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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Nope, it means that I believe people do know right from wrong at 14 (although I have a suspicion he was probably older than that) so it still isn't really an excuse. I believe that the things we do in life, even from youth, define us. Don't get me wrong, people can change, but you have to ask yourself; how often do people change? Not often, my verdict.


    I often hear phrases like 'you learn from your mistakes'. But I don't believe that's always a good thing. Often you just learn that you're a bastard :p.


    Oh and Dazz, I wasn't having a go at you. I meant the people you were referring to in your post.

    I don't really disagree with anything you write here, it's just that I find your viewpoint very ... damning. Lacking tolerance of failure. Plus I think you overestimate people's ability to actually consider other people's feelings.

  2. It's reading something like this that makes me appreciate I was never a moron. :p


    I've always cared about and understood people's feelings and would never have done these things, whether I was 14 or 20. I actually think the people that do these things know that they're hurting people, but they're selfish and believe that being young permits them to act that way. But that's just me. Self-restraint from things you know would probably hurt others despite giving you a thrill ftw.


    Edit: Does anyone else find a post that I did further up (http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1194271&postcount=29) says "Thanks From:" but then is blank?

    So Murr admitting he did something nasty, yet having improved as a human being is not redeeming in any way? "Once a bad guy, always a bad guy"? Few people are perfect from the get-go. We improve as human beings through trial and error. Your viewpoint seems a bit narrow to me.


    Yes, I get the blank "thanks" as well.

  3. I agree very much with Dazz here, I read nothing boastful in Murr's post. "Then why even post it?" doesn't hold water here - it's a thread about this sort of stuff. I actually admire Murr's ability to come forward and stand by it. Admit that he did something nasty, but that he has moved on since then. Where would we be if we couldn't admit our faults and improve as human beings?

  4. I get a thanks from Rez

    This is no feat, though. ReZ thanks everyone. If he could thank himself, he would. Facebook is proof of that. I even suspect he might thank this post.


    I have now reached the point where the word "thank" has lost its meaning and become a strange sound.


    As in the theme would be Mafia VS Town, with normal kind of roles like standard roleblockers, protectors, investigators, trackers etc.

    But Vanilla also means that all the complex roles have been removed. I was wondering if that included the investigators and protectors. Some people prefer it that way, but if it's not real-life, I don't get how the game ever gets anywhere when there's nothing to discuss or go by.

  6. I really should run one of these again but that'd mean people needing to be on IRC... :heh:




    Man, I'd be up for playing a Vanilla Mafia game. I ran one after getting irritated at how complicated and intricate the other mafia games were getting and fancied something basic. It was good fun!

    Say the word and I'll be there. ;)


    When you say Vanilla Mafia, do you mean completely without night powers or with only investigators and protectors?

  7. I, too, think the jokes are a bit harsh. Not that I think there are things you can't make fun of, but the jokes posted seem to express a lack of understanding for the people involved. Not everyone is mentally strong, and you certainly have to be to cope with the things life throw at you sometimes.


    Personally, even though I have experienced periods of sadness (I won't call it depression, that's too heavy a term), I've never felt the need to self-harm. That's just not an option in my mind. I'll rather deal with my issues and attempt to solve my problems. I don't think transferring the focus from mental to physical pain would work for me, anyway.

  8. I love summer for all the obvious reasons, but I agree wholeheartedly with you regarding winter, Murr. Very nice descriptions as well, I could almost feel it. :)


    Another type of weather I love that's luckily not seasonal is rain. Especially heavy downpours when you can just sit indoors with a nice cup of cocoa and a good book and listen to the rain outside. Sometimes it's even lovely walking outside in the rain in only a t-shirt and some jeans. Just the sensation of the rain on your body, soaking your clothes - wonderful! This works best in the warm summer downpours, though.

  9. I once was in a daily routine of brushing my teeth morning and evening, but I still had a lot of holes in my teeth. I slipped out of the routine, and bad conscience has now made me brush my teeth very thoroughly when I get around to doing it. The ironic things is that I now suffer a lot less from holes.


    When I was a kid, my upper teeth were 9 mm in front of my lower teeth, so I had two upper teeth removed and then got braces to push them back into place. At this point I had already had a tooth removed because of some infection underneath it (painful!), and it took me quite by surprise that the tooth was out before I even realised they had been pulling it. It was a kid's tooth, so no missing teeth there. However, the two teeth I had to have removed for my dental correction were grown-up teeth, and while there was still no pain (thank the heavens for anaesthetics), it was not a pleasant experience to feel and listen to pieces of your cranium being pulled out.


    Anyway, I got my braces (the pain when they tightened them was unpleasant to say the least) and even had one of those elastic belts around my neck to further pull my teeth back. Afterwards my teeth were actually very pretty, and I got little metal threads on the back of my teeth as well as a retainer that I have to sleep with to prevent the teeth from reverting to their original positions. Unfortunately my teeth seem to be slipping ever so slowly back. I just hope it won't end up looking too bad.


    In general I'm not fond of the dentist. Just the whole procedure of having hands and plastic and metal equipment in my mouth is not my thing, and I just HATE pain in my head and teeth. I think one of the most intense pains I've ever experienced is the pain when they inject anaesthetic fluid into my gums. Holy [----------CENSORED----------] it's painful, and yet even when half of my entire cranium is completely numb, I can still feel it when they hit some nerves in the hole they're fixing!


    Still, it's not like I have a fear of dentists. The ones I've met have all been nice people, so at least I feel safe around them. I just hate the pain! >_<

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