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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Also, on my back I feel "aware" of a certain area. The middle to upper left side of my back. It feels colder and it feels wet when it actually isn't.

    Hm, does it feel like the skin on the area has suddenly become overly sensitive to touch? 'Cause I've experienced that once in a while, often on my arms. No idea what it's about, but it goes away relatively quickly.


    In general I don't suffer much from sickness. I sometimes get hayfever, and I usually get a common cold a number of times each year. They're so common I can almost literally follow the symptoms on a timetable.

  2. All a publisher needs to do is write Limited or Collector's Edition on anything and I will buy it. They are magical words.

    This. I have collector's mania. Box sets, special editions, extra content etc. - I love it all!

  3. If I were to give my past self one piece of advice, it'd be "Go out and be more social". I know how hard that was for me at the time with my autism and all, but I'd encourage myself to do it all the same. I believe it would have helped me evolve more at an earlier age.

  4. That depends on whether I would be able to change the future I saw. If it was not set in stone, but was simply the "current" future, I might want to, seeing as I could then find out whether I should do something differently in life. If it was destined to be and unchangeable, I wouldn't want to see it. Then I would think too much about things to come instead of living in the now.

  5. I have an incredibly sweet tooth. Feck that, ALL my teeth are massively sweet! My favourite treat is still chocolate, though.


    We had Skittles in Denmark once for a short period of time. Then they disappeared. WHY MUST THE GODS OF SODA AND CANDY PUNISH US DANES?!

  6. The weather? This is what the new KNEE has come to. lol

    To be fair we discussed the weather in HWYD before. Now people can actually decide if they want to discuss it. And here we both are. ;)


    Ironically, the long period of hot, hot summer weather has been replaced by wind, rain and greyness here in Denmark.

  7. They don't bite, you are just assuming they will.


    If you went into the comic books thread and said "hey I'm interested in getting into Batman, what would you recommend" and everyone said "fuck off noob" then yes, Dan's comment would be contradictory. As it stands you can't accuse Dan of contradicting something you merely believe will happen based on no evidence.

    Oh, no, that's not what I meant. What I meant was that since the argument for locking the threads was that people were scared by the cliqueyness, it's contradictory to suddenly unlock one of the threads and say "We don't bite". It's effectively applying two different approaches to the same problem at the same time.

  8. Hey, I take that personally!


    CBD was reopened because, week by week, we discuss a fuckton of books so smaller threads aren't an option. If you want to ask something we don't bite

    Wasn't the argument a minute ago that people found it hard to get into threads because they were cliquey and difficult to jump into? I know I felt that a bit with, for instance, the manga thread. I'm a big fan of manga, but I have only read a few, and in the manga thread I felt like a noob and thus really didn't like to participate. So isn't saying the highlighted bit a bit contradictory?

  9. As it's a title, the "Do" should be capitalised. As do the rest of the words.

    Not entirely true. As far as I understand, there are different traditions in regard to the capitalization of words in titles. In long titles, like for instance whole sentences, there is a tradition of only capitalizing the first word.


    Regarding the thread topic, I've just returned from a week's holiday on the small, Danish island of Bornholm. Relaxation FTW! :D

  10. O_O


    What is ... I don't ...


    I mean ... I totally respect people's weird fetiches. If it makes them happy, go right ahead. But that ... that is ... I won't even call it borderline insane because I feel that's an understatement. I would think they were simply people trying to attract attention if not for the fact that they are all on the same forum and thus only interact with each other. They seriously sound like they need psychological help.

  11. I like the amount of new threads created, even though it's a bit confusing at first. It gives you a better opportunity to choose what you want to read about, and it really has spawned new creativity and discussion. I just miss the "fundamental" threads. HWYD, FV, UIG etc. all seemed to make up some sort of framework, they were like the hub of the forums, and it feels weird not having that. Still, it's probably just a phase.

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