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Everything posted by Kav

  1. This thread is all kinds of amazing! Perfectly highlights the rank hypocrisy and bias of the Media!
  2. The BBC haven’t exactly covered themselves in glory this Election with their “mistakes” (bias) but the Tories have taken shithousery to new levels seen in British politics, so much so that even Facebook are banning Tory propaganda (fake news).
  3. Everyone needs to play Titanfall 2.
  4. Andrew Neil is a fantastic interviewer. He made both Corbyn & Sturgeon look awful... god knows what he’ll do to Boris if he finally agrees to the interview! Also, BIG news on the NHS... Government trade talks with the US that stipulate the NHS & drug pricing is on the table have been leaked, unredacted. EDIT: ah, beaten to it.
  5. I’m hopeful for a Labour Youth-quake Mk.II
  6. I do worry this too but with the numbers registering to vote I’m hopeful.
  7. The polls are weighted on a low youth turnout and a vastly higher elderly turnout than previous weighting’s. So I’m hoping for another youth-quake, but bigger than the last one. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/register-vote-general-election-boris-johnson-corbyn-young-people-a9214761.html ...but with the Tories being unchallenged in many seats by the Brexit Party, it’ll be very hard to boot them out in Leave voting constituencies.
  8. Tories: overcharged austerity thanks to Brexit fucking the economy. Lib Dems: endless austerity, but in the EU. Labour: 2nd Referendum, end to austerity and transformative policies with a Green Industrial Revolution. Others: Green are worthy of votes, SNP too to be fair, I’ll not even humour the Brexit Party. I’ll be voting Labour.
  9. Register to Vote Register by 11:59pm on 26 November to vote in the General Election on 12 December: https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote Full Fact’s GE2019 ongoing Fact Check: https://fullfact.org/election-2019/ Labour Manifesto: https://labour.org.uk/manifesto/ Lib Dem Manifesto: https://www.libdems.org.uk/plan SNP Manifesto: https://www.snp.org/policies/ The Green Party Manifesto: https://www.greenparty.org.uk/green-guarantee/a-safer-world.html Conservative Manifesto: https://vote.conservatives.com/our-plan Brexit Party Manifesto: https://www.thebrexitparty.org/contract/
  10. No idea when I’ll actually play it mind.
  11. Shit, I forgot to cancel the auto-renewal on this and I’ve forked out another £18 on it when I just don’t play online!
  12. The “Remain Alliance” are going to gift Tories seats and scupper the thing they’re after (Twitter thread)...
  13. Anyone watch the Chelsea vs Ajax game? It was mental.
  14. Yet another game added to the backlog that I will NEVER clear!
  15. @Fierce_LiNk Labour, throughout 2019 tabled motions for a People's Vote 4 times, it got defeated each time, there was never a majority for one in Parliament.
  16. A lot more than Brexit is riding on this Election.
  17. Loving the work Lampard is doing at Chelsea and the faith he’s putting in our youngsters, who of course are showing why that faith is warranted! With Kante, Loftus-Cheek & Rüdiger to return too... and once Reece James establishes himself we’ll only get better! Exciting times!
  18. I saw this and thought “ooooh new console time”... then remembered that I’ll have neither the money nor time to ever play it. Home-owning has been a right fucking money-drain!
  19. Any time you might feel it start getting a bit old just change weapon and it brings a new freshness to it. Next time you feel that give the Bow a go.
  20. Are people genuinely looking forward to Death Stranding? The more I see of it the more I think it looks like an excruciatingly dull game... Honestly, it’s beyond my comprehension as to why some people seem hyped by it.
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