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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I want to become a teacher. Maybe even a university professor. But that last bit is still an idea more than a plan. It sounds a bit cocky saying that's what I want to be. :heh:

  2. And I thought we were friends :heh:

    Shit! That was totally the wrong word! >_< Please excuse my horribly bad attempt at translating a two-part word from Danish to English. Turns out it DOESN'T always translate directly ... ¬_¬


    The word I meant to assign you is forbearing.

  3. Sorry for the delay in reply! It's working again, but not on certain browsers oddly. I use Opera and it refuses to work, however when in Internet Explorer it works perfectly. :)


    One last push. I'm still screwed money wise...but being a little less screwed would be lovely. Anyone? :)

    Oh, fuck. I had completely forgotten this before leaving on holiday. Sorry, I never got around to actually donating the money. I suppose it's too late now? If you have a PayPal account, I can transfer the money to you directly.

  4. You're 19 and you're worried its too late to learn piano and violin? You have like at least 50 years left!


    Can I ask what the mental disorder is? Or is that too personal?

    No, that was perhaps an unclear way of expressing myself. While I could probably learn both piano and violin if I really set myself up for it, the point is that at some point, I'll simply run out of time. And my ability to do things will decrease a great deal a long time before that. I'm pretty happy with my status quo, but I often think about all the things I could be doing. Essentially, I'm not afraid of death and whatever lies beyond - I'm afraid of running out of time and possibilities. I'm afraid of growing old.


    It's not at all too personal. I've often mentioned on N-E before. I was born with autism, and it started out quite heavy. Through psychiatrical help it became something closer to Asperger syndrome, and as of late my psychiatrist won't even really call it autism anymore. Everything I've ever had trouble with mentally is and has been connected to my autism (or what's left of it), including my current issues with self-esteem and fear of running out of time.

  5. Very interesting concept!


    ReZourceman - Comedic

    Molly - Forbearing

    Goafer - Exploring

    EEVILMURRAY - Brusque

    Supergrunch - Ingenius

    Dazz - True

    Raining_again - Strong

    Letty - Expressive

    Eenuh - Artistic

    SPAMBOT - Funny

    Pookiablo - Likable

    Ville - Kind

    MoogleViper - Perverted

    jayseven - Philosophical

    Daft - Intelligent

    Ashley - Sensible

    Mr_Odwin - Cool

    Coolness Bears - Hyperactive

    Paj Meen Ah - Alternative

    chairdriver - Bonafide

    The Bard - Controversial

    Aimless - Great

    Rummy - Awesome

    Fierce_LiNk - Exuberant

    Jimbob - Friendly

    Scoop - Gleeful


    I've probably forgotten a lot of people.

  6. About 1.70 metres tall and 60 kg heavy. I am very thin and have a caved-in chest, which makes my rib cage visible and my body appear anorexic. Being lanky also means my back has a tendency to take the shape of a question mark. Oh, and I focus too much on my appearance and physique.

  7. - I'm Dannyboy-the-Dane.

    - Real name's Daniel, most often referred to as Danny on here.

    - I recently turned 19 years old.

    - I live in Denmark.

    - I recently graduated from STX, a Danish secondary education, with Ancient Greek and Latin as main subjects.

    - I have a typically nerdy/geeky personality.

    - People tell me I'm a nice guy. I hope they're right.

    - At the moment I'm fighting my very low self-esteem in relation to girls and relationships. My mind is practically obsessed with it.

    - I love Molly and her pretty eyes and I want to have her babies and name them Tallulah.


    That's the basic stuff.

    Nuh-uh! Only one of them is going to be called Tallulah. It wouldn't make sense to call them all the same.

  8. There was another reason behind the idea of banning you from this thread, but the above reason is another good one


    Just don't watch the videos, or is it too late

    I know, I know. But I saw no need to comment on the obvious. :heh:


    Sadly, I have already watched the videos. If I have to endure it, I might as well endure it all.


    Can next year come soon, please? I SHALL and WILL attend, no matter what!

  9. I don't worry as much about death as I worry about not being able to do all the things I want to do in time. I'm afraid I'll lose out on something before I get around to doing it. Today I realised I'll probably never have the time to properly learn how to play both the piano and violin when I also want to reach the black belt in karate at some point. I only just turned 19, and I already fear getting old and losing all the benefits of being young. That's kind of depressing.


    In general, though, I'm happy with my life, and damn it, I should be! I don't think there's one thing in my life that I should have the privilege of being unhappy about since I've been so lucky all my life. Despite being born with a severe mental disorder, I've actually managed to overcome it pretty much completely, only having minor psychological issues left that are probably not as serious as those of many "normal" people.


    Yet I still often become depressed, and that depression always revolves around my low self-esteem and romantic relationships (or lack thereof). You've all experienced how I am when I'm at my low points. It's aggravating and soul-crushing, but I seem to manage - which I always seem to do because I'm so goddamn stubborn - and overall I'm very happy about my life. Like everyone, I just seem to forget and take for granted how lucky I am.

  10. Turn off your safe-search :P

    It IS off, but "s&m bear" doesn't really turn up anything interesting. :heh: I do realise my hat looks like one of those hats typically associated with the bondage and/or gay community if that's what you're referring to. :p

  11. - I'm Dannyboy-the-Dane.

    - Real name's Daniel, most often referred to as Danny on here.

    - I recently turned 19 years old.

    - I live in Denmark.

    - I recently graduated from STX, a Danish secondary education, with Ancient Greek and Latin as main subjects.

    - I have a typically nerdy/geeky personality.

    - People tell me I'm a nice guy. I hope they're right.

    - At the moment I'm fighting my very low self-esteem in relation to girls and relationships. My mind is practically obsessed with it.

    - I love Molly and her pretty eyes and I want to have her babies and name them Tallulah.


    That's the basic stuff.

  12. I don't get why you keep stating that it's a Nintendo forum when this clearly has no impact whatsoever on what people should feel inclined to post. People have just as much right to post about general topics than they do Nintendo topics. The website is a different matter, but the forums are individually separated so that the most important focus of each is the individual title they hold - e.g. general chat rather than Nintendo-Europe.


    You may find people are arguing you down because you are using a mere title of a forum, something fairly trivial, as a point to why Nintendo views should be more 'heard' on this forum or hold higher importance. Which most people would disagree with you about.

    As far as I'm concerned, any forum on the internet, no matter the topic, needs a general board. Because when people get to know each other, chances are they'll want to talk about things unrelated to the original topic. A community is created, and people develop relationships that extend beyond the original topic. Some people might then lose interest in the topic, have less time for it, etc., but that doesn't change the fact that they have developed relationships with the people on the forum and will want to stay in touch with the community. If I had stopped posting on these forums when my need to discuss Nintendo on a regular basis disappeared, I wouldn't be here today.

  13. For the record, I consider myself more neutral than anything else about this. I simply can't predict what will come of this as there are so many variables to consider. I have no clue if this is a good idea or not, but I'm gonna roll with it and see what happens. If everything goes to hell, I assume we'll try to reestablish the old ways.


    I also agree very much with Eenuh about the importance of the general boards. I, too, joined back in the day to discuss Nintendo, but since then my focus has changed almost entirely to the general boards. At the moment I'm more in need of a community than a Nintendo forum, it appears, but even if that were to change, N-E would still be able to fulfil my needs. Where's the harm in that?

  14. Just graduated my STX, which is a secondary education in Denmark. I'll be taking a gap year or two in which I've got work as a substitute teacher. Afterwards I plan to go to university and study classical philology, and after that I'll most likely supply with English or philosophy or another subject. My dream is to become a teacher, possibly part time researcher.

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