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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. While it isn't a huge deal to me, I must say that Daft is right here, Serebii: If we're going to "fight the power", we have to gather our own herd, otherwise we stand no chance. It's just to prove a point: That X Factor, the mainstream herd, can be beaten. Next year, I hope there'll be more competition with maybe even a number of songs having a fair chance - hopefully Christmas songs! ;)

  2. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.......


    I was going to say I could forward it to the next person and then put Spameus Botteus upon the end, but I see he IS the end.


    Next round, I might go a tiny bit mental, if there's this few of us, and do a...double runaround. I've just stuck two words together and bolded them to make them seem like some fancy official term, but essentially, I'll just run the game through the same people again.



    THEN I might clear all signups for the next game, and only let new players join, OR old players if they get a new player to join and say that somebody made them join. This game is too awesome, new talent would make it awesomer!

    So you're going to close out the veterans to make room for NEW people? Psh, way to appreciate your loyal followers.

  3. Not really that well said.


    And I think DIE is just doing it on each new page...

    But I have more posts per page, so to me it seems more excessive. :p


    nobody is making you to visit this thread. i'm just bumping my message at the top of every new page in case people missed it. get over yerself

    Hey hey, now, no need to throw insults. I was merely pointing out the fact that people who are reading this thread has most likely gotten your message already, so there's no need to remind them all the time.

  4. Concerned? How? I'm cool. I pretty much like anything. I like almost every kind of movie, book and music going. From chick flicks to action movies, from heavy metal to pop, from romance to horror, I like anything. Don't know why really, I just do. :santa:


    TBF, I don't love Hairspray, I just like it, lol. It's just a feel-good funny movie, John Travolta is hilarious in it. With Hairspray, you KNOW what you're getting, cheesy fun. Also, I didn't think it possible but I'm kind of going off Twilight a little. I watched Twilight and New Moon again and didn't like it much. The movies are putting me off. I liked reading the books though but it's not something I could read again and again. So yeah, it's official, I'm starting to dislike Twilight. :hmm:

    Hehe, I'm actually the same in many respects. :heh: At least I don't care about popular opinion, I like what I like and stand by it - even if others find it ridiculous or embarrassing. :p To dare be yourself is cool! :cool:


    ... That being said, I'm still not the biggest fan of Twilight. :heh:

  5. The way it should be done imo, stuff always tastes better when made from scratch using proper ingredients with no preservatives.

    Indeed. The stuff made by small food places is much more fresh and, well, food-like compared to the mass-produced stuff from the big companies. And often cheaper as well.


    Could be compared a little to the X Factor debate, actually ...

  6. Thanks, it's indeed a great view. Bought a camera earlier this year, but this is the first time I have been home since I bought it so I thought I would take some pictures of the town and the surroundings. I'll see if I find that town thread and bump it later :)


    What you are looking at is the Atlantic Ocean and two of the islands in the county. Skuløya is the island to the left and Fjørtofta to the right.


    Here's a map, I live where the arrow points.


    Ah, I just realised you're from Norway. :D I love the landscape of Scandinavia - though we Danes don't have much of the beautiful scenery, unfortunately. :heh:

  7. While I don't actually go to to neither Burger King or McDonald's that often, my general impression is that I prefer Burger King. I must say, however, that their burgers don't have enough dressing to my liking. Now, the little local pizza/burger place that opened last year ... now, THAT's good fast food! :D But they actually do make it themselves.

  8. I will put up pictures and a few videos, but PhotoBucket was being a bitch earlier ... and still is, I see. I'll upload the two videos now instead.


    Here's the first.



    And here's the second. Notice how much more snow and ice there is!


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