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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Okay, I really like Germany's song, but I really don't like her voice! It's like she semi-sings, making it sound like she's out of key.


    EDIT: Oh, and her accent being thick doesn't help.

  2. Pompeii is amazing. Eenuh is absolutely right, it's very eerie to walk around in this city, which has essentially been kept in a time capsule since 79 AD. Especially looking at the preserved bodies gives you a strange feeling of going back in time.


    Taking a walk on the old city wall of Dubrovnik in Croatia is also something I can recommend, but then that's also about it. I haven't travelled a lot and so don't have much to report or recommend.


    Of course, I could talk about Denmark, but I think it's more difficult when you live in the country. Or maybe I'm just really bad at recommending stuff. :heh:

  3. "The star - best known for his role in the '80s comedy Diff'rent Strokes - was hospitalised in Utah on Wednesday after suffering an intracranial hemorrhage caused by a fall."


    I read that as interracial. Now I feel bad.

  4. Marill was originally planned to be included in Green/Red/Blue/Yellow versions as an evolution of Pikachu, but was taken out of the game's code late in development.

    Ooh, really? Sounds strange. Though not as strange as that Butterfree/Venomoth thing.


    To be honest, I'd rather they do a slightly longer episode about all the weird stuff from Red/Green/Blue/Yellow. They could talk about Missingno, Cubone/Kangaskhan, Pikablu, The Grass beside pallet town, ect.

    Yeah, that'd be great. :)

  5. Haha! Thanks guys. :) But don't worry, I won't fall for her again. Since last time I've gotten over her emotionally. However, if she is still open to the idea of friendly sex after having sorted her emotions out, I certainly won't mind it at all. ;)

  6. Ironically, that topic has already been brought up. One of the reasons I'm certain she has some sort of attachment to me. But being the good-hearted idiot that I am, I said she should sort out her feelings first so she doesn't do something she'll regret.


    To be fair I have no idea if it was a genuine offer or just hypothetical pondering, but it's all the same, really. It'd be a very stupid thing to do as things are currently.

  7. Dannyboy; sounds pretty awkward. What makes you think she's developing feelings this time? Are you sure it's not just you projecting how you feel upon what she does?

    It's indeed awkward. Dunno, it could just be me reading thing into it. But she has always been one to send mixed and confusing signals, and I'm pretty certain that she has developed some form of special attachment to me. What sort of feelings that attachment carries, I really have no clue about, and to be honest I don't think she has, either, seeing as she's so emotionally confused at the moment.


    I just hope she starts feeling better about herself and life in general soon. I really hope I'm making a difference there.

  8. Hahaha/ewwww.


    While jogging around the park opposite my house I saw a guy and his girlfriend borderline eating each others face off on a bench. There must have been at least 6 children within clear eyesight of them. Found the whole situation rather inappropriate. As someone in a minority couple I do find that I do have to be careful to not offend/aggravate certain people. There seems to be more looks simply because of my boyfriend being of mixed race, even disapproval from the gay community, a community that itself should know the effects of being marginalized.

    Say what? Racism in the gay community? Well, that's gotta be the most ironic thing I've heard in a while!


    I don't mind PDA much, really. Of course it can get out of hand, and you sometimes think: "Wouldn't it just be best for everyone if you guys found a hotel room somewhere ...?" But it's not something that bothers me personally, really. Well, except the waves of jealousy, but that's just me being a grumpy single. :heh:

  9. A female friend of mine is going through some emotional stuff right now, and I seem to have become her rebound guy.


    She has a boyfriend, yet she has been in love with my best friend for a long time now (during which she has had other boyfriends, so I wonder about her true feelings about those guys as well as her her current boyfriend). Now, my best friend is a great guy, but he simply doesn't have romantic feelings for her, and she has been very depressed about it, expressing low self-esteem etc. We have texted a lot the past few days, and I have been very supportive as a good friend should, but it now seems like I am (again) becoming the rebound guy as she appears to have developed feelings for me - romantic, sexual or simply deeply platonic, I'm not sure. Last time she had romantic issues, I was also the rebound guy, and I fell in love with her, but it didn't work out, and we're simply close friends now. I don't have romantic feelings for her anymore, either.


    I have no idea if this is going to lead anywhere, nor am I sure I want it to as I think she's just very emotionally confused. If only she could fall truly in love with a guy who truly loves her back. She deserves it.


    So yeah, I just needed to get that off my chest. It wears you out a bit constantly having to help lift the emotional baggage of others, but I think she's starting to feel better. At least I hope so. This isn't exactly what one needs when trying to revise for exams.

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