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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I hate it when CDs have two songs as one track. The new Maiden album has a 5-minute long intro then an awesome 4-minute long song. It's quite annoying to have to listen/skip through the first bit to get to the actual song. I think I may need to give it a clip in Audacity.


    Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends was the worst - three tracks on the disc contained two songs. They weren't even linked either (i.e. there was a gap between the songs).

    Something related: Ghost tracks with a whole friggin' minute of nothing first! Heck, long pauses of nothing at the beginning or end of tracks in general are annoying. I'd say 10-15 seconds are easily enough to separate a ghost track from the rest of the disc. And while we're on the topic - why even have ghost tracks? It seems so silly. If you want to give me a bonus track (which is in itself a strange idea), why not just smack it directly at the end of the album without telling me it's there? Why the pause?

  2. I thought he was immune to night powers and death?!


    Right. So thank god I'm alive (sorry gizmo). Seeing as I WAS ONLY FUCKING RIGHT yesterday can we please trust my now? Here's the thing. dan-likes-trees and Diageo are almost definitely mafia. Neither of them were willing to vote for Cube for ages and ages despite it being the consensus, giving rubbish excuses like 'he talks so we should keep him alive to make the game more fun'.


    They voted for Cube right at the end, probably after Cube spoke to all his mafia buddies and told them that some of them should vote for him to make them look more innocent. At the moment I'm not sure which is more dangerous, but seeing as I've been suspicious of Diageo from the start...


    Vote: Diageo


    If anyone has anything better/any info then come forward and I'll change my vote, but at the moment I'm suspicious of the two of them, and to a lesser extent Eenuh. Her excuse for not voting for Cube and voting for Jimbob instead was that two days ago Jonnas had voted for Jimbob and then Jimbob had voted for Jonnas straight back. Suspicious perhaps, but not when there's a better lead to follow. Anyway.


    In other news, why has Dannyboy the Dane not posted for days on end?

    I was away pretty much all of yesterday, and otherwise I simply haven't had anything interesting to add. I've been following the game, but haven't felt I could contribute with anything. Besides, people who have seen me play before know that I am always careful and hesitant about voting for people, something which has in the past led people to wrongly believe I was mafia.


    edit: just thought of something. Rummy has two votes. Would suggest don of the Mafia would it not seeing as the town's uber, Gizmo/Reshiram, is now dead. Going on that and guessing that Rez has included new pokemon into the fold, Reshiram's opposite would be Zekrom who is a dragon/electric pokemon but also a legendary which would fit the role for a Mafia member. All musing of course but anyone see anything in this?

    EDIT: Sounds like an interesting theory. You might be on to something here.

  3. I'm not sure the exact moment but x-files turned to shit very quickly

    It's generally accepted that X-Files went downhill after season 7. Chris Carter has admitted himself that his mythology arc had become a bit too complicated even before then. Still, I think the last two seasons are still pretty decent.

  4. DareDevil and Green Lantern are a few of my favourites as well. There's also something truly awesome about Iron Man's suit:




    Just the way it has so many variations that actually reflect its abilities. The same goes for how the Spider-Man costume, a classic in itself, has a lot of variations over the same, iconic theme. My favourite there has to be the black suit, though.



    Whoa, what incarnation of Spider-Man is that?

  5. I never buy branded clothing for myself, but sometimes receive some as a present. I don't care about the brand, but this one t-shirt of some popular Danish brand was probably the most comfortable t-shirt I've ever worn. So soft and nice in texture, fit me like a charm and looked pretty darn good on me, too. So sometimes you actually do pay for the quality, it seems.

  6. Can't wait for this!


    From what I've heard the plot is shit, the script is shit, and as a 'movie' it is rubbish.


    As an action film though it's apparently bloody brilliant :D Give me Rambo 2 or Commando over Bourne anyday ;)

    On the contrary, I've heard it's got a great plot. Not necessarily intricate or advanced, but people seem to forget that not all films need to be Inception.

  7. I was joking, lol =P


    I haven't had any contribution because I've not had time over the past while. The writeups are vague and i come to the thread to see 3+ different accusations at different people.. with no more justification than any other ::shrug:::shrug:


    Whats a girl to dooooo.

    I feel the same. There are a number of theories and accusations, but I find it hard to decide which ones to go for.

  8. Another thing which has crossed my mind several times, and i probably have posted it before is this. Were the huge topics scaring newcomers away, or is this new flux of topics scaring them away with too much choice. Sometimes, and i've seen this to occur as well that new members see all the topics and run off scared.

    My uneducated guess is that this is somewhere about 50/50. I think some people find the bigger threads more inaccessible while others are overwhelmed by the larger amount of active threads.

  9. I think people miss the point that at the moment, we're seeing how the forum works without ANY big threads. It's not supposed to be the new, perfect forum or the way things are going to be forever - it's supposed to rule out the variable "big threads" entirely for a time in order to really highlight the pros and cons of the move. It's a controlled experiment. Later on, I imagine that new and improved experiments will be executed in order to further see what works and what doesn't.

  10. But you're also safer if you wrap yourself in layers and layers of bubble wrap...


    Unless you're a complete retard listening to music should not alter your ability to cross a road.

    It's not expected of people to be wrapped in layers of bubble wrap, but it's expected of them to be able to hear the world around them. That's why cars have horns and bicycles have bells. Accidents happen where your ability to hear is the only thing that can save you from injury or even death. Robbing yourself of that ability simply to enhance your musical experience seems like a silly prioritization, to be honest. It's like not wearing a helmet because it looks stupid.

  11. Thanks, jayseven. :) While I was a bit annoyed at your previous post, you really do seem (to me, at least) to understand how we feel and what we're saying. (By "we" I mean the general forum population.) I expect we might see other changes later in order to try to fine-tune the forums?

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