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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I meant to post this two weeks ago but I totally forgot until I watched Alan Carr last night:




    She's just bonkers and there were people just like her when I went to see Twilight in the cinema, screaming at every little thing. I'm just glad I went Gold Class (over 18s only) to see Eclipse which means no screaming immature fans which means total silence so I could ACTUALLY hear them talk...





    I am scared.

  2. Wow, I'm the only one? I find it quite surprising actually.


    Its like....there are some people in the world living horrendous life styles, being tortured, suffering immensely etc. To end their life is great because you stop suffering. And anyone enjoying life wouldn't know otherwise anyway. I think its logicistic.

    Jonnas pointed out exactly where the logistics fail: If you turn the perspective 180 degrees, you deprive all happy people of their joy, and the unhappy people wouldn't even know that they were relieved of their suffering.


    Essentially, you're reducing a world of positives and negatives to a zero. That's neither good nor bad in and of itself if you look at it very utilitaristically. But how about our ability to improve the lives of those suffering while still maintaining the happy people's happiness? Everyone is going to die eventually, so everyone will be relieved of their joy/suffering at some point. No one is doomed to eternal suffering (unless you believe in some form of Hell or purgatory after death). However, if we can keep improving as a species, we might very well minimise and possibly even eradicate suffering entirely. Isn't that a much more reasonable course of action that simply destroying the subject in order to remove the problem?


    Not very well explained, but I think I've made my point.

  3. My graduation party Saturday was amazing. People I love were having fun and chatting, and I caught up with some old friends I haven't spoken much to in a long time. And the dreadful heat was even quenched with a lovely summer downpour. A most amazing day/night. :D


    Was at a Harry Potter Cluedo/Trivial Pursuit/drinking game get-together with a couple of my close friends yesterday. Good and fun times were had, though I was reminded how much my love life sucks. Again.


    Now that I've done my whining for the day to N-E about my love life, I think I'll just chill and play some more Galaxy 2 and Band Hero. Having the time to game again is so amazing! :D

  4. Age out the window (as long as it's legal, of course). If you're really interested in her, pursue it, I say.


    Gizmo, she does indeed seem hard to read. Like Flink, I don't get the need to "play games". But it seems like she likes to, so you're gonna have to figure out how you feel about that. Personally, I think she sounds like a lot of trouble, especially since you say you're not good at the mind games. But maybe you can play with her for a bit as well.

  5. Completing Kirby's Dream Land for the first time. First game I ever completed, I think.


    Also, FINALLY completing Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters, my first ever video game. That game was HARD, especially to a 7 year old. I don't even remember my age when I finally completed it, though I was still a kid.


    Picking up and playing Metroid Prime Trilogy. I never played the original two, and despite buying Corruption I never got into it. I had really developed an interest in the Metroid franchise at this point, however, so when I bought and started playing Trilogy from the beginning in a holiday, I was hooked. After not having gamed properly in a long time because of school and lack of time, sitting down for the first time in ages and playing a large singleplayer adventure for hours on end was like being reborn as a gamer. Simply amazing.


    Oh, and endless nights of Smash Bros. (both Melee and Brawl) with gaming buddies. Epic win.

  6. Honest opinions are good, epecially since ReZ handles the criticism incredibly well if you ask me. But there's no reason to utter mean comments that provide no advice or basis for improvement.


    I'll just point out some of my own thoughts about this episode (in no particular order).


    • I like the new intro. Seems more prof-like. Though your singing is ... not terribly good. And perhaps it's just a bit too long? I say keep it for a few episodes to see how it feels in the long run.
    • I didn't find the opening pun that funny this time. It was cool that you brought your dad in, though.
    • Foods you can fuck ... nah, simply too predictable to me.
    • The greeting people series is a new favourite of mine. That's where your style of humour is really at its best. I also heartily endorse Moogle's idea. I believe it would be absolutely brilliant.
    • The BB sketch was simply too long, and it just wasn't that funny to me.
    • The joke lab was great. Ironically, I think I liked this pun better than the opening pun. I also feared it was beginning to drag on for too long as well, but then came the variations in the reactions (the slinky that epicly failed was for some reason incredibly funny to me) and it was all good again. Also, bonus points in this and the greeting people sketch for Claire cleavage.
    • Jonny's sketch was interesting, but unfortunately the audio of the receiver's end of the call was completely incomprehensible to me, so the end (and, I assume, climax) of the sketch went completely over my head.
    • Scare Claire was okay, though her reaction in slo-mo was for some reason really entertaining. Miiichaaaeeel, fooor fff- ... brilliant!
    • I never found Phil's segments funny. Just not my type of humour I guess.
    • The Hitlarious thing is really starting to improve now. It's great that you're being more creative than just inserting the "Nein, nein, nein" joke everywhere.
    • Outtakes were really funny. There's just something really contagious about a good laughter.


    I think that's about it for this episode. I'll get back to you if I think of something else.

  7. Cleaned up my room like I haven't cleaned it in I have no idea how long. It figures as we celebrate my graduation tomorrow with 40+ guests, large tent, huge menu etc. A very large celebration party, all in all, so things need to be in order. All I need now is to write a short speech.


    Now I just hope we won't melt underneath that 30 C sun ...

  8. Aha! I knew I couldn't be the only one, I have a titanium bar on both rows of my teeth (after having braces they put them on to stop my teeth from going back to their original positions, given my teeth were incredibly wonky after I fell as a child) and its incredibly difficult to get food that's stuck out when there's no toothbrush nearby!



    Sooo true. I find a toothpick to be the most effective tool for getting it out, though.

  9. Thanks for the input, guys! :D Since I had heard much good about Super Metroid, it was no brainer deciding which one to download after also hearing your opinions.


    Also, why must kiwifruits be so damn tasty yet so damn small? You've just begun enjoying it, and then BAM! No more kiwifruit for you, good sir!

  10. If we're going for the really weird likes, I have one. It probably sounds a bit gross, but now you can't say I didn't warn you.






    Anyway, I like to peel off the rind (or whatever you call it) of a sore when it has healed completely. There's just something satisfying about removing it after it has itched for so long and revealing the soft, sensitive skin underneath. The same concept applies to removal of hard layers of skin on one's feet. Feels really good, but I have no idea why.

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