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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Heh, that's the backside of the medal. :heh: Some people think this is a bad lie. Would reverse psychology convince anyone that I'd have come up with something more believable had I been lying? Listen, I was very careful in the other game when I was actually mafia. Would I have pushed so hard this time if I was mob? Don't you think I'd have been more careful?

  2. Yeah, go ahead, don't believe me. I don't get exactly why I'm suddenly so suspicious. I participate actively, I reveal my powers, yet I appear suspicious. I guess you want to know what Pokémon I am as well: I'm Purugly, and I look pretty darn fluffy and cute if you ask me! Anyway, if that's the way it goes, note those who voted for me. If no name shows up, at least you can trust those people. If not, start interrogating. I don't know if people should read anything into the fact that Staryu was mentioned by name in the previous write-up, but that might just be because its fate was sealed.


    What do you mean, know what Pokémon aren't mafia? We'll only know the name of one Pokémon. After last time I don't think that ReZ will make all the mafia as similar Pokémon this time.

    I mean that mafia goons won't vote for me now they know this. That way, if I am voted off, which looks increasingly likely, at least you can cross-reference both who voted for me and what Pokémon are not mentioned by name in the write-up. You'll get some info out of it either way.

  3. Hey, at least let me explain, all right?


    Listen, my power is that if I am lynched off, the first mafia goon to have voted for me will appear by name of Pokémon in the following write-up. There. Now, if you're still going to vote me off, at least you'll know what Pokémon aren't mafia.

  4. I decided to fully support the town after the mafia shot themselves in the foot early on. It kinda worked in my favour that no-one targeted me, it would have been annoying to explain I wasn't mafia.


    Good game, but it was painfully slow at times.

    I almost played this way in the first Pokémafia. I knew we had probably already lost, so I stopped caring and just tried to keep my secret hidden for as long as possible.

  5. I know my behaviour's been suspicious, and I would like to tell you my power. The thing is, even though the mafia knows I have an effective power against them, it stays effective as long as they don't know what it is. I know this sounds like a stretch, but it's true. Since I know I'm probably still suspicious, I will tell you my power if you want me to. It'll still be effective to some degree, though not as much. It's your call.

  6. A townie sussed you as evil, then you contradict what she said with some "passive power" defence that is so overused and very rarely true. Why shouldn't I be suspicious?

    But what did she base me being evil on? That I had no power. First of all it's not even true, and second of all I really don't see why people cling to old formulas of good and evil. We've seen ReZ shake things up in these games, and even then it's a vague theory at best.


    With Gizmo's new discovery, I'm inclined to believe yesterday was a failed investigation. It would makes everything fit pretty well together. Although Ellmeister is pretty aggressive right now, I don't think he's mafia.

  7. How coincidental that Raining says something about you and then she dies...


    Can you dispute what raining said the previous day?

    And obviously the mafia didn't kill Raining to make me look suspicious or anything ...


    It's true that I am a double vote with no active night powers. I do have one other passive power, but revealing it now would benefit the mafia.

  8. Danny you have to be gentle with these things, too soft or too hard won't get you anywhere. Unless you're with Ashley, he always tells me his clients aren't hard enough. TMI TBH IMO.


    But enough about sex, I just felt like it needed to be said since in other games you've been reluctant and yes I now you were pushing it earlier but ether can be taken as suspicious. You'll never win, its like "The Game", impossible to win...but I did just lose it :(


    I feel like I'm babbling nonsensical nonsense. Should probably go sleep.

    I know. It depends a lot on the circumstances whether I'm eager or reluctant to vote.

  9. I must say I much preferred Holy Grail to Life of Brian. But I've always been a sucker for Arthurian mythology, so ...


    Meaning of Life had some hilarious parts as well, though some of them were just disturbing.

  10. It's nothing to do with a lack of understanding, we as people all go through bad times and have terrible things happen to us that don't seem fair. I suppose it's down to your mental fortitude, whether you feel the need to carve yourself like a butcher.

    Exactly, and that's why I thought the tone was a bit harsh. Just because people don't have a strong mental fortitude, it doesn't mean we should think less of them.

  11. I experienced a small coincidence today. I was invited to the opera by a friend of mine, and in the program it mentioned both Aristotle's and Freud's theories about kartasis. I instantly thought of the discussion about letting out steam from the other day.

  12. That's great, Coolness! A truly awesome feeling when everything clicks! :D


    I've had a great day in the opera with a friend and his family, and generally I'm just feeling really positive at the moment. I feel like I can take on the world! :yay:

  13. I suppose it depends on how you look at it. He's backing the processes that govern the country and what each citizen is constitutionally allowed the right to do but it's not clear cut wether it's something he personally wants to happen and to be honest he's hardly going to come out and say it's a terrible idea.

    It's irrelevant what he feels personally. The point is that he's protecting the people's right to build it there and thus not being a prejudiced fool.

  14. I love this movie. It does everything an action movie should do. Regarding some of the scenes, they only added to this.


    First of all, the scene with Willis, Stallone and Schwarzenegger was brilliant, I thought. It served no purpose whatsoever except to bring those three together and have some fun with it. Worth the whole movie in my mind.


    Secondly, the subplot about Christmas' love life is also entirely pointless, but it's in itself a comment on action movies: We think there's going to be a romantic subplot, yet the next time we cut to it and we see Christmas beating up those guys, the movie just seems to tell us: "No, there is not going to be a romantic subplot. This is an action movie, remember?"


    The third and last scene is the one with Mickey Rourke. The point of this scene is that while they're mercenaries, they need to be likable, which is what this scene and its effect is about. I found this to be a great addition.


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