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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane


    It was just an assumption on thinking the writer is Castle and Cube loves Castle which he has denied.


    I am however interested in Diageo. As in I may lynch if he doesn't show some info soon.

    You seem unwilling to answer why this is. Do you have some info that makes you suspicious of Diageo?

  2. Ah, that that clears stuff up then ;).


    Edit [00]:

    And a general question (again, you'll probably get more of those as I'm the n00b here :P);

    trackers, they send in a player's name of who they want to know their targets of. Do they get another player's(=target's) name in return, or that player's (=target's) characters name?


    Edit [01]:

    My interpretation, breaking it down:



    Speedy dark character seems to be able to change targets. Dark reference may simply be an attribute of its appearance, or hint at mafia member? And even though he was not his intended target, the writer knows something about the tattooed man.


    The first attack of this night. Since the attack was "brutal" this may be an unsuccesful mafia hit. Then again, this can also be a vigilante. The fact that the tattooed man survives is noteworthy.


    It seems someone chose a Ferengi as a character :D :P. The Ferengi looks like a tracker to me. This is why I want to know what kind of reports you get as a tracker. The Ferengi knows something.

    The middle paragraph of the write-up confuses me a lot.

    "The suited man AND his friends". This seems to be a group apart from the mafia. Not only that we still have the group of 2 people from the prologue.. Unfortunately this group of 3 people was very unsuccesful this night, so we don't know what they were up to. Although what I also find strange, all THREE of them seem to be heading out to do ONE action?? Or they chose to all target the same person? In which case they probably can't kill, so they're either good or neutral. The suited man in particular here gets roleblocked, I'm a bit confused about this part if this depicts 2 actions or one, if this is the woman wearing green drawing him in WHILE watching (suggesting she was not just roleblocking him, but perhaps there was more going on?), or, if the woman wearing green is just watching him, while someone else unmentioned draws him in with the small circle. I'm inclined to believe this is one and the same ability.


    Eenuh gets to bake a pie before she gets killed.


    Again confused, I'm not sure if in the write-up "the man dressed in white" and "the goodlooking man" are supposed to be the same, but I'm inclined to believe they are. In which case, this here is the last friend of the suited man, also getting roleblocked. We've seen 3 roleblockers this night, since Eenuh died, it's more than likely one of the others is evil, and one neutral.


    Eenuh is pushing daisies. Since this is the second attack, it's more than likely one is a mafia member, but the other a vigilante, but which one is which?


    I find that gang of 3 intriguing, eventhough they didn't get to do anything this night. But I wonder how it fits with the joined 2 powerful forces of the prologue. I don't think we're dealing with 2 seperate groups of neutrals here, and I don't think the gang of 3 is mafia, and the 2 forces are stated in the prologue not to be mafia.



    Unfortunately, I don't have anything myself..

    You SO own at this game! :D


    Now, the term tracker has before been applied to characters with the ability to find out the target of their target, but the way the verb "to track" is used in the write-up leads me to believe it's synonym for any type of investigative ability, i.e. one character learns the target of his or her target, one learns who targets his or her target, one learns something about his or her target's character etc.


    In regard to the dark, speedy character, I don't think it suggest the character is necessarily evil. It seems to be every character mentioned in the write-up has an identifying trait. I think we have to figure out who's evil for ourselves. I think the same goes for the "brutal" hit - it's just an identifying trait. I could be wrong, though.


    Regarding the suited person with friends, we don't know what type of suit is meant. My initial thought was Agent Smith, Brown and Jones from The Matrix, but I don't have anything else to base it on, really. If they're one or more actual players, I don't know. What confuses me is that we hear nothing of the actions of the friends ...


    ... but then again, we don't hear anything about the actions of the man dressed in white, so nothing can be said about that at the moment. I can, however, confirm that the man dressed in white is NOT the same character as the good-looking man.


    EDIT: Reading it again, the Agent theory is out the window. The three friends are dressed in a suit, in red and in white, respectively (I see now that you figured that out before - I was just being slow).

  3. But you put it forward as if it should? It sounds a bit oxymoronic, but it seems as if you're trying too hard for a defense, like you really need to try and prove something, but whilst there's suspicion on you, it seems quite an overreaction, which then makes me think you're even more likely mafia. However, I am learning that I jump to conclusions about people quickly and struggle to let them go, and have a much more pressing issue I want to address.

    I know, I know, but just try to read some of the accusations against me again while assuming I am town and telling the truth. People are going by their own false assumptions (like Raining's investigation), accepting them as complete truths and directly calling me a liar. Wouldn't you be quite defensive as well, then, when people actively ignore your attempts to clear yourself and simply spin it so you appear even more guilty than before?


    Like you say yourself, that's the overall problem with the mafia games. The behaviours we've seen are in no way conclusive, yet when people start to assume something, they get stuck in that mindset, and then it's easy to read everything as supporting that idea. Consequently, the people under suspicion might even start to appear guilty because they're actively defending themselves. However, if you turn it around, it could also look like the "prosecutors" are the suspicious ones, trying to get others lynched (like I appeared in the beginning). Now, I'm not saying my prosecutors are mafia, though, I'm just pointing out that either way, we really have no conclusive evidence. I know that's part of the game, but sometimes people get too fixated on their own ideas without considering the other possibilities. Especially considering it's absolutely silly to still rely on old formulas in this game. The new wave of mafias we've seen have really been creative and experimenting with the setup.

