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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Episode 126 of Hunter x Hunter is how an anime episode should be! Perfectly executed!
  2. I've just got this horrible feeling that Nintendo have lost touch a little too much and E3 will be full of more games ala the "Wii" series to try and draw in those that bought the Wii in droves... which just won't happen again.
  3. New One Piece chapter... holy shit it's getting so good!!!
  4. Whereas I agree that the match was poor because we just didn't seem to want to go forward (which is crazy), you'd love your team to be in the semi-final of the Champions League!
  5. I reckon it's his elbow, landed hard on it.
  6. Because you head butted your 3DS to death over Mario Kart!
  7. I'm waiting to see David Moyes post here...
  8. I felt Moyes was Fergie's best signing after Eric Djemba-Djemba. They should go for Avram Grant or AVB! Haha Hahaha...
  9. He got to an FA Cup final... but that was it... he was perfect for Man United in my eyes, haha!
  10. #SaveMoyes
  11. Of course I am! :p
  12. Urgh... I'll keep hoping though.
  13. I doubt it, they've been helping Liverpool with their pens all season.
  14. I don't get the love. It had good action in it... everything else was utter tripe. An awful mish-mash of things which felt both rushed and poorly constructed... possibly as bad as Spider-Man 3. Hated it.
  15. There's nothing more to add from what Zechs said, he said it perfectly. I'm just at a loss as to how you can view things like that... I can't have anything to add because I'm so lost for words. Do you not get the meaning in the feeling of physical touch? I just, yeah, I'm at a loss.
  16. Sweet baby jesus... Mega-hype!
  17. @Diageo I don't mean this is any mock way and I'm not trying to cause offence or a dispute but I'd like to ask because I just want to know, do you honestly believe what you've posted? I just can't see how one would. @Zechs Merquise is completely right here!
  18. You've missed my point. My point is that if you can justify buying a WiiU once the big games are all out, why is it not justifiable buying one with the knowledge these games will come and yet it is justifiable buying an XBO/PS4 with the knowledge games will come and not having to wait until those games are out before it's worthy of a purchase?
  19. One thing that makes me laugh is the view that the WiiU isn't worth buying because of the lack of games... "when all the big games are out then it's a worthwhile purchase" etc posts. Then you've got the reply of "It's got the best line-up of the 3 latest gen consoles". Followed by "People buy the XBO/PS4 for the games that will eventually come out" Erm, first post moot much then?
  20. I'm just hoping we win the rest of our matches this season... that would do me just fine!
  21. People who call the WiiU last gen are last gen themselves.
  22. Mine doesn't work with a wall inbetween the console and itself, it must be 50cm away max. In the same room it reaches everywhere but if a wall so much as blocks the line of sight it gets interrupted.
  23. It's new gen hardware, just not new gen technology within the hardware. It's still fair calling it new gen. Just because I can beat up my nephews it doesn't mean that they're not the next generation in my family.
  24. I don't think it is unfair at all, they've released the sodding thing, they should have been releasing things that show why they've gone with a second screen. It's like you get a car but you can't drive it for two years... it's bollocks!
  25. You make a very, very good point there actually. As much as I love the Gamepad, the only use it gets out of me is Off-TV Play. The fact Nintendo aren't showing us why we should have two screens solidifies your point even further!
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