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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. While I can certainly follow Goron in his thoughts about male and female sexuality (I do believe I've read somewhere that men in general have a larger sex drive that women), I certainly don't think a woman should be left with the choice of either having sex with her husband whenever he wants or accepting him cheating on her. Especially not in this case when it is clear that he was suffering from an unusually large sex drive and lack of self-control.


    I'm not judging his way of life - if he wants to live that way, be my guest - but he treated his wife horribly. She had never agreed to him sleeping around, and I do believe the idea of marriage is to agree on things like that.

  2. Heroes that let me down? Can't think of any. I found it hilarious that there were people out there going 'Tiger has let his fans down'. Fuck that. He's a man, if he's not getting enough at home and he's got girls all over him, fair play. If anything it's her fault partly too, he's her man and if he needs a 3 blowjobs a day she should have bloody been there on the tee of the first hole going 'I'VE GOT THE DICK DON'T WORRY, I GOT THIS!'. Then you have all these sponsers and that fat guy in charge of Augusta saying shit like 'Tiger let us down, and his fans'. Hell no, you're only saying that cos no one's trying to blowing you. At the end of the day, men are only as faithful as their options and the Tiger debate was stupidly OTT.

    Is that really a fair judgement of male and female roles and behaviours in a relationship?

  3. I honestly don't think anyone has a clue when flights will resume and airports will just keep guessing and cancelling, guessing and cancelling.


    Volcano info that we know:

    - It last erupted 200 years ago and kept emitting for 200 years.

    - This eruption was 20x more powerful than the last one.


    Wouldn't get your hopes up too much!

    Anyone else just see testicles when they glance at Dannyboys avatar?

    I thought you guys saw testicles when you stared at anything related to me.

  4. Heyyyyyyyy!



    I'm not a psycho-girl. I hope. =(




    My day's been okayyyy, nice and sunny. Too bad I had to spend most of it in a cold building with no windows to let in the sun. Fail.

    Have also failed to do any proper school work today. Have to make up for that this evening I guess. Don't wanna go back to school tomorrowwww. *whine*

    Of course you're a psycho-girl! Have you perhaps ever threatened to firebomb a butcher's shop like any RATIONAL female? No? Then there you have it!


    Love you!

  5. It's depressing reading HWYD. :(


    SPAMBOT, good lad! You don't deserve some psycho-girl (though the guys of N-E do seem to attract that type ...). Raining is right, you're an awesome guy. :)


    Raining, I am still in awe of your strength. I'm an absolute, pathetic wimp when I'm ill, but even with all your ailments you seem to be able to keep your head up. It's admirable.

  6. accepted =/= correct

    What defines correct when it comes to a language? What was decided a long time ago? How people use it now?


    That's not supposed to be provocative, by the way, it's actually an interesting question. What defines how a language "should" be spoken?

  7. I had my usual Saturday cooked breakfast this morning, sans a few items.


    Which items you ask? Let's have a little fun.


    Eggs and mushrooms are the X-Files season 8 and 9 equivalent of cooked breakfast items. The toast is the foundation - season 1, the sausage and bacon are the brilliant seasons 2 and 3 respectively, beans/tinned tomatoes are an enjoyable season 4 and beans/tinned tomatoes an additional but not the best season 5. Season 6 is the indispensable complimentary tomato or brown sauce and then finally 7 is the slightly fattening fried bread people either love or hate.


    The X-Files: Fight the Future is the fresh glass of fruit juice or the cup of tea. The X-Files: I Want to Believe is black pudding. Bleugh!


    If I think X-Files season 1-6 are great and the first movie is excellent what did I have for my breakfast? Show your working.


    Aside come up with the above, what else did I do today?


    I spent the bulk of this sunny afternoon in a garden centre where masses of people, mostly crippled elderly, were laying down their pensions on MOTHER NATURE. I just don't see why people buy plants when they can just as easily steal them... from the very same crippled elderly who buy them, probably because they themselves are too fragile to endure stealing them? Is it a cycle? I'm too dumb to work that out.


    Later I plan to go with some friends to visit another friend who recently surprised us all in creating, working in collaboration with a girlfriend who also functioned as an incubator, a third human being who has unsurprisingly grown from a twinkle in my friend's eye to a dent in his wallet. She is named after a character in Futurama who isn't Amy.


    Is it weird to be nervous about meeting a baby?

    Your love for the X-Files makes me love you even more.

  8. You just fit right in with most of the people on N-E, Scoop. That's why we love you. :)


    Is there perhaps a chance that we might see a Comedy Rainbow/Sorry Mum crossover at some point? Perhaps let SPAMBOT do the writing? ;)

  9. That's awesome! :D Octopuses do freak me out a bit, though. I think its because of what we see here ... they can grab hold of things - and you! :heh: I was surprised at its size (that's what she said, joke made, move along), but he seemed quite cool about it. I wonder how he got it off the speargun?

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