  4. He's not exactly saying that, its just the fact that he got offended by it, not as you say having a soft spot for it.

    Right, I see. But to be fair, this is EEVIL we're talking about. He always states in opinion quite brutishly.


    For the record I have cats myself and I think the chick who did it should be beaten to a pulp.

    Good man.


    This out of context is the best thing ever. :D

    The best part? When I wrote it, I initially forgot to put in "jokes about". :D

  5. No, I'm just saying it proves people's suspicions of you as mafia, and pointing out the gaping problem of your defense in attempting to say it means you are town. It's a good defense, but I'm still not buying it. Also, I don't really have any other suspicions lol, except maybe them neutrals.


    Actually, or Mundi. Just because his name's been mentioned, but I don't really get that one. I need to read some early posts, watch this space people(not for Mundi related stuff).

    But I'm not saying it proves me as town. I never did. I was just theorising as to what could have been the case.

  6. I get it doesn't prove me as town - I never assumed it did - but how on Earth does it prove that I am more likely mafia? If whoever did it is a townie, he or she won't know if I'm townie or mafia, but has very likely become suspicious of me (like everyone else) due to completely misplaced suspicion.

  7. In all honesty, the idea that you're able to laugh at (what some would consider) offensive stuff like child beating, rape and other crap that Maddox does; but then get offended when a specific topic is mentioned is completely idiotic.

    Um, no. It is not at all idiotic. We all have our sore points. I have no problems with jokes about rape and child beating and most other things considered offensive by many. However, I, like EEVIL, have a very soft spot for cats, and I honestly don't like jokes about cats getting hurt or being mistreated. Hell, I feel nothing but disgust towards the woman who originally put the cat in the trash can. It's not that I'm offended by the jokes - I'm a big opponent of censorship - but claiming it is idiotic to have a soft spot for something and not for something else is what's idiotic here.

  8. I thought as much from looking through the writeup. Had I not seen it I wouldn't have mentioned cause it would have provided too good an oppertunity for danny to look like he was being targetted by the mafia.


    Again its not watertight... I would still say that a shiny purugly is more white/purple than blue/purple imo. Additionally, from the LifeLight Pokemafia everyone KNEW they were shiny from their PM, Danny seemed surprised by it.


    Also, why voteblock rather than kill danny?

    I was indeed surprised as I haven't been called shiny anywhere in my PM. Having checked the sprite on Serebii.net, I can confirm that I am indeed NOT shiny, as it is the regular Purugly sprite that appears in my PM. The colours of the sprite match those described in the write-ups.


    Also, I was voteblocked yesterday, though it didn't matter much. I suspect the mafia did it - since they know I'm already on the town's target list, they saw it as an easy way to get rid of me. By removing my ability to vote, I think they hoped I would appear reluctant to vote and thus more suspicious. That way they could also avoid getting involved in the lynching of me.


    As for the egg appearing in front of me in the write-up, I have no idea. I haven't received any PMs about it.


    By the way, I'm gone till sometime this evening.

  9. Know I don't even know the definition of a comic and that of a graphic novel.


    Apropos singing, I hate it when a band "performing" live uses playback. What's the fucking point, then? Sign some autographs instead if you're not gonna perform.

  10. We should become more like the Japanese and have about a dozen categories for rubbish that we throw out. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/05/12/international/asia/12garbage.html


    Or at least there should be more bins for recycling around. Over there you will very seldom find a bin, but instead four (paper, plastic, general and something else I think) together. And just more bins around would be nice. On my 2.5 mile walk to/from work there is a bin near me and near work, and nothing for about 2 miles in between.


    I dunno, somehow implement these changes and you'll make a difference :p

    In Denmark we've recently taken a step backwards in that area. I think it's plastic that they don't separate anymore. It just goes the same place as the rest. -_-'

  11. I have a question for you all.


    Why is it when something changes that you don't like, or don't know about and want to be nosey, or when you're just in a mood you're quick to come here (or the suggestions thread as the differentiations seem to confuse most people) and moan but when I increase your PM quota nobody questions it and furthermore nobody thanks me for it?



    Because we don't notice that our PM quota has been increased (I didn't, at least). All those little helpful changes go by unnoticed most of the time. And that's a shame. But come on, when you and your mad admin buddies decide to experiment, you can't expect us not to moan. :heh:


    In all seriousness, though, thank you. This is a nice improvement. :)




    The argument goes out the window completely because "Comic Book Movie" is the same as saying "Book Movie" in that...you can get books of all genres. Literally all. Same with comic books. A comic book is just a method or outlet of telling a story, same as TV, radio, books blah blah.


    Road to Perdition (Drama)

    A History of Violence (Thriller)

    300 (Historical...action)

    Spider-Man (Super Hero)

    30 Days of Night (Horror)

    The Mask (Comedy)


    Etc etc etc etc.



    So I....guess you mean "Super hero movie" :p


    PS I come across like a bit of an ass in these few posts, but I just want to make the distinction clear. :)

    Don't worry, a lot of people come across as arses in the world, and you're definitely not one of them! :p

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