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Everything posted by Kav

  1. But it did have effect on me. Even though I wasn't going to post my issues, it still effected me. I felt it to be bad stuff, that other peoples problems got lost in posts, not specifically my own. I felt it was bad, hence my post became relevant.
  2. Here's the thing Sheikah, I'm not suggesting homosexuality is unnatural. When a friend tells me it's unnatural I tell them that if it was unnatural there wouldn't be homosexuality. It is natural, not in the context most people use it for, but it's evidently within human nature hence it being. Same-sex acts occur in the animal kingdom too funnily enough too, it is natural in a manner of speaking. So yes, gene splicing and cloning is natural as it's in our nature to learn develop and create such techniques.
  3. I'm not saying people can't change their opinions on things. It's just that I don't think people have to to behave differently. Also, we don't fly, we travel in things that are purposefully designed and built for flight. There's nothing unnatural in that. Also, survival of the fittest still plays a part in life it's just not to the extent it's meaning was initially coined for.
  4. Yes I realise completely, I agree with him in that, as I've said. I just thought his sweeping statement that anyone I'm the WBC was incapable of reason wasn't fair to say. Is this directed at people who are against homosexuality? I don't think it's fair to call them tools just because of that. If they act out and discriminate then I'd be ok calling them tools but not just casually calling them all like that. My friends that are against it aren't tools. One of my friends that is against is good friends with one of my gay friends, hell they were both friends prior to me becomin their friend. If the gay lad is ok with him being against it and the other is against but accepts that is who the gay lad is, what's the problem there?
  5. I was never going to post what's going on in my life here, I've got my own support network. But the triviality I felt of posts annoyed me so my posting about it was just in that I found it to be bad stuff, regardless of whether it pissed people off or not. People didn't have to respond.
  6. You say that but what's to say that you are correct? What's to say you are right? They have beliefs which they're entitled to, the beliefs themselves don't hurt anyone it's the actions they undertake which do. There's no overriding a "critical" way of thinking, it's just their belief which there is nothing wrong with. It's the actions that are I think are wrong. I've nothing against those that think homosexuality is wrong, in the same way I've no problem with anyone thinking it's fine. For me, I have no problem with homosexuality, some of my family and friends are gay and I've no issue either being so. Likewise, some of my friends think it's wrong and unnatural and it disgusts them, I've no issue with them thinking that. They don't act out against anyone so why should I? There's no overriding a critical way of thinking, both trains of thought are fine. It's the picketing and preaching that I don't agree with. Everyone should be able to form their own opinions on the matter. Which although difficult for their family, it's still possible, the daughter did. I just think in your sweeping statement that you weren't being as balanced as you tend to be, that's what I meant by what you intend to uphold. You try to be balanced given things you've said on other topics. I just felt this wasn't a balanced view.
  7. This is brilliant! Haha I'd not have posted normally but having learnt the error of our ways in the other thread I now see that it's fitting being in here as it's good to me and that's what matters. Haha
  8. Generally speaking I agree, it's just that with the statement you made, over-exaggerated or not, still isn't really right to say which is what you tend to uphold is it not? You can't just say that these people don't have the ability to reason.
  9. I'm going to get up and go for a morning stroll along the beach!
  10. In this respect Animal is right. In thinking that nobody in the WBC has the ability to reason I think that you're being too close-minded there Dannyboy, effectively giving up your ability to reason because of how you feel towards the WBC.
  11. With the Prem and La Liga we've got some great end of season on the go! I can't wait to see how it turns out, I'd not really want to put money on any of the teams in either league being champions.
  12. It's funny that as good as the game is people have been discounting it as a new IP released under Nintendo simply because it's "too Japanese". Please note I know Nintendo didn't develop this but given it's an exclusive seeing as MonolithSoft are 2nd Party, it's fair to say it's released under Nintendo's banner.
  13. It's something that was bothering me and so in that respect from, what you're saying, it qualified as being ok to go in the thread. I don't need to continually post it and continually deminish other's posts and so now I won't, so this is the last post I'll make of this ilk because I've finally got it off my chest. But it's unfair for people to deminish my post then too as it's something that bothered me. It's a bit poo because is it a bit of a catch 22 situation, but we should be at least be allowed to vent then? Just needed to get that off my chest too.
  14. Your post was almost open, it was simply until then that you closed it shut and made all that you had said prior null and void. I believe it to be your error. Had you not said that I would have wanted to reply but having simply said I should just get over it, what's the point? It showed no willingness from your side to actually discuss, so yes, it is all your fault.
  15. There was no going forward with it as your response was a simple "get over it". You yourself hadn't looked to actually converse and establish any actual meaningful communication.
  16. Don't go waxing lyrical about me calling people hypocritical yet not seeing that I had been myself then! This is the first time I'm not just disagreeing with what you're saying but I'm also seeing your posts as utter tripe that don't hold water. You're not actually reading what I'm writing and even listening to yourself in what you're posting.
  17. I thought you said you were reading what I wrote?
  18. And here it is, the funny thing itself! I can't go calling things trivial and yet my gripe here I'm told to "get over it" as if it's trivial itself. No care for any understanding or anything at all. Some forum members here make me laugh so much!
  19. No. It's good that there's not more actual bad stuff. What I'm saying is that people's bad stuff get lost in the sea of menial posts. As opposed to talking and helping each other with said bad stuff, following up and seeing how they are after having given support/condolences or something, the thread is awash with "someone annoyed me" or "I missed my train" or some trivial shit that can be forgotten about in a moment. ...and that's a funny comment coming from you Diageo. In so many posts I see you try to look at "the bigger picture" with a very open mind and try to understand all that could possibly be (even if I disagree with it sometimes, for example the Ian Watkins thread) and yet there you are not actually reading and interpreting what I had said. You will try to see a paedophile in the best possible light but yet here you are very shallow in your comment towards me. Funny.
  20. There are many different levels of badness, that I'm not disputing, but some of those that are posted are along the lines of "I stubbed my toe". It's crazy!
  21. I guess it's because I've been through some bad stuff myself lately and seeing some posts in here I just found it outrageous. Silly even. I'm not trying to troll or anything of the like, I just felt I needed to say it. That's all.
  22. Sometimes I wouldn't call stuff posted in this thread bad stuff at all. I'd simply call it "everyday things that happen to everyone but annoy me slightly". Sometimes people will post things that are quite bad and they may be posting to talk about these things but they get lost in a sea of such trivial matters that are posted... I do get how this post is trivial in a manner too.
  23. Just in regards to Pikmin... the Wiimote controls alone make Pikmin so much better, it would've been the perfect franchise to release on Wii.
  24. I'm sat in Mancheser airport waiting for my flight so I give @Blade a call. I'm chatting to him saying I'll keep tabs on the match whilst I wait once I'm off the phone to him. The match starts whilst we're on the phone, by the time I'm of it we're 3-0 up and Arsenal are a man (albeit the wrong one) down! Haha
  25. That's true, I just want him to catch up so we can talk about it, haha.
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