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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Heh, first lesson: don't believe everything your mind says...It lies a LOT, but you can't see this until you take a step back first...which just takes practice. If you have spent your life thinking nonstop, you cannot expect to detach from it in an instant either...but gradually, it sure is possible.


    Again, there's a difference between active and passive thinking. Even if you stop thinking (active), the mind will continue to push out random thoughts (passive). This is completely normal...All you need to do is just witness and let go, again and again...

    Haha! Trust me, I know! My brain has tried countless times and continues to try to fool me. :heh:


    Well, when I try to sleep, I'd say my thinking is primarily passive. What you're saying I should practice is just letting these thoughts happen without thinking actively about them?

  2. It would be pretty funny if a leviathan the size of a thousand suns decided to waltz into our solar system and flick our planet into oblivion. Thousands of years of pointless history and a billion years of evolution, and poof. It's all gone!

    Shit happens in the purest meaning of the phrase.

  3. What kind of focus you do mean?


    In regard to content, the mind does indeed spew out all kinds of thoughts...and non-stop. And since a neurotic mind values thinking so much, it latches almost automatically to any thought that happens to be present...




    Have either of you ever tried meditation? Find a comfy position sitting or lying down and just let the mind be...letting go of thoughts and active thinking, even for just a moment...

    The focus could be a programme on TV, a topic for my thoughts etc. The point is it should neither be too boring nor interesting.


    I have never tried meditation. I don't think I'm able to stop thinking. :hmm:

  4. Yeah, started to wonder about overthinking when I saw your previous reply...Do you have trouble falling asleep yourself? I mean even though I suffered from neurotical thinking myself, I never had trouble with sleeping...probably had wasted all my energy thinking during the day :D

    Yup, I've had trouble falling asleep for many years now. When I go to bed to sleep, my thoughts keep going around. Unless I find some sort of focus that won't keep me awake, but will stop my thoughts from running amok. And while these thoughts sometimes circle around issues, they are also often simply nonsensical thoughts. I think it has a lot to do with me being autistic.

  5. You're confirmation seems to suggest either:

    - you targeted the white dressed man or good looking man, or;

    - you know either or both of them, or;

    - you know one of them and by chance targeted the other, or;

    - I forgot the most obvious option, you are one of them.

    You are correct. I don't know if I should reveal which of these is the case?

  6. It seems to me that a zombie apocalypse would be somewhat easier to survive. Machines, if they're like what we've seen in The Terminator and The Matrix, are quite a lot more deadly than most zombies and much easier to destroy. Plus it'd be funnier, I think. :heh:

  7. I actually overlooked this. This would imply either: he targeted either of them; or he knows one or both some other way (or even he knows one and targeted the other by chance). My hunch is he's one of the 3 friends.

    Sorry, I'm being a bit slow. Who do the different pronouns refer to here?

  8. Ah. Sincere apologies. It is meant to be squared. Originally I had it in superscript but that was seemingly lost during various acts of copy+paste from here to my notes and back again. You can both have two points because, in a sense, you both solved separate questions fully.

    That's very generous. Thanks. :) Do the N-E boards even support superscript, though?


    The fish: Technically, I still answered in the wanted format. Many of these questions have trick answers. But I see your point. It's up to Shorty.

  9. No, I meant the mind is probably just overstimulated and would need some rest during the day, so it wouldn't totally erupt at night...

    Hm, I see where you're coming from, though I'm not sure if it's true. My mind works overtime whenever it gets an opportunity. It's irrelevant whether I have issues on my mind or not, my mind always finds something to occupy itself with, pointless and nonsensical as those thoughts may be.

  10. It would indeed seem like Diageo is the suited man, then. It's a bit suspicious that he claims not to be, then, but I'll see what else comes up. ReZ wanting to vote Dyson off is not suspicious at all to me. We've all seen how much ReZ cares about these games. He hates inactivity.


    No sorry I'm not unwilling, I missed this page and your post. Its because I didn't realise who I was in the write up, then I realised and thus from what Diageo said I now realise who he is in the write up - the suited man who was with his friends.


    (I said "I didn't realise who I was in the write up" what I mean is, I didn't realise I appeared in the write up....and well technically I don't but what I do did...) :p

    So ... The fish is right about you being a cockring? :p


    And how do you figure Diageo is the suited man? He says he doesn't appear in the write-up.

  12. Well, people are different of course...some fall asleep very easily, and some do not. Sources of agitation differ as well...Anyway, if you have trouble falling asleep due to a restless mind, it's a sign to have some breaks from whatever it is that you're doing during the day...Ignoring this with e.g. music is just a distraction, and will not solve the underlying problem...the mind's need for rest.

    Um, are you saying that people who have trouble falling asleep due to heavy thought activity have issues? Or what? I'm not entirely sure what you mean.

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