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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. It's "meant" to celebrate the best music videos produced in the last year. It doesn't. It just picks videos from popular artists, so the general public will tune in and feel involved.


    Which is silly.

    I could go into the whole debate about subjectivity when it comes to music etc., but I won't. I don't really care enough about it.

  2. You worded all that in a very obscure way. Title tongue twister toils with my twisting toothbrush twirling taster.


    Anyway, I'm pretty sure this is not what you're after, but it's applicable to your title so it'll do.


    Basically you reminded me of Heavy Rain, a certain scene that made me scream with tensity and scaryness. Both made up words. Massive spoiler warning for those that haven't, but intend to play it. It's one of the most amazing/shocking moments in videogames, heck, in entertainment. The interactive element just makes it so "OMG FUCK THIS SHIT!"




    Just amazing. This guy's minor commentary encapsulates the whole thing.

    Holy SHIT, that was intense!

  3. So I assume the last animal the turtles and Splinter touched were human? Almost like the last thing the other chaps touched were Sharks before their transformation...

    Well, in the original comic, they all started off as animals and turned human, because that's what the Mutagen does in that version.


    In the cartoon, the Mutagen combined the DNA of whoever touched it with the DNA of the last animal they were in contact with. In this version, Splinter was originally a human and had last been in contact with rats, and the turtles had last been in contact with Splinter while he was still human.

  4. That's the thing with mutations, they don't tend to follow rules.

    Well, they do somewhat. The Mutagen in the original TMNT cartoon mutated whoever got in touch with it into the animal they had last touched. That's somewhat of a rule.


    In the movie he was a Rat.

    I know, it's how it originally was in the comic, I believe, and therein the Mutagen also simply made animals humanoid. It generally made more sense.

  5. Turtles used to be reptiles and didn't gain anything that questions the fact that they stayed reptiles.


    The sharks, on the other hand were humans who became shark-like. Bigger difference there.

    One thing I always found entertaining is that if you go by the old TMNT cartoons, the turtles were originally turtles, but Splinter was human. Since the turtles look like turtles, but walk on two legs and behave like humans, shouldn't Splinter still look like a human, but crawl around on the floor and behave like a rat? :p

  6. I just don't wish to remember the possibility of anal probing

    Haha! :laughing: That is one part of alien lore I've never understood. Why on Earth (pun intended) would they anal probe us? (Well, I get the psychological reason for the existence of anal probes in alien lore, but it makes no sense. :heh:)

  7. That is terrifying



    Rational solutions are always dull :P I would love it to be an extra terrestrial encounter though, but I don't want to try and remember.

    Well, it sounded like you wanted it to be something rational, explainable and non-frightening. :heh: I'm of the same mind as you: It would be sooo exciting if it was something "supernatural", but it would also be terrifying.

  8. It's possible, by aren't most cases of hypnagogia a common and repeated occurance and not a one off?


    I'd love it to be that though lol

    This is one of the cases where, even though it's tempting to fit it into classic alien encounter lore, it's a lot more rational to assume it is something à la what Ville posted about. When we're sleeping, falling asleep or waking up - this is probably when our brains and senses are most impressionable.

  9. I've seen some strange things in my time in the night sky. I've also seen strange things in NASA videos that they've released, such as what would have been considered "space debris" suddenly changing direction and speeding off.


    Aliens exist...this is a matter if scientific likelihood. However, whether or not they've visited us? People state that it would be impossible, but that's just narrow mindedness on their part. We used to say that breaking the speed of sound was impossible, or that flying was impossible, but those have since been proven wrong so who says there isn't a way to travel faster than the speed of light.


    Yes, many human-made things could be mistaken for alien spacecraft. Here in Bournemouth, just a few years ago, people went on thinking they saw some, just for it to be chinese lanterns. However, the footage from NASA of things from orbit and eyewitness accounts by so many people, many of which match eachother's descriptions (before the Internet), it's hard to ignore.

    Aye, I hear you. I'm not one to believe in theories without proof or substance, but I also know that we certainly don't know everything about the universe and its workings yet. I like to refer to myself as a sceptic with an open mind.


    Would certainly explain Rez! ;)

    I'm convinced ReZ is the reason they only ever study us from a distance and never establish actual contact.

  10. Well, many of them seem unnatural or inexplicable, but then again, we also have something like this ...



    ... which is generally accepted to have been a failed Russian rocket launch attempt. So yeah, it's hard to say.

  11. I also think I have a bit of claustrophobia. When I watch people climb into very small areas where they might get stuck, I get sweaty and nervous.


    EDIT: Looking back at that message, there's probably some sort of innuendo somewhere.

  12. Doesn't Swings & Roundabouts mean that me being in Bournemouth is a bad thing? Like you gain with swings and lose with roundabouts? At least that's how I've always understood that idiom

    I looked it up:


    what you lose on the swings, you gain on the roundabouts (British & Australian) something that you say to describe a situation in which there are as many advantages as there are problems If you make more money, you have to pay more tax, so what we gain on the swings, we lose on the roundabouts. It's swings and roundabouts, really. If you save money by buying a house out of town, you pay more to travel to work.

    Which I take to mean that though you would live happily in Bournemouth, everybody else would not have you, and that would be bad. Essentially, he was complimenting you!

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