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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. It's just a habit I've developed. If I don't need to be up early the next day, I don't go to bed before 3 at the earliest (which would be 2 o'clock for you Brits, seeing as I'm one hour ahead). At the moment I'm just catching up with all the threads I've missed while I've been away.

  2. Yes, Raining, I am the double vote. I see no point in trying to hide it as I would be discovered quite fast, anyway. However, I am most definitely one of the townsfolk, and I'm going to use Rummy as proof that a double vote is definitely not just a mafia ability.


    Anyway, if Gizmo got the result that Ellmeister is evil, I say we go for it. It's the only sure-shot way to figure out if Gizmo's ability works.


    Vote: Ellmeister

  3. See, I turned to dating sites since I thought: "Hey, the few times I've successfully wooed a girl, it was done through electronic communication, so dating sites would be my ideal place of picking up a girl!" Except that on the international dating sites, there aren't enough people in my area, and the Danish dating sites I've found cost money. So yeah. Also, I do really want to be confident enough to chat with girls when I'm out.

  4. When it comes to sexuality, it's all about gender roles and stereotypes. Men are not supposed to be emotional, so musicals and the like are a no-go. If they like that stuff, they're gay. Though regarding Scoop, I think many people got him mixed up with Spüne who have openly admitted being gay. I know I was confused for a little while.


    I am on my way out of the door at the moment, but this is something I have strong opinions about. To sum up my feelings: Gender roles and stereotypes suck, and the sooner we get rid of them, the better.

  5. I'm in the same boat as you guys. But many in here already knew that. I've been a bit too whiny in the past. :heh:


    Anyway, the main piece of advice I've been given over and over from people who know their stuff is: Confidence. Confidence, confidence, confidence.

  6. Could be bad for you though.




    Source: http://youarenotsosmart.com/2010/08/11/catharsis/

    I see and agree with the points in the article, but that's not exactly what I advocated, either. The article deals with anger and expressing aggression, but I wasn't talking about agression and fruitless expression of emotions ("whining", as I put it). I was talking about sorting out the issues that you're having trouble with. If you're going around with issues in your mind, keeping them to yourself is a bad idea because you get stuck in those thought patterns. And when you're stuck in those thought patterns, it becomes very difficult to actually work on your issues. That's where it helps to get your thoughts out, to put them down on paper or tell someone about the things you're dealing with. Not raging or whining, because, like I posted earlier, that'll just keep you trapped in the negative thoughts (I essentially said the same as the article does). The point is not actually to "let out steam", though I used the phrase, but to sort of get the thoughts out of your mind and out into the open. Once they're out there, it's easier for you to clear your mind and actually work on your issues.

  7. Just so you know people, we have a whole video game music thread in the Retro Gaming Board.


    To find it, first leave General Discussion and......



    ......... I've lost you haven't I



    I was mostly just looking to post that video since SOMEBODY closed the funny videos thread! *shakes fist*


    But yeah, I should have checked the other boards. If someone wants to merge this into the other video game music thread, feel free to do so.

  8. Partly inspired by the OCRemix thread, partly by this video. Please watch it all the way to the end. It's awesome! :D



    Anyway, what are your favourite video games tunes? What games have had the best soundtracks in your opinion? Do you like the music fully orchestrated, or do you prefer the charm of the old 8-bit MIDI melodies?

  9. The X-Files and Friends will always be my favourite shows.


    Regarding shows I want to watch, I seriously need to get around to watching How I Met Your Mother. I don't know whether to get the first seasons or wait for a box set. You all know my obsession with box sets.

  10. Yep, Swedish is an obligatory subject at school...after all, it's the second official language...

    I thought I remembered as much. :)


    EDIT: Should have been: "Many Finns are proficient in Swedish, aren't they?" Sorry, I hate making mistakes like that. They glare at me.

  11. I'm sure I could write forever in this thread if given the time, but it wouldn't get me anywhere. So I aren't going to bother.


    But I question how much of my woes I'm personally responsible for. And if I had to guess, it would be almost all of them. So in that regard it's entirely my own fault.


    Now it's time to start doing something about it.

    Bitching is good for letting out steam. One shouldn't simply whine about things (I know I've been guilty of that on these forums), but "bitch therapeutically", so to speak. Get it out of the system and clear the mind in order to focus on handling the issue(s).

  12. The main issue is that what ReZ wants from the show and what some of the viewers here want from the show are two different things. Perhaps specifying what is meant by "presentation" will clear up some misunderstandings, but in the long run, ReZ, you're going to hear the same points of criticism, and you'll most likely not change on those points. Because on those specific points, the show is as you want it. It's not how some of the viewers here on N-E like it, but it's how you want it. And you'll probably never agree on these points.


    I'm not arguing how the show should be. That's an entirely subjective point and entirely up to ReZ. As proven, some people in here love Comedy Rainbow as it is, others obviously don't. None are right, none are wrong. It's all just a matter of opinion. :)

  13. Looks ... intriguing.


    At first you think, "Oh, it's a story of getting a chance in life and succeeding. Like Billy Elliot." Then it moves on to, "Oh, there are psychological elements in it. The stress from her dancing causes a split personality." Then at the end: "... Wait, what?"


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