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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Check whoever targeted you in both write ups Danny, and whoever targeted you twice is Cube. Also Rez, he didn't even mention his role in that paragraph. Why do you want to know his role so much, that's not really necessary right now. Maybe his character first at least.

    Look above. The write-up doesn't mention the same character targetting me both nights.


    You said you were investigated by the writer. How do you know they investigated you, or did you just mean targetted?

    I simply guess from the write-up. It says the writer takes notes on whomever he targets.

  2. maybe at a very academic level, but why insist on entirely the opposite? In most cases, engaging critically with any entertainment worth your time is more enjoyable- and if it crumbles under analysis then it's shit anyway.

    Why is it shit? If you still gain enjoyment from it before you analyse it, it's not shit.

  3. Well whatever the film requires. What annoys me is this concept that engaging with a film fully is somehow counter to the experience you pay for. If I go to see a film I enjoy but with some pacing issues (Hallo, Watchmen) then discussing the structure of the film afterwards as part of my experience isn't being some kind of snob, it's just going to the cinema and thinking like an adult.


    I just don't understand how it became the norm to actively disengage with something you go and pay to see. It's crazy.

    The problem with analysing a film is that a number of people who do it appear to lose the ability to actually enjoy what they're watching in doing so.

  4. I am the good-looking man. I was roleblocked on night 1 by the red-haired woman. On night 2 I was investigated by the writer, but something happened to him that made him "change his mind", whatever that means. Either I or the writer was also watched by the big-eared character. Who of those are you, Cube?

  5. re: films.


    the idea that we should 'just enjoy the film for what it is!' and calling critical engagement useless or boring or somehow counter to the enjoyment of cinema is the kind of counter intellectual nonsense that pays Michael Bay's wages. It's insultingly stupid.

    I agree somewhat, but the idea that people should not be allowed to simply enjoy a film without going all analytical on is quite elitist, if you ask me. I hope you support both types of film watching.

  6. I don't think MadDog would do that though, so I think Smeagol might be onto something, perhaps someone can change the write up?

    I was thinking the same (that MadDog wouldn't do that). Chairdriver has talked about a ghost writer role in the past - a role which is allowed to add one paragraph to the write-up every night. But such a role would make everything extremely difficult to figure out, and it seems like a quite intricate role to include. This is MadDog's first time hosting a mafia, isn't it? I'd be surprised if he added such a role. I think a chameleon role is much more likely.

  7. People who over analyse films. Just fricking tell me if it's enjoyable or not!

    Those are two different approaches to films that do not necessarily exclude each other. As an example: I found Inception to be amazingly enjoyable. I loved it. Yet when trying to analyse it, I'm unsure if I found a bunch of plotholes, or if I simply didn't understand it properly. I so need to watch it again ...

  8. This write-up suggests to me that the three persons (suit guy, red guy and white guy) described as "friends" on night 1 aren't necessarily friends or companions. I think they just happened to target the same character. But it's a little confusing that there are two guys described as "suited".

  9. That would explain why you only had 6 votes out of 10 needed from the 18 players at the time when most of the votes were on you....


    But this is getting derailed.

    Because those people all believed me and fought vigourously in my defence ...


    But yes, you're right, this is getting derailed.

  10. How dare they?!



    I'm not mad or anything. I'm just tired of the hype around this movie.


    IMAX, as far as I can tell, is just a great big fuck off screen.


    It's about the height of a seven storey building and is slightly curved so that the screen takes up the majority of your peripheral vision. Put your nose about a centimetre from your monitor and that's how big the screen is, but without the blurriness. I think...


    The sound seemed better as well, though I'm sure some clever person on here can explain it better

    That sounds absolutely terrifying! :o

  11. I agree with Raining. But seeing as martinist has come out with something in my defence, it's obvious why they want to lynch him! [/grumpiness]


    Anyway, I think he's good, just confused about the game. If he's lynched and his allegiance is proved good, however, I hope people start trusting me.

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