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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. If Gizmo is of this opinion, I shall wait as well. I know I was very aggressive before, but my mind has been changed over the course of this debate.


    Withdraw Vote


    (I know, I know, "You're retracting your vote now that we suspect you, thereby confirming you're mafia," yaddah, yaddah, yaddah. No. I'm just confused and unsure of what to do. Had I hesitated too much, you'd have accused me of being mafia as well.)

  2. If the opponents of this project truly succeed in preventing the construction of a mosque here, it will be the ultimate failing of ethnic sensitivity. Saying: "You muslims can't build your mosque here because muslim terrorists attacked this place" is effectively saying: "Muslims and muslim terrorists are one and the same thing."

  3. Before I inevitably die tonight I'd like to say that when it is revealed that we're good I'd like to point out that the ones acting most like mafia are Gizmo, Maddog, Martinist and Dannyboy.

    To be fair, we're really not. We're going by an investigation, probably the most effective power we townies have when it comes to revealing mafia members. In our position, would you behave any different?


    Danny. Could the second minion in the write up be a roleblocked killer? Hence one killing last night (assuming there is a mafia killer).

    I really haven't thought that much about it. Coming up with too many complex theories is a bad idea if all we're going to do is speculate.

  4. I received a pm saying


    Ellmeister, you are . A townie.


    MoogleViper, you are . A townie.


    It then gave us our roles. This pm was sent to both me and Ell.

    But couldn't this be ReZ making you believe that you're both townies when actually, Ell is a mafia in disguise? I'm pretty sure I've seen this type of role before.


    Anyway, I still stand by my vote. It's the most fool-proof way to figure out what's going on.

  5. (double post)


    It seems that two information gatherers have come forward. In the writeup it mentions a "minion" taking notes on the large Blue and Purple. Does minion automatically mean mafia or is it a broarder term?

    See, I've been wondering the nature of these minions myself. My guess is that at least two people can investigate, but they do so by sending out a minion, making it impossible to track them - notice how the write-up says it was lucky that the spotted minion was just a minion.

  6. But in that game everyone started off saying that it was a mafia power to have, it's a bit of a false dichotomy to just be saying 'Oo, it's definitely good now because it was last time!' when last time, no one believed me! I will however, once more believe you...for now. Do you by any chance happen to be Shiny, also?


    Given what Gizmo's saying and that people are agreeing, I guess I'm gonna go with Vote: Ellmeister.

    Now, I never said it is definitely good now because it was last time. That's silly, I agree. I simply said that suspecting me because a double vote is usually a mafia power doesn't hold water because, as demonstrated, double votes are not necessarily a mafia power.


    Anyway, Moogle's intervention complicates the case a bit. I really don't see why Gizmo would be lying as he would be found out soon enough if he pulled this trick more than once. Of course, if he is mafia, he might just try to score two kills this way, one "mistake" to figure out if his power works, and then a lie in the end when we think we can trust him and he makes us kill off the last townie (I did that myself in a previous game when I had gained the town's trust).


    A good/evil partnership is an intricate role, but ReZ did say he would spice things up this time around. I don't really know what to think. For now I'm holding on to my vote. I'm willing to take that risk.

  7. I'm not really sure is this will ever compete with the original GoldenEye in my mind. There's just way too much nostalgia associated with that game. One of my all time favourites. One of the games I return to regularly and still love just as much. Still, the remake is looking better and better, so, as the GoldenEye fan I am, I'll naturally have to pick it up.

  8. These are brilliant, ReZ! :D I can't be bothered to actually find out exactly why, but these work much better than any Comedy Rainbow episode ever did. I'm sure some of the other KNEE'ers will have theories regarding this. All I can say is that I'm looking forward to the next! :D

  9. If venting = feeling better, then a pattern can emerge where one vents about anything just to feel better rather than addressing the issue which causes the vent..?


    I think venting is important most when you have ears for it to fall on -- and not just nodding, agreeing ears but devil's-advocate ears that offer fresh perspective so that you can learn to cope with an issue that is causing frustration by actively looking at the situation in a different light as it happens rather than needing to vent in order to process.

    Exactly. You should vent only as a means to help yourself focus on actually solving the issue(s). Venting just to vent won't get you anywhere, but rather keep you trapped.

  10. Stereotypes exist because they're easy and make life easier. They're here to stay.


    If you want to combat the negative ones then you just have to put the effort in to point out how ridiculous they are rather than being bullied into being ashamed about things; this gets progressively easier the older you get.

    Yes, stereotypes definitely exist and make the world easier to deal with. In that regard they're fine. However, people should seriously learn to treat them as such instead of as actual truths and rules of conduct. So most guys prefer action films. Fine. It's often the case and thus to be expected. Some guys prefer romantic film, though, and that's fine all the same.


    However, when people start spewing bullshit like "real men do this" and "real women should do that", it truly pisses me off. What is a "real" man/woman, anyway? Is the presence or lack thereof of a Y cromosome not enough to settle that debate? Can't we finally get to the point where we bloody accept that we're all different individuals?

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