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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Redshell i'm definately gonna have a match with you, gonna be fun! Hopefully they'll be no lag! Have no-idea who i'm going to be, but at the end of the day it comes down to skill...and you'll probably beat me! haha
  2. Has pencil/sword fighting been taken away from this? Cause it's not being mentioned much now, only that mini-game where you cut up a target?
  3. Nah this is Nintendo's big Xmas game for Europe. Expect it October/November.
  4. I can only think of a horror game using this to know when your getting scared? a fitness games to check your pulse and a relaxing game maybe? Anyway the more you think about it, the more opportunities it actually has! Just looks a bit surgical.
  5. I like it! haha
  6. Sony might surprise you..it's my beloved Nintendo i'm worried about...jeeeeez they have to pull out quite a show to top that.
  7. Owen

    PSP Go

    I like the look of the console, i like the idea i won't need to carry UMD's around and i like the idea it's even lighter then a PSP 3000! Just wish the choice was there for UMD playback though. I would have liked to trade in my old console towards it, but now i'm gonna have to keep it to play the games i've already got. and lower prices for psp downloaded games please!
  8. I was thinking that bout Wii Fit, supposadely it'll read your inputs better? I'm guessing (obviously) it just uses motion-plus..therefore the reason it's being called 'Wii Fit Plus'.
  9. Mine arrived today! It's pretty good, i think the £14.99 price was spot-on to be honest, i would have been a bit dissapointed if it was dearer as it's pretty old-school (which isn't a bad thing). I'll play more later!
  10. This didn't even chart in the TOP 40 in UK! I don't get it! I hope Nintendo don't decide to further slow-down on there beloved franchises and make more casual games which chart in top 10 for weeks on end.
  11. Could be a adventure game or a RPG i reckon! They have FPS and fighting covered now!
  12. I'm selling my gamecube versions of 1 and 2 and getting this..there amazing games which will probably be even better with added Wii controls!
  13. Looks excellent! Loving the fact that developers are now putting effort into making wii games look as good as they can....finally!
  14. Looks excellent and uses the motionplus! Another reason to buy that device as soon as possible! IGN are revealing another high voltage game tomorrow too! (or even today, i have no idea due to time difference).
  15. I'm so buying this game, looks like i may have to import it this time with no word of a European release! Looks scary as well, love Japanese horrors!
  16. It's excellent! Finally a game which is perfect to download! woop! That singing game may seem tacky (and will most probably get poor reviews) but i'm interested to see more about it!
  17. I played on this for about a hour yesterday and really enjoyed it, it's up there with Wii Fit, my mum said she prefers it, which surprised me! It just has more to do and is actually a fun way to exercise, using the balance board in games like In-line Skating, beach volleyball and basketball works really well! and i definately worked up a sweat! I'll be using it again today!
  18. I preordered this from PLAY! £14.99 is possibly the bargain of the century for this game! I remember playing some on PS2, really enjoyed it!
  19. Or you both grow-up and have to go your seperate ways! Eitherway i'm gonna be in tears playing this...but it looks amazing!
  20. I got it! Haven't been able to play it too much..but what i did play i liked i awful lot! In my opinion, it's better if you use the balance board..adds a bit more to the gameplay, but it plays like a dream.
  21. I'm extremely dissapointed that they have used two old games in this also! Golf is totally acceptable on Wii Sports and table tennis is acceptable on Wii Play, they really didn't need updating! Besides Golf MotionPlus is covered with Tiger Woods! Whats the next one going to be? Boxing? tut tut EDIT: It does look very nice, your right D_prOdigy.
  22. Owen

    IGN Tease

    Extremely violent whatever it is! Is that a new franchise?
  23. I'm getting a bit sick and tired of crap updates, how NOE can give us one of these stupid magic trick things each week and call that a update is beyond a joke! Wheres a shop download which uses the functions of DSi to show the reasons why i bought it?! Only the first week of downloads were very good, we're now over a month since release and nothing has come close, very dissapointed.
  24. Excellent Redshell! So professionally done! My score was awful, so i won't say...took me about a minute to realise one important factor! haha It's early, let me off!
  25. Oh brill! Thanks Redshell, i have a bit of time to check this morning, so i'll go play on it now!
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