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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. The heck is a bank holiday?


    Anyway, might as well tell about my weekend, then. Went to a party at my "old" school (the one I graduated from a few months ago :heh:) Friday, had massive fun - it's the only place where you can dance to good music. Only one other place in town is good for clubbing, but it's filled with people who are quite frankly not my type. Didn't stay out too late because I had to get up early and help a friend of mine move into his apartment. That evening I went to town again even though I was already a bit tired, but I managed to stay out till about 6 o'clock - though I wasn't always entirely in the mood that night, especially not by the end. Too tired, I think.

  2. Just seems like you are making a mistake yourself, a quick decision, but when you think about it further you realise you made the mistake. All you, all one.

    You may think so, but that's not the case. What you describe is making an assumption, finding out it's wrong and then correcting yourself. The point is that when your mind tricks you, even though you figure out it's wrong, it still continues to convince you it's right.


    I don't think I can really explain it any better than this.

  3. You walk into a room and this girl looks at you, your brain tells you that she's has made eye contact with you because she likes you. Instead she hasn't its simply that your eyes met. Your brain tells you she's into you when really she isn't. If you thought rationally you'd probably realise that it was just a coincidence, but your brain has said "Mate you look damn good, of course that lass fancies you!"



    Something like that D-boy?

    Exactly. And it works the other way as well, where you dismiss a girl who's obviously coming on to you because your self-esteem is low and you think: "I'm a total loser, of course she's not coming on to me."

  4. I don't see how that is your mind fooling you.

    Because you're convinced of something that's not actually true. You might even be able to see that it's untrue if you think rationally, but you still feel like it's true because the part of your brain believing it's true is not the rational part of your brain. Without knowing much about how the brain works, I think it's the emotional part of your brain that is easily fooled.


    I suck at explaining this, and there are probably better examples, but the point still stands.

  5. How does your mind lie to you? You must have an evil mind, mine makes mistakes but doesn't lie to me. I'd notice if it was, it's my mind.

    None of those terms are accurate. Don't take them literally. But it's easy to get fooled by your mind. From something as simple as optical illusions to something as intricate as your perception of yourself, your brain can easily become convinced of something you know isn't true.

  6. Exactly, though if you could hold a whole swarm that way remains to be seen.

    Would depend on the source of electricity, the amount of power, how you actually manage to electrocute the zombies, how rotten muscle tissue reacts to electric current etc.

  7. The real threat of a zombie apocalypse isn't the zombies themselves, it's boredom. There's no point in holding up somewhere if you're going to be driven insane by ennui, killing yourself and/or other survivors.


    With this in mind I think something mobile, like an armoured convoy or boat, would be a preferable place to hole up as it would allow you to explore the land and change your scenery in relative safety.


    In more general terms I think ladders are a cheap, effective means of zombie-proofing. The brain dead don't have the required coordination to use them, and you could always run an electric current through them for extra protection.

    Also, regarding people's doubts as to whether electricity would be effective: Zombies may not be able to feel the pain, but the electric current would still create muscle spasms and thus hinder the zombie in its tracks.

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