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Everything posted by Kav

  1. My WiiU is never on standby, it always gets turned off at the plug... I always turn off my stuff at the plug. This won't change considering I don't have my WiiU connected to the internet at all times. I use a wired connection but the wire isn't actually plugged in until I look to put the WiiU on.
  2. Frank Lampard has confirmed he's leaving Chelsea after having been there 13 years. What a Legend he's been for the Club, it'll be sad seeing him ply his trade elsewhere. 648 Games 211 Goals 3 Premier Leagues 4 FA Cups 2 League Cups 1 Champions League 1 Europa League
  3. I've been recommended the Dark Tower series, but this had put me off a little... although reading the comments on volume 2 I think I'll still give it a go. I know he's written many more books that are set in the same universe as the Riftwar Saga but I don't know if there's going to be a 4th book extending the saga itself. One of my workmates has read all Feist's books so he'd know but he's not in for me to ask.
  4. To be honest the champagne came out later that night! Haha
  5. Pretty much the only reasonable picture of us from the weekend @Blade... we're far too much a mess on the others, haha! I don't smoke so I'd not normally be a twat with a cigar but it was a celebration so needs must! Also, it's not urine in the glass, it's Jim Bean Honey, haha.
  6. Kav

    Mario Kart 8

    Sorry @lostmario I'm not one for the league... I'll see if I can join in every now and again though.
  7. Recently read Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, thought it was a beautifully written book, an absolute joy to read. Also read Magician, Silverthorn and I am almost through A Darkness in Sethanon, all of the Riftwar Saga by Raymond Feist... enjoying these immensely too.
  8. I guess it's just not for me then. I've seen plenty of videos of the top Smash players on Melee and it just didn't interest me in the slightest. I'd rather read a well written and explanatory hands-on and a few vids of average gamers playing it in all honesty.
  9. I'm just trying to help people not get over-hyped. Don't get me wrong, I do hope they announce some awesome stuff. I've just lost faith in them though, I can't hype myself for it no matter what. I just feel they'll let me down in more aspects than please me. @dazzybee their online may be vastly improving by their standards but by industry standards they're still behind the times and don't show evidence that they'll draw level to those standards. Constant E3 streaming is ok but only if they've got things to show that will draw in big interest. Last year they thought announcing Wii Fit Trainer as a character in Smash Bros was major news... The Smash Invitational... I could not are any less for this at all, why would anyone? I don't get it. Do you guys also get excited for stuff like the CoD Championships? If I'm not playing or it's not a preview/review why would I even care? I just don't get it. Also, we don't know release dates of games yet, there's speculation and guesswork but nothing is set in stone. Hell, look at Donkey Kong, that release was given to us, then put back months... anything could happen with release dates. The Gamecube pad adapter, unless they announce GC VC this is no big deal in the slightest. Also, of games announced I'm only hyped for Smash and X, not one other game looks that good to me... and if Smash doesn't have full voice-chat I'll lose plenty of my hype towards it. To me the console looks like a bit of a lame duck currently. Dazzy, I've not even got Mario Kart. I don't know when I'll pick it up, maybe next week, maybe so eying thereafter... if it had full voice-chat and a proper Battle Mode, I'd have bought it and I'd even joined the N-E League!
  10. Kav

    Mario Kart 8

    Get him joining the league, he can give @Blade and @Clownferret a little competition! :p
  11. There's "a bit of positivity" and then there's full-blown deluded positivity. Things may look better after E3 but for all we know, things could look worse. This is Nintendo, they did tell us before things like "We learned from our mistakes, there'll not be droughts going forward" and "online is the air that gamers breathe, we want to give you as much of that air as possible". I don't believe anything they say anymore.
  12. Fucking epic film! Fucking epic after credits scene!
  13. He is called Link, Nintendo chose to name him Link because he is the link. The whole his parents named him etc lark doesn't fit because at the time of a few games into the series nobody at Nintendo had given any thoughts to a timeline or piecing the games together and yet the character was always named Link. Sure it sounds silly now they've pieced together the games and made a timeline but still, his name is always Link, it has always been Link.
  14. Kav

    Mario Kart 8

    How long are lobbies generally open for between games?
  15. Ville..!!!! Nooooooo! Why?! Just... why?!!!! He should always be named as Link!
  16. How about a transgender Link, or a Link that's a hippopotamus?! Link isn't supposed to be "us". Link is simply an avatar through which we play the game. He was aptly named Link as he serves as the link between the player and the game-world. He's not supposed to be us in the game. Keep Link as he always has been... and don't be sacrilegious and name him something other than Link!
  17. This is how I want voice-acting in Zelda to be. It gives a sound to their voice which you can then interpret into your language. This, for me, is much better than having different language versions where the voices for the characters all sound so different! Whenever I heard Ganondorf's grunts I read what he said in the same sound of his grunts... it'd all be lost if some randon people talk and don't have that oomph because of the way they sound.
  18. Kav


    Saw it again tonight, still loved it!
  19. And the Hunter x Hunter manga is back too! Awesome!
  20. Are you kidding? Link and Colin were so gay for each other in Twilight Princess! No way are you saying this after bitching and moaning about the whole voice-chat complaints?!!!
  21. I don't think it'll see a significant increase in sales. I reckon MK8 would see 8 million max by the end of the generation... unless the console gets a dramatic reduction in price.
  22. Kav

    Mario Kart 8

    Morning? Me, wake up in the morning?! No.
  23. Kav

    Mario Kart 8

    So I guess I'm the only one picking it up sometime next week? I'm not in this weekend so I'd not bothered reserving a copy etc.
  24. It's very well done I must say, even if it is fake, would love him to be in it just so I can pound his face the twat!
  25. Kav

    Mario Kart 8

    I used to be one of them Serebii, but Nintendo are no longer defendable, they make shitty decisions/moves that alienate their core fanbase, I quit the Nintendo Defence Force and I now will raise questions and complaints where they need be raised.
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