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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Indeed, this episode was actually pretty funny IMHOTBH. The puns are still my favourite part. "Polystyrene is ... sooo fail!" :D


    (And with my recent, rather awkward comments in the other thread, I dare not even mention Claire's boobs. :heh:)

  2. OMG! I'm in fits of laughter. That was brilliant!




    Does anyone else see Dannyboy-the-Dane in this still or is it me?


    Great finds by the way, Moogle. THEM KLINGON MAHGS! lmao.

    I reacted much the same way to the Na'vi video. :heh:


    But ... how on Earth do you see me in that video? :p I'd say I'm pretty much the complete opposite of that. :heh:

  3. To be serious, though, Molly, if you want to have your breasts reduced, then by all means do so. I estimate that probably a third of the world's male population prefers Tifa-sized boobs, another third prefers petite breasts, and the last third prefers breasts that are actually proportionate to the body. There's no pleasing everybody. I, myself, much prefer breasts that aren't too big or small - and if need be, I'd rather have them smaller than bigger than "standard".

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