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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Apparently only around 18-35% of people are photo sensitive like that. I'm one of them and a lot of people I know are too... Maybe Wiki is wrong. :heh:

    Oh? Well, I find it useful to have, especially since I'm often on the verge of sneezing without actually sneezing. There's just something really anti-climactic about feeling a sneeze coming up and then not sneezing. :heh:

  2. Konfucius says if you want to avoid sneezing, slightly push up the tip of the nose when you feel the urge to sneeze.

    Dannyboy says if you want to feel the satisfying feeling of sneezing, however, look at bright light when feeling the urge to sneeze.

  3. I'm guilty of using many of the mentioned phrases. I absorb pop culture way too much.


    THIS, however ...


    That reminds me when people write likeeeee thisssssss.


    "Yeaaaaaaahhhhhh gonna get trashedddd toniteeeeeeee :)"


    "miss you babyyyyyyyyyyy"


    "facebook is boringggggg...someone chatttt!"

    ... REALLY gets on my nerves! If you absolutely HAVE to express the dragging out of words in your text, at LEAST drag out the proper part of the word!


    When you drag out the word "boring", it is not the 'ng' part you drag out, it's the VOWELS! Also, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO DRAG OUT A 'T' SOUND!

  4. One of the worst episodes IMO. Even the puns, my favourite part of the show, were worse than usual. Oh, and while the DVD idea was actually pretty good, you really ought to have synced it up properly to a nice beat.

  5. Yeah colours too, but then everything we think about has colours/settings to some degree. Usually based on associations of some sort.


    Let me think about what the colours might be for me...


    Monday - Kinda..warm, rusty, but a bit yellow. Not quite orange, not quite yellow.

    Tuesday - I'm thinking pale blue or grey or similar.

    Wednesday - Blue, turquoise, a bit greeny, but definitely blue of some sort.

    Thursday - Quite a "regal" day in my head, maybe a darker rusty colour from Monday, but not yellow. Or a bit purpley.

    Friday - A bit "flimsy". A cold, thin blue or green.

    Saturday and Sunday are both either red or see-through (presumably because of the fact they're "days off").


    That said, those colours are really subtle when I think about them, it's not like I see a massvie red square with SUNDAY written on it.

    Quite different from my colours. But I think mine are less "deep" and more decided by immediate association, often from my childhood.


    Monday - light grey - fits pretty well the mood of a Monday, I find

    Tuesday - white - probably due to it being "tirsdag" in Danish, the "I" being the associating factor

    Wednesday - bright orange - again, probably due to letters: it's "onsdag" in Danish

    Thursday - black - but a warm black, which I think stems from a children's show I watched on Thursdays which were shot in a studio with a black background - also letters: "torsdag"/"sort"

    Friday - pink - a sign it's almost ...

    Saturday - red - I have no idea about this one - probably 'cause it's a day off and warm and stuff

    Sunday - green - due to the fact that we usually mowed the grass on Sundays

  6. My boredom cannot be accurately expressed through the simple medium of a still image.


    It needs video!



    Also, I just realised my webcam's built-in microphone works better than I remembered. And here I've been wearing that silly headset whenever I needed to record audio ...

  7. Good news: It seems the redirection problems have been fixed, and I haven't noticed any phantom pages in the threads they're normally found! Maybe something good did come out of this mess!


    EDIT: Never mind, the phantom pages are still there. Still, at least forum works again. Ashley, your dedication to this has been amazing.

  8. People complained when I went about 'thread-ripping' in an attempt to encourage a more diverse forum!


    A nice "oooh the forum isn't like it was back in the day" post, Charlie, but what Ashley says is pretty much true. There are separate threads for TV shows and films to the Biggos, and there's nothing stopping you from making a whole new thread. Mods use their judgement to decide whether a thread is stand-alone worthy, and you of all people should know and respect that.

    Who complained about it? Were they the same people? 'Cause I liked that approach, personally.


    Well, we can always debate whether the mods' judgement is good in these cases. It does seem like some people disagree with the mods' opinions on what makes a thread stand-alone worthy.

  9. I'd love to get in better shape, i.e. improve my conditioning and work out. I play the piano once in a while, though I don't feel I have the time to really sit down and learn new pieces at the moment.


    I'm also currently working on my self-esteem, trying to readjust its current level as well as the criteria of success I have set for myself. The former is too low, the latter too high.

  10. In fairness, this thread is for trivial news which frankly, that news piece is (amusing as it is). Stuff like the health reform drama in the USA, the impending budget, election etc deserves a conversation (and thus a thread) but think how many different responses can you get to "man cock slaps police officer"?

    There's still an inherent disagreement about how strict a thread policy there should be kept on these forums. Some people prefer small threads that may not live very long or contribute much other than simple banter. I, for one, feel that large threads like the music thread etc. are too big for their own good. You go in, you post about your favourite band, the next 5 persons do the same, nothing ever comes out of your post. I'm probably not the one who feels most strongly about this on these forums, but I do feel that the forums are being streamlined a bit too much. Everything that is not able to spark a large and philosophical/ethical/psychological/etc. debate is being thrown into the giant lumps of threads that discourages a lot of debate. Not necessarily debate of higher spiritual importance, but maybe just random chit chat about something silly or funny.


    It may not work, but why not give it a shot for a time and see how it turns out?

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