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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I love stuff like that! It looks so awesome! :D


    Still, having a friend who is a fan of Parkour, I feel the need to point out that what he demonstrates is not Parkour. It's Freerunning. Both come from the same source, but have developed different philosophies. Parkour is about getting from A to B the fastest possible way and minimising unnecessary movement. Freerunning is about pressing the movement capabilities of the human body as far as possible.

  2. There was a classic letter is the local paper yesterday. I'm going to post it later when I have time (if we still have it). The letter said that the reason why schools are getting shut is because there are no Children in Wales. And, there are no children because of too many straighties turning to the gay side and because of too many females having abortions.


    I had a great chuckle to myself. There's definitely no shortage of children...It's more likely down to the fact that Wales is so incredibly financially poor at the moment. There is no economy. Nowt to do with Homosexuals taking control of Ze Wurld.

    See, something like this just annoys me. More specifically, ignorance annoys me. Not even stupidity annoys me as much as ignorance. We all do stupid things once in a while. We learn from them and move on. But being ignorant and narrow-minded ... there just isn't any excuse.


    How would you know. :p

    I participated in the beginning, but quickly lost interest. Yet I still follow to the game to find out what happens, thus I conclude that I find watching it more entertaining than playing it. :heh:

  4. Complete emotional range completed!


    Having an orgasm when seeing the first two images.

    Chuckling at what I believed was an ironic comment from Retro_Link on the third image.

    Feeling a little annoyed about the negative comments about the graphics.

    Thinking "WTF?!" when seeing the next three images. And finally ...

    Getting a feeling of ambivalence at the realisation that the images were modded.


    The first three images are quite beautiful enough for me. I don't get why people are so concerned about HD and engine. The essential thing is how the game is when we finally play it. So what if we can't point out every single strand of hair on Zelda's head? So what if the engine is the same as TP's?

  5. Because there's no other way to determine their own eye colour. If there are n blue eyed people, then they all have to wait n-1 days to rule out there only being n-1 blue eyed people. In the original case, a given blue eyed person realises that everyone is either seeing 99 other people (like him), or (if he doesn't have blue eyes), 98. There's no way of ruling out there being 98 people without thinking about the reasoning that would go on in that situation, and so everyone has to wait to ensure that the embedded hypotheticals are false.



    Ah, so it works because they all follow every hypothesis and its consequences to the very end?


    Person 1: 99 have blue eyes, I assume I have brown.


    In this hypothetical scenario, person 2 would think: 98 people have blue eyes, I assume I have brown.


    In THIS hypothetical scenario, person 3 would think: 97 people have blue eyes, I assume I have brown.


    For each day, every blue eyed person is able to prove a link of this chain false, and at the final day, they will all have proven false every other possibility than them all having blue eyes.

  6. I wouldn't class myself as bisexual. Not even bicurious. The thought of being with a man is repulsive to me (no offence, of course). Yet there has been the odd occasion where I've actually considered it without feeling repulsion. Moments, not really of "wanting", but of lack of "not wanting".

  7. Might get some of this wrong but I think its generally ok.


    If A and B have the same hat on' date=' C knows the colour of their hat and can free everyone.

    If A and B have different hats on, C won't know their colour, but B will know that their hat is different to A and so can name their colour and free them all.


    I think thats it actually. Am I right?[/quote']

    But they aren't allowed to communicate, so C couldn't tell A and B that their hats are different ...?

  8. Gah, I can't figure out how him speaking up changes anything ...


    Here's my take on the first puzzle if people can't get their heads around it.


    You can treat the collision of two ants as simply two ants walking through each other. With that in mind, the first ant, a1, will walk 2L before falling off at a speed v, so it will take 2L/v units of time to fall off. Clearly, it will be the last ant to fall off, and so the total time for all the ants to fall of is 2L/v.



    Another puzzle.


    Four prisoners are arrested, but there is no space in the jail. The jailer comes up with a puzzle where if they succeed they all go free but if they fail they are all executed. The jailer sits three men in a line, and the other man behind a screen.




    He puts a hat on each prisoner, he explains to the prisoners there are two red and two blue hats. The prisoners can see the hats in front of them, but not on themselves or behind. The fourth man can not see the other prisoners and the other prisoners can not see him. They cannot turn their heads to look behind them and they cannot communicate with each other.


    If any of the prisoners can figure out the colour of their hat and shout it out, then they all go free. If the guess if wrong, they are executed. Is there a way for the prisoners to guarantee escape?

    If A and B have the same colour, C can figure out what his own colour is. If A and B are not the same colour ... well, then I don't know if there's a way.


  9. That was a pretty cool wee puzzle. Here's another pretty simple one in the guise of something more complicated. Take a word, like say analysis.



    N N

    A A A

    L L L L

    Y Y Y Y Y

    S S S S S S

    I. I. I. I. I. I. I

    S S S S S S S S


    How many different ways are there of spelling this word starting at the top A and working your way to the bottom one letter at a time, for example like so:




    N N


    A A A


    L L L L


    Y Y Y Y Y


    S S S S S S


    I. I. I. I. I. I. I


    S S S S S S S S

    40,320 ways?


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