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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Why this song?


    Why the fuck not?



    We all know this song is about taking heroin. BBC didn't seem to mind too much, neither did all the musicians who took part.

    Say what you want, though, because this shit is happening. You slamming some bitching lyrics or aren't you? That's all we care about.

    Don't people disagree on the symbolism of the song?

  2. The Karate Kid



    ...I actually want to see this! Jackie Chan is a legend!

    I must admit that that trailer is a guilty pleasure of mine as well. :heh: Maybe I'm just easily convinced by kung fu, Jackie Chan, and Fort Minor. But I love the Karate Kid concept, and I actually think this movie looks good.


    Probably, but I wasn't bashing tron, I've never watched it to give it an opinion! :p

    Oh, I know, I know. :)

  3. Haha, I'm not really sure to be honest with you. I can't speak for other gay guys but I love girls more than anything, like, i would love to be married to a woman, I'd love to spend the rest of my life with a woman, but it's just the sexual part thats a no go for me....


    Hang on am I still talking about the same thing here? haha

    Haha, I think Daft has got a point in that a lot of straight guys can't see past the sexual part of things. Gay guys can, and thus they probably treat women with more respect.


    I'll wait to see what happens to women after they see scantily clad men.

    Well, some women can be chauvinistic arseholes, too.


    EDIT: Brilliant pic, Ashley! :p

  4. It seems like nothing happened in 2009 ... yet it also seems a lot happened.


    I've been on several trips around Europe with family and classmates. 3 years ago, that would have been impossible, and that fact alone is testament to the enormous development I've gone through since I started my STX. That development continued throughout 2009, and the year seemed to just run its course. There were challenges, of course, but none that I haven't more or less conquered and grown somewhat stronger from. And I think that is characteristic of the past 2 and a half years: I've been thrown out into life, and I've grown tremendously from it.


    It's all going to change in 2010, however, when I finish my STX this summer. The thing that has been the very centre of my life for the past 3 years is going to end, and I'm actually kind of scared. I have a plan for my life from here, but if I thought my life was going to change when I started STX, it's going to be turned upside down now. But I guess I'll just have to take it one step at a time. I'm positive at the moment.

  5. "You don't mind if I walk around naked do you?


    Good, because I always forget to put clothes back on after raping children in my bedroom, and I just wanted to make sure you weren't shocked when I walked out with my full bratwurst on display."

    You're behind, ReZ.

  6. I must have missed your earlier post, Murray. Good to hear it's coming up soon. :) Oh, and do expect a video from me! How else will the hot and wanting females of the Internet become aware of my breathtaking looks and stunning physique? :D

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