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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Int-er-esting thread, especially that given that all of us are talking on an internet forum - does that mean we are more lonely IRL than others, and use this to fill the gap?

    I really don't think so. I don't go on here because I feel lonely, but because I feel like I've become part of the community, and I enjoy that.

  2. I won it in a competition from StreetsOnline (remember them? think amazon took them over) I had to answer a question, and do the usual tie breaker thing about how much I loved the Zelda games, which they must have enjoyed. And I got it through the post a week later.


    What pissed me off though is that they decided to open it to have a nosy, and then put little sticky pads on the box to reseal it, which caused the box to tear ever so slightly.


    Makes my piss sizzle to this very day! :(

    Out of interest, how much did you love the Zelda games?

  3. I had an extreme case of déjà vu in this thread. I think it was actually a déjà vu of a previous déjà vu. A déjà vu in a déjà vu. Déjà Vu meets Inception? Déjà vu.


    Anyway, these are pretty funny, though I agree with EEVIL, it would've been much better if they had cleaned up the sprites.

  4. I'm not fucking mafia, why would I claim to be Fox a good few hours after people decided that Fox must be mafia?! Wouldn't I just not say anything?!

    See, this doesn't work. In Pokémafia LifeLight, I revealed myself as my actual, electric, pretty-much-confirmed-as-mafia role and managed to gain trust this way. Coming forward and revealing your role to appear innocent can be quite an effective mafia tactic.

  5. If Nintendohnut is the devil I want answers. Specifically to ; Why did the write up say I targetted you. And if it was a harmless "you target one you get the other" then why not reveal it?

    If Moogle knew all along that his partner was evil, and if he didn't reveal it before, why would he reveal it then?

  6. So wait, you can actually confirm this, jayseven? I was under the impression you were only speculating about it before.


    Now I'm torn. ReZ's defence still seems pretty desperate and suspicious to me, but if jayseven can really confirm what he says, and provided he isn't mafia trying to cover for his partner, the confusion about who targetted who seems to have been cleared up.


    Change Vote: Paj Meen Ah

  7. Genres would be too annoying. Unless something is clearly within a genre, it would just cause confusion about where to post about the band/song/artist.

    I agree. Labelling music in genres can be difficult and could cause a lot of troublesome arguing over the matter.

  8. For the lol. + the fact we'd basically weeded out 2 horrible mafiosos in ReZ and Diageo so I figured we were doing well enough. / I was just bored, and kinda hated the fact I had such a "..." role. Considering Flex Mentallo is a stunning character.

    So you purposefully confused the write-up? Not a smart townie tactic if you ask me. But all right, let me ask you this: What did you change my appearance to last night?



    HA! I fucking knew it.


    I targetted Moogle which both Moogle and I confirmed, so how did God show up as The Devil? Constantly bearing in mind that Moogle was so reluctant to reveal his partner, and of course all the other stuff like changing his story etc.

    So you think those who target either God or the Devil actually targets the other one. All right, but why would Moogle/God be neutral and the Devil evil? I still don't believe your explanation for turning up evil.


    In fact, I'm going to say Withdraw Vote for the time being. I want to explore the different leads a bit further.

  9. Whoa, missed a lot here. Sorry. Wasn't online yesterday.


    From the write-up, my initial thoughts were that Luigi roleblocked Link with electrokinesis. It reminded me of my own mafia where Luigi was the mafia leader, tired of playing second banana to Mario, and could roleblock with his zapping karate moves. Also, the stars appearing makes me think that Dedede was the killer.


    While there is much confusion going on about ReZ, and while there is doubt about his role and alignment, his explanation is pretty unbelievable to me. It's simply too overpowered, and that makes me suspicious.


    Vote: ReZourceman

  10. Vote: Paj Meen Ah


    I targetted him, he targetted me. I assume I'm the one now described as a well-built man. It sure would seem he's the shapeshifter, and I don't see how a shapeshifter role would be anything but evil. I also love the fact that we have some other good leads:


    • It seems strange that the mafia would force the same person to vote for someone again. Unless the victim is now being made to vote for one of their own after we figured it out. Clever, but not clever enough. I suspect Coolness a lot now.
    • I'm also suspicious of Diageo with him being Shadow and lying about his role. I wouldn't be surprised if he was evil, and now we have someone claiming to have proof. Seems like a good shot.
    • ReZ is also in trouble. He might just have been wrong about Moogle, but he went to damn great lengths, and we only have his own claim for why he turned up evil. A claim which was wrong. The whole deal with God and the Devil is still hard to figure out, but I'd still say ReZ is a likely candidate for a mafia.

  11. ..try worst six months of my life :hmm: Everything I ever wanted was within my grasp and all of it has gone.. so.. not really sure where I go from here :eek:

    Only one way to go, my friend: Forward. :)


    Believe me... it's not quite as picturesque with 1000 more people cramed into that shot.

    I don't care. I don't care that there will be a shit-tonne of people. I don't care that everything will be steeply overpriced and commercialized. I'd still love every second of it.

  12. 073009_hpuniversal.jpg

    I ... need ... to go there ...


    If I was answering this question about six months ago, I could have written an enormous list of things I was looking forward to.. absolutely massive!


    As it stands right now, I see nothing at all :hmm:


    I believe it was Blue who told us "It's kinda funny how life can change.. can flip 180 in a matter of days.."


    How right they were...

    Hey, don't knock yourself completely out yet, okay? :) Remember, the night is always darkest right before dawn.

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