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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I also openly tell people about N-Europe. I even mention it by name. I'm actually a walking billboard for this place. Heck, remember Starman Jr. who was here very briefly during one of the earliest Brawl tournaments? He's a classmate of mine. He's easily distracted, though, so he's not really the type who sticks to a forum, which explains why he's not around anymore. :heh:

  2. Not a request for a sig, but for a small favour: Are people able to read my signature text? Not read as in understand (though if you can, that's awesome), but read as in see the text. If you can, would you mind trying to identify the font? I'm using a font I downloaded, and I'm not sure if other people can see it without having that font installed themselves, or if the text is converted to a different font that people have installed.

  3. I would guess that he's using a laptop, and the laptop's "numberpad" is stuck on, as the keys usually located on the right side have been replaced with numbers.

    Yup, figured that was the case as well after a while.

  4. S6 t6day 5've d5sc6vered 0y *66r 35tt3e 3a*t6*, aged near3y f64r years 63d by n6w, has *retty 04ch s4n2 t6 the next 3eve3 6f br62en-ness.


    F5rst the *6wer cab3e 5s a33 f4ssy, then the d5sc dr5ve st6*s w6r25ng, then a 4sb *6rt st6*s w6r25ng, then the cd dr5ve, then s60e 6f 0y 2eys - the tab b4tt6n st6*s w6r25ng, a c64*3e fa33 6ff never t6 be reattached, and n6w ha3f 0y s*ace bar d6esn't w6r2 and the scr6335ng 2eys t6ta33y f4c2ed -- f4c2ed t6 the *65nt where *ages a4t6-scr633 d6wn t6 the b6tt60, th4s 0a24ng s4rf5ng the 5nternets a near-50*6ss5b3e tas2.


    And n6w, 5 d6 be35eve, 0y 'f4nct56n' 2ey has dec5ded t6 stay *er0anent3y 6n. And n6t a33 0y 3etters w533 a336w the0se3ves t6 be ca*5ta35sed.


    5 have r4n 64t 6f h6w 5 0et y64r 064ther e*5s6des, and wh53e there are f64r 06re t6 d6wn36ad 5 can't get t6 the0 beca4se 6f 0y c60*4ter act5ng gay.


    5've act4a33y had a n5ce few days and 5 can't share the0 w5th y64. b6666666!


    have f4n w5th th5s *6st, s4*ergr4nch.

    It's not impossible to read. Something about a computer breaking. But that's not exactly hard to figure out. :heh:


    I dunno but you keep doing it so...stop :heh: This isn't a spamathon!

    ... It isn't? :heh:

  5. He's less ginger than I remember him being. And smaller. Can people shrink? Hmm.

    Yes, if they're ginger. Gingers have cosmic powers, but those powers draw on the ginger's finite reserves of ginger-ness, which explains why he is less ginger.



  6. The build-up is nice, and the action looks fairly good ... but the concept of the Twilight saga just ruins it for me. The characters seem so shallow and quite frankly disturbing in their relationships. I can see the appeal for those who love a sweet romance (I know I'm guily of that myself), but still ... not my cup of tea.

  7. Hm, Facebook works fine for me, but N-E was incredibly unresponsive earlier today. It's fine now, though.


    EDIT: Right, NOW Facebook isn't working for me and a friend of mine, either.

  8. Well, just pretend it's a friendly night out with her this time. That way you can always deny any deeper interest if necessary, yet she also knows you like her, which may eventually lead somewhere.


    Anyway, if anyone remembers my Matrix trench coat that I spent a lot of money on and which was tailored to my measurements ... Well, I just found out that the shoulders are actually a bit too wide, especially compared to the waist, and since what has been seen can never be unseen, I can't stop focussing on how stupid I think it looks. I know I'm probably the only one who'll ever even notice it, but it buggers the heck out of me. Should have quadruple-checked those measurements ... *somewhat annoyed smiley*

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