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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I know it's only day two, but, as things are going a little sluggishly, I suggest we lynch cube (unless he/someone saves his arse), and if he turns out to be a good guy, we can assume he was right, and Danny needs a damn good stringing up.

    Which I have. This has been pointed out several times:


    The writer was then approached by a long haired man, who started talking about the towns current state, by the time he finished, the writer had changed his opinion of something the next day

    This, coupled with Cube's PM saying "Not Good" instead of "Evil" or "Neutral", suggests to me that his investigation was corrupted. In fact, I'm going to say Withdraw Vote for now. I don't think Cube's evil, just misled.

  2. Listening to good music. It really awakens a happy, joyful, life-loving spirit inside me. Especially if I can dance along to it. Amazing.


    Watching a film with a happy ending, especially if it has some sort of great message like "love conquers all" or something equally sappy.


    The sun. It's amazing how the amount and intensity of sunlight can affect my mood in an instant.

  3. But it's clear that she wasn't the killer both times, so she's not a priority. Dannyboy is essentially two mafia members.

    She was never the killer, but she appeared both times, "guarding" the victim and "looking for witnesses", yet she never protected, and now she's reluctant to admit that she's the grey one. Pretty suspicious.


    Oh, and the little thing that I'm not mafia. We'd lose a lot faster if you lynch me. Of course, you'd probably have a list of confirmed townies, then, but will it be enough?

  4. This is just great. I am definitely good. I am the Old Spice Guy, and I can track people. Cube, you got that result on night 2, right? Look at the write-up:


    The writer was then approached by a long haired man, who started talking about the towns current state, by the time he finished, the writer had changed his opinion of something the next day


    I think it's clear that the long-haired man corrupted your investigation. Your PM said "Not Good". That it didn't say "Evil" or "Neutral" might be a hint that your power was corrupted.

  5. Yeah, I just don't like the whole "vote to pressure" thing, as it makes everyone seem suspicious and trigger happy. I prefer to only vote when I think someone's mafia.


    That being said, I'm going to throw in a vote for Cube since he has actually checked the thread and not responded, and that makes me suspicious of him. I didn't even suspect him to begin with, but now I do.


    Vote: Cube

  6. I think the intense dislike from some is simply a reactionary response to the (in their opinion) undeserved amount of praise it has received. I haven't seen it myself, so I can't comment on it, but I know even I have become a bit tired by the hailing of this film as the second coming, so I understand if some people hold even stronger negative feelings towards it.

  7. I'm not going to vote for Raining based on martinist's list since I know I'm good, but I'm going to vote for her based on the fact that she is reluctant to admit that she's the grey Pokémon in both cases. Since the grey Pokémon isn't distinguished from other grey Pokémon by a second colour, I think it's safe to assume she's the only grey Pokémon and thus the one present at both Chansey's and Kadabra's killings. A protector who fails twice to protect the victim and who won't admit she was present in both cases? I don't think so. I'm more inclined to believe she's a guard for the mafia, "looking for witnesses", as it said.


    Vote: Raining_again


    Oh, and regarding me backing up martinist, why shouldn't I? He confirmed me as good. It doesn't prove anything.

  8. People making nicknames out of real names.


    For example, a fair few of my friends refer to me as Stephy. It's not right, it's irritating and makes me feel about 2. I've mentioned it before, but people are too set in their ways to stop it and I think the next friend that does will end up getting kicked.


    It's the same with other people though, my friend likes being called victoria, her full name and yet people thing it's ok to call her all sorts of different variations - vics, vicki, vix, it's ridiculous. Just pay fucking attention, there are names for a reason.



    If people are okay with having nicknames, isn't it all good?

  9. Well, the grey Pokémon is not the killer in any case, but it appears to be a watchman or some sort, looking for witnesses. Whether Raining is the grey one or the killer, I don't know, and whether the grey Pokémon is evil or not is ambiguous as well. Is it coincidence that it has targetted the victim two times?

  10. Cube can't be the big-eared man if he targetted me twice. The big-eared man didn't target me on the first night, and he either targetted me or the writer on the second night. I'm thinking Cube may be the writer, because the writer is misdirected on night 1 and something "changes his mind" on night 2. I don't know if these will count as "fails" to Cube, but I don't know what else may be the case. What makes me wonder is that the same character doesn't appear to target me on both nights, but then again, we don't always hear who the characters intend to target.


    Anyway, as I said, I was roleblocked on night 1, and on night 2 I targetted Diageo, who targetted nobody. If he actually didn't target anyone, or if this result is due to ReZ roleblocking him, I don't know.

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