IGN really seem to like Yoshi's Fruit Cart...
Yoshi's Fruit Cart impressed us a great deal during our time with it. Your goal is simple - get Yoshi to a door that will only unlock once you've collected all of the fruit that's set out on a map. But doing that is more complicated than you might think. You control your 'Yoshi Cart' by drawing a path on the GamePad's screen. When your path reaches the door, the game prompts you to let Yoshi begin your dictated journey. But on the Pad doesn't display the fruit, just the basic map, and your television won't show the path you've sketched out.
Achieving your goal is a matter of coordinating and reconciling each screen's missing information, using textures and shapes that exist on the map's background to guide your path. If you reach the door without all of your fruit, it won't open, and you'll lose a life. And just in case you think this might be completed rather easily once you get past the first few areas - there are about 50 stages to complete, and things get complicated quickly, with moving fruit, holes and numerous other obstacles quickly appearing. The game does feature a system to 'fast travel' to later levels once you've reached them, but saying Fruit Cart will be a formidable challenge is an understatement.