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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Meet a cute girl and immediately Google her name when you get home on the off-chance she might have made a bad boyfriend choice or needed some money a few years ago.

    That's what Facebook is for. ;) (I've actually done this, just with another social site ... we ended up hooking up for a time.)


    -You see life as resembling videogames and not vice versa

    This more than anything in my life, I think. It's insane how often I try to translate things in real life into video games parallels.

  2. Went out with my best friends and some of their friends last night. We had a blast. And one of their friends of the female kind that I didn't know complimented me on my looks (unbelievable, I know), in particular my hair, so confidence +10.

  3. Welcome, Scoop! :D


    So my 437th set of earphones broke the other day, and this latest set had been a lot more expensive than the previous 436. Now I've gotten myself a set with support for the ears like these:




    Hopefully they won't break as easily as the others.


    Also, I FINALLY finished my English assignment yesterday.

  4. Dannyboy i dont know how things are in denmark having never been. But in the UK things cant continue as they are its clearly not working. It probably is unrealistic but i think it is a goal that should be worked towards. Someone once said there will be rivers of blood in the streets. (im not saying i wish this to happen) but i fear that one day this could happen. If the country was less divided there would be less chance of this happening. A few years ago now there were a fair few mass riots in the north west of england whites and blacks (strangely) on one side and mostly people from the indian sub continent on the other. Again i repeat i never want this to happen but i think there is a very large chance in years to come this could becombe a common scene. I mean we live in a country where there are still two waring communitys although it is far far better than it once was.

    But those problems won't be solved by trying to force a single culture down upon everyone. If anything, I believe it will simply increase cultural tensions. The problem is not different cultures, the problem is people who cannot accept other cultures. The former is a prerequisite of the latter, but the latter is not necessarily an inevitable consequence of the former. The key is trying to achieve understanding and acceptance of other cultures, not eradicating all our points of difference.


    Yo brah, you know I ain't like that. I thought you knew me dude. I crai.


    Anyway, yes, as much as people always seem to have the capacity to rationalise away any bad behaviour, you (Pancake) don't strike me as the type to be able to sit well with that kind of Machaevellian bullshit. In fact, I find it difficult to believe that anyone can detach their sexuality from a sense of intimacy, and I definitely don't understand how you can maintain a relationship with the kind of sexual freedom that your chef friend seems to show; people are naturally inclined to want emotional monopoly and I find sexual gregariousness very strange, especially when, for me, good ol fuckin plays a huge part in a relationship.


    But then I don't really have much balls when it comes to women. I've only ever asked one girl out my entire life, and she's pretty much had me in a chokehold for the past two years :heh:

    But why, you seem almost romantic, Bard! Is there some sympathetic side deep down that we don't know of? ;)

  6. Muliticulturalism dosent work it puts up borders and divides communitys (it shoudnt but it does) I like the idea of a new all inclusive British ID take the best parts from what we have and forge a new British ID.

    While it's true that multiculturalism can divide people into groups - which I'll argue several other things can do as well, as it's natural for humans to divide themselves into communities - you really think the solution is forcing everybody to have the same culture? You want everybody to be one, homogenous bunch? Not only is it unrealistic, I also really doubt it would do any good at all.

  7. - Woke up.

    - Sat up in bed.

    - Stretched.

    - Twice.

    - Got out of bed.


    Okay, too many details. :heh: Basically my day went like normal, and now I'm procrastinating for the third day in a row over an assignment. In slightly good news, the sunny weather makes me a lot more positive, which helps me fend off my surges of bad self-confidence. I've also gotten some of my plans for the summer sorted out. The bad news: I won't make it to the meet this year. The good news: I WILL definitely make it next year! :yay:

  8. Basically, increase police, double the number of troops, create new jobs. How do they plan do this? It's just a classic case of "tell the public what they want to hear."


    Also, how do they intend to just have one United British Culture? Is that even a good idea? Multiculturalism isn't an entirely bad idea...the world is made up of so many people.

    The whole idea of national identity is a bit silly, really. Who decides what's British and what's not? We all have different ideas of what is [insert nationality adjective], all of them essentially stereotypes and prejudices with more or less truth in them.

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