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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Cranky Kong FPS it is then...


    With the artists at Retro I'm sure they can turn their hands to most challenges.

    I'd rather Nintendo just gave them their scifi titles and just let them go all out on starfox.


    May be a 3DS launch title but if IGN have known about this since 2006 that wouldnt make sense.

    Either way, not long to go.

    Oooh, Retro Star Fox ... *drool*

  2. Failure isn't a problem, it's a symptom. Rather than a lack of ability, perhaps its your method that's letting you down; you can put a lot of effort into pushing a pull door, that doesn't make it any more likely to open.


    Honestly I'm not really the best person to advise on such matter as I'm a C-grade student through and through, but I do know that being ashamed of failure will only drag you down. Trying to sweep failings under the rug doesn't help anyone, better to acknowledge it as much as any accomplishment — at least internally — and see what you can learn from it. Perhaps you find that you've been going about things all wrong, or maybe you realise that you aren't really doing what you want to do, just the thing that you naturally slipped in to. Those are your answers to find, I can't give them to you.


    Perhaps, though, I can give you a different take on things: life is not a string of happiness and success, nor should it be. Unhappiness, failure and mistakes stitch things together just as much as everything else; they aren't marks against your character, they are your character. I'm not suggesting you actively seek such things out, but at least accept that they're going to happen: you're going to feel unhappy, you're going to mess things up. But that's okay, it isn't the end, just a memory to look back on when hindsight let's you see the bigger picture: "I wouldn't have believed it at the time, but if that hadn't happened I wouldn't be where I am today."

    Brilliant advice. Thank you, Aimless, I can use this myself. :)

  3. Yeah but as I (awkwardly) said any 'joke-country', like yours :p, is akin to Canada in my mind.

    Hehe, fair enough. But we're not a joke country! We're a fairy tale country. Hans Christian Andersen, remember? We got unicorns and stuff!

  4. Lets all have a great biiiiiig forum hug, ne?



    Aye, so many people seem unhappy with their lives at the moment. It makes my own problems feel like minor obstacles in comparison.


    I feel these are appropriate.


    Broadcast Yourself

    Broadcast Yourself
  5. Try and learn maybe Swedish.

    What about Danish instead? ;) We're much cooler than the Swedes! :p


    I don't have many plans for the summer. Mainly just enjoy the first month and a half of my first school-free year in ... what, fifteen years?

  6. It does indeed sound really bad. :( Whatever is the case, I hope things work out for you. Things may be pitch-black right now, but there is always light at the end of the tunnel, though it may be impossible to see at the moment.

  7. I actually think this was one of the better episodes. Some of the sketches were more creative than usual and not just unfunny jokes. Jonny's bit was great, and the puns, terrible as they were, are of course still a favourite of mine.

  8. Holy shit, talk about a thread appearing at the right time, I met up with a friend of mine who is built like a tank. Basically I asked him what funny ways went though when getting to where to where he is now. He said one time he didn't go for a week, then he watch a porno for an hour and right after hit the weights, he said he never lifted as many as he did on that day :laughing:

    I've heard this advice before. Maybe one should consider it. Lord knows I need to work out ... :heh:

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