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Everything posted by Kav

  1. One thing that I think Nintendo missed the trick on with the Gamepad was the camera. The camera needed to be on the back of the Gamepad and should have been used with AR. Could you imagine Pikmin 3 having been played partially in your front room too with AR?! That would've been awesome!
  2. N64 Block Fort was such a good arena! About 95% of my time on MK64 was spent there!
  3. Regardless of those stats, I can't consider Koscielny better than any of the others because when it's come to the big games he's not performed and Arsenal have shipped a lot of goals whereas the others simply haven't. They're precisely the games you want them to perform in too! City are deserved winners of the title, they've just the right balance of attack and defence throughout their play. Can't argue against them deserving it.
  4. Voice-chat is a huge thing for me. Without it I'd not have made friends with and met @Zechs Merquise and @Blade. We've met a few times now and been out drinking a fair few times. We went out in Sheffield a few weeks ago and they both asked me the same question about voice-chat because I've been making a big fuss over it lately, to which I replied "If it wasn't for voice-chat, we'd not be here right now." It was such a simple thing to say but put my argument over perfectly. Voice-chat is one of the biggest things for me, I want to be able to talk to my friends whilst we're playing. In Mk8 I want to be able to ask "Who's in first?" someone will answer, let's say "Dazzybee" to which I'll respond "Here's a blue shell for you Dazzy, sorry man, haha."... I want to have and enjoy banter! For those that don't want it a mute option is easy to put in. That you can't even talk amongst friends whilst racing is fucking tragic. Mario Kart may well be a good game, but I'd have more fun on it if I could talk to my friends whilst playing and for a company that is supposed to be about "fun first" that's fucking idiotic!
  5. Nope, until they announce voice-chat in-game and not just in lobbies I've no faith in the in that area. The Smash Invitational means absolutely nothing to me, I don't care to watch it. If they were looking to embrace the community, they'd respond to our comments/questions on Miiverse and their social networking and not just ignore us!
  6. I've not suggested because of the sales figures. The reason I never suggested during the Wii's term was because I was hoping their next console would give us what we wanted. Online gaming came into the fore in such a huge way last gen, the Wii missed the trick, so I had hoped Nintendo would rectify it. The way Reggie sold the WiiU's online suggested it would be up to par... It isn't. It's that they didn't rectify their past mistake and they lied about it which is why I'm now calling for them to go 3rd/2nd Party.
  7. Serebii you're not getting it, it's not that the console isn't selling well, it's that it's outdated tech and Nintendo have outdated views towards gaming as a whole these days. That is the probelm, not that the console doesn't sell.
  8. It's not that I think they're in trouble or that they should do it for financial reasons, I don't care about that when I say I want them to go 3rd/2nd Party. My wanting them to go 3rd/2nd Party simply boils down to them giving us out-dated tech in their hardware and that they have out-dated views towards gaming/the gamers of today. For these reasons I don't want them creating anymore consoles. For me, they're still one of the best around at making great games that play brilliantly. It's their attitude towards online gaming and us gamers that play online that irks me. Not giving us full, in-game voice-chat in MK8 and I'm betting it'll be similar on Smash Bros. Not having key titles online that are multiplayer centric, Mario, Nintendoland... Pikmin would've been great online too! They create consoles that alienate 3rd Parties, in that it's not viable for 3rd Parties to release cross platform games on the machine because they'd have to spend more money than they would on a straightforward port. As a result we get droughts because they can't release games at a pace at which satisfies... when's the next big WiiU release after Mk8..? It's ages off! The lies they fed us before the console was released was a bit too much, I feel nothing but let down by them. "Online is the air that we gamers breathe. We want to give you as much of that air as possible.", "We have learned from our mistakes and we will have a release schedule of games so we won't have droughts like we have had."... the release schedule is dire and their online attempts are half-baked or lacking completely. They are no longer up to scratch as a hardware manufacturer.
  9. This. This is what I can't do, I honestly believe Nintendo are too stubborn and stupid to learn from their mistakes. They'd already said they had done and it's blatantly obvious they haven't. As a hardware manufacturer they're a distant 3rd best. As a game developer they're still amongst the best... I wish they'd concentrate on games only.
  10. Nintendo to announce they've been bought and are now 2nd Party to either Sony or Microsoft... the hardware teams will be integrated into the hardware teams at either place to help bring touches that improve on the consoles (controller design, console build quality etc) and the software teams have free reign to continue what they're doing albeit with the added bonus of a robust and well implemented online system to their multiplayer games. That's honestly what I actually want these days. Sad times.
  11. Alas, when will Mario Kart finally have a decent Battle Mode again... Battle Mode is the reason MK64 was my favourite Mario Kart. Gutted!
  12. Nintendo just aren't forthcoming enough with 3rd Parties. Sure they got better but they're still by no means as helpful as the other two when it come to their relationships with the majority of 3rd Parties.
  13. If I hadn't gone to simply do absolutely nothing I'd have given the windsurfing a go. It is a nice place I must say.
  14. You hadn't been using HDMI with the 360? No way man. Then I can appreciate the difference will be more noticeable for you. Obviously. It's why I said we'll likely see the difference being more noticeable with games shown at E3.
  15. The difference is not that great. Sure it definitely does look better, but a brand new game? Not in the slightest! Still come perhaps E3 we may start seeing bigger differences in games.
  16. City draw tonight, both Liverpool and City lose the last game and Chelsea win for the final twist in the season! Please god please!!! Haha
  17. You were actually entirely wrong Serebii. You said that the launch months of each console wouldn't be as good as WiiU. Whereas the WiiU has sold more currently than the XBO, the XBO sold more throughout it's launch months than the WiiU did throughout it's launch months.
  18. Zelda, Metroid, more of Monolithsoft's X, Waverace, new IPs with one being some epic tale... that's about it really.
  19. Same here actually, I have absolutely zero hype for this E3. None whatsoever...
  20. Episode 236 of One Piece, never fails to make me cry!
  21. So I guess I'll start it... who reckons CoD Advanced Warfare will/won't come to the WiiU?
  22. The funny thing is, we didn't die by the bus last night. In the first 40 minutes we looked in control and we were attacking. It was a couple errors that cost us and from the our heads dropped and we just played badly!
  23. Silly mistakes cost us today. @Wii you must be so happy, damn you! Haha
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