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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I think it was Molly's way of saying...


    *I do, I frickin' love them, balls!!... I can't get enough!... but please, let's leave it at that, please... dannyboy... please!*

    You guys are never gonna forget, are you? :heh:

  2. Hello! :)


    So ... yeah. Hi. I dunno what to say. I hope you stay longer than the last few newcomers. They just sort of disappeared. Maybe we should stop greeting people this way ...


    Don't worry, we may be crazy*, but we're nice. Most of the time. As long as you don't threaten to burn anyone's butchery down.


    *Disclaimer: We are crazy.

  3. If you're talking strictly about sexual relations, then I agree 100%

    Nah, not just, though it is of course a part of it. But yeah, less whining, more pancakes! Don't wanna bring down the mood! :D


    Haha! :grin:


    That made me laugh,stupidly! :D


    I will ask my friend if she wants to be flipped over. (she'll be cool with it. :))


    I'm so ridiculously hungry for pancakes.











    Code red! CODE RED!

  4. I'm 24, always been single and have no plans to change that in the near future. Relationships just don't interest me, maybe once I've settled down, got a decent job and home my view will change.

    Trust me, I envy you. I wish I could not care about romantic/sexual relationships, but it is unfortunately a sad fact that I'm nearly being driven crazy by my inability to get a girlfriend or, heck, even just score with a girl. I don't dream about finding "the one" right now - that I have plenty of time for - but my self esteem is being crushed at the moment.


    But enough of my whining.

  5. What part of "we singles seek comfort" suggests anything but single people seek comfort?

    I was making a generalisation, one which I have since come to understand was not very accurate. As I said, I was of the impression that some single people view Pancake Day that way, and to be fair it isn't impossible that some do.

  6. I resent the notion that single people need to "seek comfort" as if singledom is some kind of social disease. Furthermore suggesting we seek comfort in food makes us sound like that slag Bridget Jones.

    I never implied that, and if I did, I didn't word it properly. While it isn't the case for everyone, some singles are unhappy about being single.


    Maybe that's what you do.

    It's the impression I had gotten from some people. Maybe I misunderstood something.


    Never a truer word said, I'm single out of choice. These are the years for me to enjoy life, plenty of time to be shackled down later on. That's what My Dad always drummed into me anyway.

    Then that's good for you. I think it depends on what values your brain has adopted growing up.

  7. It's pancake day, pancake day. Pppppp-pancake day!*


    (*interweb points to anyone who knows what that's from)

    Dunno, made me think of c-c-c-combo breaker. *shrugs*


    I don't see why we have to cut out the love in order to make pancakes though.

    Well, you don't have to, but Pancake Day is sort of what we singles seek comfort with in the wake of V-Day. :heh:

  8. For myself it comes of having gone on protests and having the seen the treatment of people by the police. Often protesters are treated as guilty by definition and therefore deserving of sub-human treatment. That and:


    Plus the way the police closed ranks to cover their own arses and fed bullshit in the aftermath about the protesters bottling them while bravely trying to save Ian Tomlinson's life. Not that this necessarily makes me anti-police. Most of the ordinary coppers are decent people doing an exceedingly hard job, however the management and large-scale organisation is shambolic.

    The times I've been most angry with the police are also during demonstrations. That's not to say I'm anti-police. Most of the time, I like the police for doing a great job. But often when there are demonstrations with passionate demonstrators, it seems the police are just a bit too eager to subdue them, even when they haven't been violent or done anything wrong. Of course, the aggressive demonstrators who only wish to cause trouble I have no sympathy for, but when lawful demonstrators are pulled with them into it, it simply isn't good enough. A problematic answer I've heard from the police before is that the peaceful demonstrators are well aware of the "dangers" of demonstrating (i.e. unwillingly being pulled into a crowd of trouble makers) - it hurts the democratic right to demonstrate.


    But yeah, on the whole, I very much like the police.

  9. I can't remember the last time I celebrated Valentines Day. Me and the wife tried to look at ordering a table in a Restuarant, but it's a Sunday, so she has work. Aaand, it's bluddy expensive booking a place for Valentines Day. I think our ideal day would be having a nice cuddle on the sofa, some nice food, a bottle of Jacques Cider and a film that will make us laugh, cry, smile or all of the above. Hehe.


    Also, it snowed this morning! But, to bring balance to the Universe, we both woke up with headaches and I feel ill. :(


    (fucking hell, Ine's cat just walked riiiiight across this laptop and now I've forgotten what I was going to type. Stop eeet, cat!)


    Valentines Day is a nice little day where you can put stuffs aside to do with your loved one. Whether its outdoor meal, at home meal, or sofa evening, or constant love making oooover and oveeer. Likewise, it is also a day which can be treated as any other day. I actually forgot it was Valentines Day this week! Valentines Day bothered me more as a singleton, because it is... harder to celebrate it on your own. I guess there's a feeling that you're missing out on something. Which isn't that true, because not everybody needs to have somebody to feel fulfilled. It's the second one that me and Ine have had together, but we haven't done anything special for either one. Not for that particular day anyway. But, we try to do something nice everytime we meet up. A nice meal somewhere, cooking ourselves, cinema. So, we kinda have Valentines Day everytime we meet up...sorta.


    Sorry, this post doesn't make sense and this cat is reeeeally distracting me.

    I think this is very true, at least for me, and not just about Valentine's Day, but about dating, relationships, love and sex in general. It's frustrating when you feel all your peers are doing way better than yourself and have been doing so your whole life, and it can really hurt your self esteem and confidence. Especially when your hormones are kicking in and you're constantly and almost obsessively focused on the gender of your attraction.


    [/emotional and whiny rant]

  10. "He said children should wait until they are mature enough emotionally and socially to understand the commitment in having a boyfriend or girlfriend."


    But how will they learn if they don't experience it at some point? Rejections don't get easier with age, they most likely get worse because the relationships will be more serious. I don't believe in complete wrapping children in bubble wrap to protect them. The thought's nice, but they end up getting a shock when they face the real world. Besides, I really don't think anyone at that age puts nearly as much into a relationship as they do when they're older.

  11. A little self-moaning and pity, then an hour of wailing my eyes out while listening to sappy love songs, and finally a bout of chocolate ice cream eating. Then I shall muse over how I fail at love.


    But yeah, I don't see why Valentine's Day should be any different. :p

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