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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Review (albeit the 360 version) is up at IGN... http://m.ign.com/articles/2012/11/13/call-of-duty-black-ops-2-review For those wondering about prestige... @Zechs Merquise I know what you mean that it won't quite be as useful as normal (the Orbital VSAT, as it is in this) but it's not the highlighting of Ghost users I used it for but for the fact it shows you the direction the enemy is travelling/facing. This is it's major quality, I think it's great!
  2. It'll be great for CTF for cutting off pathways of flag runners.
  3. Coolbeans, I'll check it out, thanks for the heads-up!

  4. It's a funny one. I can see why people are disappointed in it, but then again given that I don't like racing games and whereas I love FPS games, I actually prefer digital triggers... even though I prefer playing with the Wiimote, I do enjoy gaming with dual analogue on occasion too (you know, so I don't get rusty).
  5. Hold on Lost, even on Nuketown they still don't have a chance against us!
  6. This is the proem with the map. It always gets voted and so it gets overplayed. I like the map but sometimes I get sick of playing Nuketown over and over again. Especially when some maps outshine it by a country mile (I'm looking at you... pretty much every other map on the game. Still, I do like Nuketown.).
  7. The problem with streaks such as the RCXD is that they take you out of the game for a short moment. The best streaks are those that help the whole team... UAV, Blackbird (Orbital VSAT in BO2) especially, even Counter UAV is decent. In BO2, the fact you get extra score for work your team members do whilst these streaks is out is another bonus for using them. I'd recommend everyone run at least the UAV! Having an awareness over where your enemy is greatly improves your game.
  8. It's funny, but even just the updated avatar and sig has got me even more hyped for this!
  9. Haha, they're done by @Zechs Merquise Thanks again Zechs for the new one, I'm looking forward to the updated Avatar too! I must also say thanks for really pushing to get a team together on CoD for the Wii. I've enjoyed the Wii more than any other console thanks to gaming with you guys! N-E rocks!!! EDIT: nice, Avatar sorted... cheers Zechs!
  10. I do hope we get that update, seeing some footage on YouTube already out there really makes me want to put some of mine up as I've had some amazing gameplays with more or less all the weapons.
  11. I must admit, it's a bit of a shit story! Kind of puts me off buying it.
  12. Even so, I'd like to not have to switch my streaks in between games. It made so much more sense to have streaks set to a class as opposed to streaks being set to all classes. Treyarch usually keep things that improve the game and then expand upon them which is why I'm surprised they didn't keep this.
  13. One thing that annoys me with this is that they've gone back to having one Scorestreak that will be used across all your custom classes. If there was one positive thing that Infinty Ward did for create a class it was being able to choose a particular Scorestreak (Pointstreak in this instance) for each custom class you had. I ALWAYS mix up my streaks dependent on my class set-up and the game mode we're playing. IW really took a step forward here and now Treyarch are dropping it!
  14. So in layout it's identical... I would've thought it'd be similar but different enough to warrant it being a new map. I just hope it's not overplayed this time.
  15. IGN really seem to like Yoshi's Fruit Cart... Yoshi's Fruit Cart impressed us a great deal during our time with it. Your goal is simple - get Yoshi to a door that will only unlock once you've collected all of the fruit that's set out on a map. But doing that is more complicated than you might think. You control your 'Yoshi Cart' by drawing a path on the GamePad's screen. When your path reaches the door, the game prompts you to let Yoshi begin your dictated journey. But on the Pad doesn't display the fruit, just the basic map, and your television won't show the path you've sketched out. Achieving your goal is a matter of coordinating and reconciling each screen's missing information, using textures and shapes that exist on the map's background to guide your path. If you reach the door without all of your fruit, it won't open, and you'll lose a life. And just in case you think this might be completed rather easily once you get past the first few areas - there are about 50 stages to complete, and things get complicated quickly, with moving fruit, holes and numerous other obstacles quickly appearing. The game does feature a system to 'fast travel' to later levels once you've reached them, but saying Fruit Cart will be a formidable challenge is an understatement.
  16. Gametrailers have given it 9.2
  17. Black Ops 1 gameplay but in the video he's talking about BO2 maps, lists all of them (7 not yet seen before) and gives brief descriptions of each...
  18. I've used it on Tekken Tag 2, it's the best "classic" style pad there is, even though it's without triggers. Still, I'd not see the point using it over the Gamepad for CoD given that the touchscreen on the Gamepad will definitely add benefits.
  19. I much prefer Treyarch CoD's to IW ones with the exception of MW. One thing I'm very happy with Treyarch with this time around especially is that they've kept Wiimote controls in the game as opposed to straight porting the 360 version and leaving them out. For the Wiimote controls alone this will be the definitive version of this game!
  20. No more region based matchmaking. It's entirely based on latency and ping now... http://m.ign.com/articles/2012/10/26/black-ops-2-multiplayer-matchmaking-explained
  21. I like Nuketown, but I do think it's overplayed. On Domination and when we've a full team on, it's great!
  22. I think I'll be picking this up at launch too, why the hell not. It is awesome after all!
  23. After E3, I certainly lost any hype I had, but after the Nintendo Direct in Sept 13th, hype began to stir once more. Then at the Play Expo in Manchester on Oct 14th, I got my hands on with the WiiU and it all became clear... this IS a console to be hyped about! I had so much fun with my hands-on that it's a must-have for me. There are some great games at launch!
  24. There is, the anime is the better of the two.
  25. Hold on, in the quote it says that several features will be free but in the video it says all will... ???
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