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Everything posted by Kav

  1. I've countless hours myself on a 360 pad and the WiiU. I disagree with you completely. I'm not saying it's difficult, it's not difficult at all, it's just that it's more natural and therefore you've a better degree of fidelity with the analogue positioned in the natural position. The Wiimote is by far the best controller when it comes to FPS but Microsoft haven't adopted a pointer based controller. When it comes to designing a controller I've more belief Nintendo studied where was the most natural position for things over the others. It's certainly not at all difficult pressing buttons, no matter where they are on the pad. Ever since CoD: MW on onwards, after playing heavily on them I have wanted both analogues in the raised position. It's the best position or them.
  2. This is wrong, just completely wrong. Buttons do not require precision. You just press them. No intricate movements or anything required. The analogue stick requires intricate movements, quick changes in directions... especially for twitch gameplay. It's absolutely much more comfortable doing this from the natural position your thumb sits at... mirroring the left analogue. If this wasn't the case then all controllers would mirror the Dual Shock setup. It's only because there are a lot of games too that don't overly rely on the right analogue that it sits where it does on other controllers. Buttons are an age old mainstay on controllers, they're there as they've always been there. But for ease and comfort of control, the raised position of analogues is absolutely best, it's where your thumb naturally rests.
  3. Given that you never need precise movements for pressing buttons but you do for control over the analogue stick, then the most natural position is how it's set up on the Pro Controller. It's so much better playing FPS and 3rdPS with a WiiU controller because of this... really any game where you've extensive use of the analogue sticks. This is my biggest gripe with the Dual Shock controllers, their god awful analogue placement! Although the DS4's is better than previous iterations now they're spaced further apart and it's finally a comfortable controller to in your hand... they're still in a tripe position which then lessens that comfort.
  4. Wow, tonight was in complete contrast to the other night. I only got royally screwed in a couple races. Otherwise it was a decent night with @Zechs Merquise, @Clownferret and @Phube... I do wish there was voice-chat though, it would've been so much better!
  5. I think it's the weight more than anything. It doesn't actually feel flimsy. It's buttons and lack of analogue triggers aren't as good as the DS4's but I find the analogue placement far better on the Pro Controller, because of this I find it more comfortable than the DS4 although with the weight of the DS4 it feels more like a controller... if that makes sense?
  6. It is a fingerprint magnet that's for sure! From what I hear the general complaint about the buttons is for extended use where you're holding the buttons down, like on MK8, so I'm glad I've not used it for that. For just pressing them I've found it fine, I'm just no keen on the spacing between them, I'd like them more like the Gamepad's, a little closer together and closer to the analogue stick ever so slightly.
  7. I get what you mean in some respects. It's not as comfortable in the hand as the GC controller, but then again I'd say no other controller is either. Yet to say there's very little ergonomic design I'd say isn't quite right, it's a comfy controller still. I don't get the "the plastic feels cheap", it doesn't feel like it'll break or that it's flimsy or anything. It feels normal I'd say. I don't have any issues personally with the buttons but I've not played MK8 with the pad yet so I've not had to hold a button down for extended periods so I'll not judge this one. The triggers should be analogue but they're not. But as far as buttons go they feel very good to press, nothing wrong in that respect. The analogue stick position however, for me, is perfect. The natural pale for them to be for the hand... the reason I say for me is because I generally play games where I'm using the analogue stick much more heavily than the buttons so this is why. To me it's as good as the GC pad, if not as comfy. The buttons are ok for me, it's unfortunate that the triggers aren't analogue triggers but they're not as bad as the awful Z button on the GC pad. The analogue sticks on the Pro Controller are better and in a better position. Also, the D-Pad on the Pro Controller is infinitely better than the GC's. Both have pros and cons so I'd say they're as good, not one better than the other.
  8. The Pro Controller feels great, I don't get the whole "low build quality" statement.
  9. More games need to be like ZombiU that make deliberate use of the Gamepad disrupting gameplay for the atmosphere/tension, as well as things like in Wind Waker for the map/item management. I much preferred the Batman: Arkham games when the Gamepad was utilised as a map/item management... I'm gutted the WiiU isn't getting Arkham Knight, well done Nintendo. Still though, my favourite feature of it is the off-TV play... but that's not a selling point.
  10. The latest One Piece manga again carries on the brilliance of this arc.
  11. They were the races I had with @Blade, @Clownferret and @Phube I got constantly crewed over with items and bein hit multiple times in a row. One time in particular I got hit by a red shell after getting coins as an item. Then as I was tumbling another red shell hit me. Then again just after recovering another red shell. As I was tumbling again I got hit by a star and then bumped into and I fell off the track. I went from 2nd straight to las on the last lap. The next item I got was a mushroom, the two racers in front of me got 3 mushrooms. Not a chance! I backed out the race at that point, had enough of being screwed over that badly!
  12. Been watching a few Studio Ghibli films that I never saw as of late. Ponyo, My Neighbour Totoro, Howl's Moving Castle, The Wind Rises and my favourite, Princess Mononoke. I do enjoy a Ghibli film!
  13. If there was voice-chat and we could've spoke and had a laugh about it it wouldn't have wound me up so much because we'd be taking the piss instead and that's always fun.
  14. I have NEVER experienced a screwing over in ANY game like I have in this tonight! Fucking hell, I've never known anything like it!
  15. I kind of feel sorry for Moyes, he was a bit stitches up in comparison how Van Gaal has it. Woodward didn't do anything for Moyes when he joined and the fixture list at the start of the season was tough on him whereas for Van Gaal it's easy. Poor Moyesey... I wish he was still United's manager!
  16. Episode 12 of Knights of Sidonia was awesome, the animation during the Gauna battle was superb!
  17. I know Nintendo has a family friendly image but I stream porn through my WiiU and my projector... it's absolutely great... and not cheating (even though I'm single).
  18. Haha, standard. I've seen the first series and a couple episodes of the second but stopped as I was gripped by other things more... Breaking Bad, Sons of Anarchy and Line of Duty. Jon has read the books and watched the programme too and said he'd recommend me read the books before carrying on with the programme.
  19. Well I'll finally be making a start on the Game of Thrones books... I'm a little late to the party but I'm looking forward to digging in!
  20. You can get infections that can be very bad from even as little as plaque getting under the skin. I'd take a broken nose over that. The reason for the severity of the ban is because it's a repeat offense Wii. It's the third time he's done it. There's no excusing it... you're like Serebii defending Nintendo! :p
  21. My favourite was @Zechs Merquise's line "I would stick my tongue so far up your arse I could pick your nose with it."... the shocker is how it almost worked! Haha To be fair, I was launching the cheeseburger into the crowd haphazardly... she was just bound to be hit!
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