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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. So he had a problem standing by his own bisexuality and could not/dared not accept that me might have some sort of feelings for you? And when confronted with it, he broke off his connections with your friend group? Darn, sounds like a tight not. It sounds like you really got on well, so it seems the only problem was that he was living a lie because he was afraid of the truth. Do you think it was because of fear of judgement from other people that he couldn't admit to being bisexual?

  2. well a 14 year old shouldn't really be on the internet without some sort of parental supervision, even an adult in the room. Jeez, it's always anyones fault but the parents!

    Well of course! What, you want people to actually take responsibility? Sheesh ...

  3. I just consider my usual stuff like gaming/reading/writing, my hobbies. I'm quite interested in the idea of tae kwon do, but i don't like the idea of going alone, and i'm squeamish about injury *imagines a squished knee and shudders*. Right now i'm just not motivated to do anything, especially not be sociable at a class.

    I fully understand. Still, you might feel the need for an atmosphere change. But that's of course entirely up to you. :)

  4. I know it will get less painful, but i don't see how my life will just get better because time has passed. My life is really boring now. I used to enjoy doing stupid girly things like planning which outfit i'd wear when i next visited him, and deciding which sweets or something to take him. Just loads of little things that made my life less mundane. Can't see that changing unless i get another boyfriend, and i don't WANT another one.


    I don't have any close female friends, so blah. I'm a boyfriend's girl really (like a daddy's girl, but with boyfriend... or something). I only ever really get close to boyfriends. So when it ends i feel really lonely.

    Have you considered getting a hobby? Something to put the extra energy into? It's amazing what different hobbies and sports there are available. Even if there aren't anyone that spring to mind, maybe you could find something that could grasp your interest? :)

  5. To be honest it's all a bit up in the air' date=' our respective work commitments mean we actually see each other very little (a big factor in the break up) we do need to properly work out things at some point though. Not something either of us are overly keen to do though.[/quote']

    Understandable. Well, I hope you make rational decisions that will work out for both of you.

  6. I know. I feel like it was my fault though. That i didn't make enough effort, or something. I should have done more to keep him entertained and happy. I never want another boyfriend again. I'm not going through this same routine all the time. I don't know how people do it without getting totally jaded.

    Hey, hey, you're making it sound like you were his toy or something! Relationships (at least the kind I know) aren't about keeping the other part "entertained". The point of a relationship should be that you both make each other happy. If he was not happy with how things were, he should have spoken to you about it, and you could have tried to work things out.


    Whether you decide to find a boyfriend again some time or not is probably hard to say by now, but the main point is that you're happy with whatever choices you make.


    It's been building up for a while now and then finally the actual break up was last weekend.


    She's away this week' date=' hopefully some time apart will ease the strain a bit.[/quote']

    So you haven't discussed what's going to happen now?

  7. But i wished for him. :sad:

    Which is why you need some personal me-time for yourself to get over him. It hurts now, and you may not want to get over him, but since he couldn't realise how lucky he was, he's simply not worth it. You deserve to love someone who loves you back and thus you need to put him behind you and move on. This isn't to say it's easy, though, and it sounds awfully harsh right now, but as it has already been mentioned, time heals all wounds, and eventually you'll find someone who's more right for you. :)

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