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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I'm pretty good at keeping myself from buying things all the time even when I have money. However, when I then go to buy something, I often let myself go and end up spending a lot.


    Just recently I've bought wayyy to many things, and I'm pretty sure it stems from my boredom. Don't my school ever need substitutes teachers?

  2. I'm a pretty good judge of things for myself. If I'm unsure of something, I'll check around to see what other people think, and edumacate myself to help further make a decision.


    That said, Dude where's my Car was much better than I ever thought it would be.

    I just don't think people can say they don't like comic book movies at all because they disliked some of them. But that may not have been what you meant.

  3. Wow, it's strange thinking about the fact that I've been here for 3 years now. I think I joined the forums around the time when Revo-Europe turned into N-Europe. I had been looking for a good site for Nintendo news for a while and finally found out N-Europe (then Revo-Europe) was the place to go. I don't remember much from my first time here. I started off in the Wii Discussion and spent a lot of time in the Super Smash Bros. Brawl thread. After a long while I ventured into General Chit Chat and now spend almost all my time here with the occasional trip to the Creative Gallery and the good old Wii Discussion. N-Europe started off as a gaming forum for me, but has now become more of a general forum, and it's the only forum I visit. I have become quite attached to this place and feel like it's a virtual second home. If I've been away for a while, I'm afraid I've missed something, and I see a lot of the people in here as friends.


    Of all the things I've experienced on this forum, some things stand out:

    • Rokhed acting up and finally getting banned.
    • Jordan leaving the place due to heartache.
    • The holiday gags like renaming the mods and admins and the like.
    • Having watched the N-E Meet threads for the past two years and cursing the fact that I didn't live in England. Next year I SHALL and WILL be there!
    • Having had several heated discussions with different people, often due to my love for discussions.
    • Participating in the amazing forum games like Mafia, Forum Telephone, BISH, Mock the Week and Picture Caption Game.


    I know these maybe don't stand out much, but they are nevertheless some of the things that really stand out in my memory.

  4. having played Resi Evil too much and watched too many zombie related movies I've thought about this a fair bit.


    In fact I have two very real very sharp swords under my bed in preperation for such an event. Of course I'd try and find some gun supplies and keep any encounters at a distance but bullets are limited so you need a good sword for when ammo is gone and close combat begins.

    The problem about swords is that cutting the zombies will put you at great risk of getting zombie blood inside your system, which, depending on the type of infection, could very well cause you to tranform. Close combat is always more risky, so I'd pick bludgeoning weapons instead. The anatomy of a zombie is bound to be frail, so excessive strength should not be needed.

  5. It would seem Ellmeister has been cleared of the accusations. As such I apologize for my rather aggressive behaviour. Still, we have to follow the leads.


    I'll wait and see what Zell has to say, otherwise I believe he's our best target at the moment.


    Marcamillan makes a VERY IMPORTANT POINT in the last paragraph. A VERY IMPORTANT POINT. Especially today.

  6. Just to clarify, when Agent Smith is talking about humans being the cancer of the planet, they are talking about the actual Earth before the machines came to power.


    Regarding your quest, I admire you for doing it. I don't know if one man can change anything on his own. Statistics would probably say no. But if we never took risks, we would never get anywhere. So keep fighting for what you believe in. If nothing else, it's what makes you happy. :)

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