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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Made my way to the surface (which was apparently 9 floors up) being followed by some unfed/injured cat. When we got to the top some kids (15-18 or so years old) killed the cat :(

    Breaks my heart, stuff like that. :(

  2. I'm going to commend ReZ. Because, week after week of facepalming, he laughs in the face of adversary and defeat, and yet he keeps on going. I'm sure one day his unique brand of (italics) Comedy (finish italics) will make him an ever bigger Internet sensation and grant him worldwide acclaim.


    Maybe we should call it Anti-Comedy?

    This is actually a brilliant idea!

  3. My exams are getting closer, and they're stressing me out. I'm not worried I won't do acceptably, it's just that I demand so ridiculously much of myself that it fucks with my mind. I hate being a perfectionist.


    With my "difficult" childhood, autism and all, the one thing I always had was my doing well in school. It's become something that I define myself by. When I can't do as well as I want to, which is almost impossible due to my ridiculous expectations of myself, I feel like I'm a failure. I hate it. It's ridiculous. Why can't I realise I'm worth more than some stupid grades?



  4. As usual, the outtakes were the funniest bit. Jonny's bit was funny because it was so unpredictable. Sadly I didn't get any of the puns this time. I think one of your problems is that your jokes are WAY too predictable.


    If you're a cat lover, you're gonna hate me. If you're cynical as to the whole over blowing of this story on this news channel as well as the music, you may enjoy it on the same levels I did.

    I'm probably the biggest cat lover on N-E (well, maybe except for Raining ...), but I don't see why I should hate you for that. I agree that's a bit silly thinking the cat was trying to revive the other cat through cardiac massage. The cat was obviously distressed that its friend had died (hence why it lay down next to it - I admit that that touched me), but the "massage" was pretty normal behaviour for a cat showing affection.

  6. I'd grab ReZ.

    What has that got to do with escaping a burning house?


    You know, I'd probably grab nothing. So long as the family and pets were already out of the house, I'd take nothing. Memories are worth much more than any possessions could ever be. Sure, pictures and other things hold memories but they hold a snapshot compared to the real thing in your head. Yeh, they wouldn't be able to be replaced but their superficial in comparison to the memories.

    I want to be able to think like this, but I'm afraid I'm unable to. I'm so materialistic. :(

  7. Only remaining problem would be getting it past the 'rents, though regardless of what they say I'd manage to get there anyway. Just that its a kinda awkward conversation:laughing:

    Start off by telling them you're going to a gay gangbang arranged through the internet. Then tell them you're kidding and that it's just some friends you've met online.

  8. ?rel=0&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>


    So I discovered this video today on a Street Fighter video, basically made me decide over summer, during the months of boredom and nice weather, I will write an album/mixtape. Just need to get some good piano loops and something to Jazz it up; thankfully my mate is a fantastic musician which helps.


    Edit: Ok apparently I'm missing a trick with youtube links :heh: Here it is:

    Just delete everything before and after the video code itself (like this: khIc0WT6oa4) and put that in the YouTube tags. :)

  • The grandmother had already passed monopause, so they used a surrogate mother and an egg that they bought. The child won't be/is not biologically related to the grandmother.


    While the idea itself really creeps me out, I also can't help but think: If they're happy together, who am I to judge? Apart from the genetic issues when it comes to having a child (which are irrelevant to this case), the only other practical problem with incestuous relationships is the potential psychological implications of having a sexual-emotional relationship to a family member with whom one shares other emtional bonds. But since these two have never actually had a grandmother-grandson relationship, that wouldn't seem to be a problem, either.

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