me Okami because I can't afford it just at the moment!
  17. Kav


    I can't really afford to get this at the moment... gutted! In the last 2 days over £700 has come out of my bank account! No good!
  18. You have to watch MSG00, it's just great... although yeah, the wait since it finished has been near unbearable! Ha ha
  19. I started reading the Soul Eater manga recently, been getting in 5 chapters a day, just finished chapter 30... I must say, I am thoroughly enjoying it!
  20. Kav


    Poo-covered teddy bears is what got my interest in the game going! Ha ha ...just watched the trailer, I think I may like this, given the humour it has!
  21. I said I'd never reply to this thread. ...DAMN IT!
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