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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. The alignment being unknown may not even be moogle's doing. Its possibly part of his character what with inception being all confusing etc.


    Just thought I'd put that option out there.

    Oh, of course. I pondered that idea myself. But I still worry about the alignments of God and the Devil.

  2. He doesn't even know the answer to the question. I asked if Jays role changed or what it was before and he says he assumes he had one. In my eyes thats significant, but apparently not in anyone elses.

    But we already knew that jay was recruited on day 1, making it irrelevant what his power was before. And to be frank, I don't see it as significant. The only thing I think is significant is Moogle's and partner's alignment and win condition.

  3. Thanks ReZ. Despite the goofs twas an interesting game. I think the lack of investigators kinda surprised townies as they seemed very reluctant to vote on anything that wasn't direct good/evil information gathered from investigators.

    Oh I don't know, they were pretty willing to vote for me despite the lack of evidence! :D

  4. ::shrug: ::shrug: ::shrug: ::shrug:


    So because I'm asking him questions trying to prove to you all that he's lying, I am now trying to confuse everyone.



    I just don't get it. I've been truthful from the start, and his story has changed. I have nothing to hide, he clearly does and has even confessed to not revealing everything. I agree that this isn't getting us anywhere though.

    But even though his story has changed, it's still credible, and his not revealing everything initially is pretty understandable, especially if he's telling the truth. Besides, you're beginning to mix things up when interrogating him, making it more confusing. Like just now, Moogle had already told about jayseven and his recruitment, yet you kept asking about jayseven's power, making it seem like Moogle was resisting more than he actually was.


    Anyway, I believe pretty much everything Moogle has told except the alignments. That's the only part that doesn't make sense to me.


    I am a misdirector.

    You see my plan is, if Rez does nothing, the my power will fail, yet it should still appear in the write-up. If Rez targets someone, I will misdirect them, and we will know from the write-up that I didn't actually get Rez, and that he was lying. So we can lynch him. :)

    Wait, how do you misdirect people again? Because in my mafia, even if the target of the misdirector didn't target anyone, the misdirector would still force him to do so.

  5. As for conciousness, I'm kind of somewhere between eliminative materialism and it being something more emergent, though no idea what. I like concepts though. Concepts and modularity are good, even if they're just scaffolding for our understanding (which they may not be).



    I have no idea what you just said. :heh:

  6. Well, as much as I am a sucker for paranormal stuff, I really don't believe in it. I'm scientific at heart. However, I do believe we still have lots to discover about the brain and consciousness in general, and I believe there are still groundbreaking discoveries to be made.

  7. You say you like it, but if we had called a vote, you never would've gotten it. The forumites as a whole are afraid of change. I remember when everyone recoiled in horror when I upped the max avatar size from 50x50 to 125x125.

    Agreed. Still, as it has been pointed out, a bit too much just happened behind the scenes and according to the will of the übermembers. It did seem for a time like we were being ignored.

  8. That's a bit iffy. There has to be a consequence to majority being reached. If people just voted to pressure someone (who wasn't online yet or something), they should know not to get to majority before they come on/learn the consequences if they do.

    Agreed. Majority is majority. If it has been reached, the day ends.

  9. I agree with most in here. The music thread and HWYD should stay dead. They sucked the creative spirit out of the forums.


    PYP, UIG and FV didn't, however, and the closing of them has not added anything to the forum, only detracted. Thus I see no problem in them returning.

  10. Okay, so mafia is safe to assume ish is Ganondorf, Bowser, Wolf, Metaknight and possible Master Hand and Crazy Hand. Unless they are potential neutrals. Anyway.


    Vote : No Lynch

    I don't know, I mixed up the roles in my own Nintendo Mafia. We can't be sure that the "evil" characters are actually evil.


    Anyway, let the games begin!


    Vote: No Lynch

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