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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I think he means a mafia game where communication isn't limited to the thread. Mafia members are already allowed to communicate outside the thread, but not townies (some roles are an exception, for example SPAMBOT's and my Plusle and Minun roles in an earlier Pokémafia game).

  2. So I thought I'd just bold bits I'm interested in/ think I know now.


    Diageo who did you target? Danny-boy, who did you watch?

    Blue majestic pokemon should have some info?

    It seems to me a green pokemon is evil?

    Dan-likes-trees was roleblocked?


    Anyone agree/ see it differently? Once again just being pro-active.

    As mentioned above, I targetted Rummy last night. I'd assume I'm the big, yellow Pokémon.

  3. Also people not playing/ saying anything really are the bane of the mafia games.

    This. It truly is annoying. Granted, it's always slow in the beginning when there's not much info to go by, but people need to get talking and sharing info to really get the game started. That's why I'm loving the current Pokémafia - suspicions and accusations are flying all over the place, and various theories are being discussed. It's great and exactly how a mafia game should be. :D

  4. Dannyboy, I'm not sure why you would be an electric type that isn't a mafia member and it instantly makes me suspicious, despite you admitting it openly. Who have you targeted so far and what has happened? Sorry if you've already come out with your info and I've missed it but at this point it's useful to share anything you have with the town as the mafia already have a list of targets that's pretty long.

    I know I seem suspicious, but I have no idea why all the mafia members have so far been electric when I am an electric townie. It doesn't seem like ReZ's classic Pokémafia setup, but I guess he's trying to shake things up a bit.


    Anyway, as for my targets, they are as follows:


    Night 1: Rummy - He targetted no one, which makes sense if he's telling the truth about only having a passive power.

    Night 2: Nintendohnut - He targetted Jonnas.

    Night 3: Rummy - I seemed to be blocked by a strange aura.

    Night 4: Nintendohnut - He targetted Jonnas again.

    Night 5: Rummy - He targetted no one again, reinforcing his claim that his power is passive.


    Looking back, I must admit I didn't realise I had targetted the same two people every night, but I guess it's due to them being very active and thus interesting to follow.

  5. The last few times when I've been on stage in a play. Just everything about it, from the rehearsing to the actual performance to the close relationship you gain with the people you work with. It all culminates during the play, both the premiere and the final showing. The most ecstatic moment is when the play has just finished for the last time and you go out on stage, everyone hand in hand, to meet the applause of the audience.


    The day I finished my final exam, the day we all graduated and the following days of celebration with the class. Damn, I'm getting teary-eyed just thinking about it. Those few days felt like the culmination of the three best, most significant years of my life. All the classes, the subjects, the hard work and the sweat; all the lunch breaks in the auditorium and the pauses in general; the fear of exams and the stress of all the huge assignments, and then the relief and satisfaction when we came out on the other side, still alive and perhaps just a bit wiser. I can't even begin to express with words what the past three years have meant to me, but they will forever remain in my mind as some of the best ever, and the few days of celebration with the class after graduation will always stand as the symbol of that part of my life.

  6. I remember seeing all the original stuff when it happened but all that extra stuff is just weird as hell.


    That program was just creepy as well! Especially when they showed the woman looking out the window then later mention her sister may still be in her head and it flashes back to her looking out the window but this time her sister is there watching her.

    My thoughts, exactly. It truly is frightening how such mental illnesses work. It seems to me as if they suffered from a combination of the two diagnoses mentioned.

  7. Have only had one girlfriend and thus only one break-up. I was more or less the one who ended it, but it was obvious to us both that it wasn't working, and we had both expressed that "we needed to talk". We were just so different. The only thing we had was the initial excitement of it all, and since there was nothing left when that disappeared, there was nothing to build the relationship on. She seemed a bit torn up at the time, but also seemed to get over it quickly. We're still friends, so all's good.


    There is one other case, though, which is the most interesting of the two. There was a girl with whom I had flirted for a long time, but we never got in a relationship because she felt there was no spark. Later on I've realised we'd probably never work as a couple, anyway, but she has since become one of my nearest friends. She's not among those with whom I hang out most often, but she's certainly the one I've had the most personal conversations with about our individual issues, fears, worries etc. She has really been there for me, and I hope she feels I've been there for her, too.

  8. I find boredom is generally a result of a lack of effort on my part, either in something I'm currently doing or something I ought to do. The best enjoyment comes from things you work at.

    I agree with this. If I'm bored, it's because I'm too lazy to actually do something about it.

  9. What does everyone think about shoes? Shoes, trainers, etc.

    I must admit that fancy shoes are something I have a weakness for. I'm not fussed about trainers, but a nice pair of gentleman's shoes - oh, yes!


    I always admire people who wear fancy underwear. I personally wear the cheapest, most awful stuff you can imagine.

    Underwear is all about comfort! If you get to the point where underwear is exposed, underwear ceases to be of importance.

  10. See, this is a theory I like. Let's review what you're implying here:


    1-Plusle&Minun are electric, and since they killed, they're probably mafia;

    2-They attacked at the same time. It seems not one them was the real killer, but both of them were. Strange, right?;

    3-The theory that makes sense is that Plusle&Minun is a single character (like the Ice Climbers in Melee). Possible, likely, even;

    4-What kind of power would a 2-characters-in-1 player have?


    You see what I mean?

    I dunno, in an earlier game, SPAMBOT and I were Plusle and Minun, respectively. We were protectors, and on our own we could protect from nightkills, but together we could protect from anything.

  11. Essentially, you've taken over Jayseven's role, Dyson. On night 2, I investigated him and presumably his power, or part of it, is that no one can investigate him during the night phase and as such, as flash of light rendered my power useless. Presuming that Rez hasn't given you a new role and pokemon, it's more plausible that you've simply picked up J7's role and thus would now be source for suspicion based on what I've experienced so far, as a 'flash of light' seems to be something that would be reserved for an electric pokemon in this style game.


    That and dan_likes_trees put forward some evidence along with Raining which would suggest you were a yellow dog, linking you to the electric mafia theory.




    Now that Dannboy the Dane has come forward as Raikou, we're in an interesting position. Could be a bluff to get people off of Dyson's scent or it could mean that both are mafia. Yellow dog could refer to Jolteon at a push if we think about it, as well as Raikou so essentially we could have two targets here.


    But Dannyboy's coming forward does seem suspicious in the light that there's been movement on the Dyson front. Coincidence or not people?

    This is one and the same thing, not two different scenarios. Why would I draw attention to myself when Dyson's the one under suspicion? I'm trying to make sure he at least isn't lynched on false evidence, hence why I came forward to clarify that I am Raikou.

  12. Dan what did you do last night?

    You mean me? Well, I've not been able to come up with much. I'm a tracker and can thus find out who people target, but I haven't found out anything interesting yet. I can share my results if you'd like.


    Also, I know it won't put me in a good light, with someone already having suspected me before, but I think I should clarify: I am Raikou. It does seem odd that the mafia appears to be all electric when I am not, and I don't know about Dyson's allegiance, but unless there are two Raikous in the game, he isn't a Raikou. Perhaps ReZ is trying to mess with us by shaking up the template of one type being mafia, I dunno. I do know that it's not exactly nice revealing myself as an electric when the mafia members revealed so far have turned out to be exactly that, but I've figured that coming clean is better than causing more confusion.

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