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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Yeah, you know I suck at relationships, but here's my five cents, anyway. Use or scrap at pleasure.


    Maybe you should just confront her with it. Say that yes, you still like her, but if you're not going to be more than friends, you're ready to accept it and to move on. It's hard, but not impossible. It just seems like the best solution is to clear the air between you so you can at least maintain a good friendship without the awkward feelings.



    Only got Dude Dazz' offering so far.

    I has trouble sending mine last time. Can't you download the ones from YouTube?


    EDIT: Or EEVIL can send them to you.


    Say, EEVIL, why did you leave my "Here's to you" lines out? Surely Strider and I could have shared those lines? Since you've been so bitching about getting people to send you lines, I'm gonna be bitching about you not using mine. ;)

  3. We've received the largest amount of snow in 10 years in Denmark just since yesterday, and I'm loving it to bits! :D I've taken pictures and recorded a video, and I'll throw them up later today.

  4. This is what he did after...basically just bitch about not giving a crap and how he isn't emo...really?


    He has a music video!


    By the way, his YouTube name is GuitarJono1170...


    OK, officially the chaviest thing ever...


    OUCH! I just experienced a painful drop in my IQ from watching those. Thanks, Dazz! :heh:

  5. I can see where you're coming from, and agree with you to some extent. However there are things that you have to do in order to get a chance with a girl. This isn't Disney, where true love magically happens in some spectacularly destined way. Sometimes you've got to work for it. We aren't talking about brainwashing somebody or completely changing who you are. Just doing certain things in order to get you the chance to be with her and show her who you are. Once you are with her then yes you should definitely be yourself.

    Oh, that I completely agree with. But it's the "being who you are" part I'm talking about. To me it just seems like tapedeck's methods are about doing what you know will attract the girl's attention regardless of whether that's who you are. I could easily go out and act like the bad boy or jock type, but that'd not be who I am. I may be misunderstanding what he actually means, but it seems to me the whole dating thing is being reduced to a game of "making the girl want you". Yes, I want the girl to want me, but not because I made her want me. Of course there are certain things that attract the attention of girls - like the obvious: good, personal hygiene - but it should ultimately be your personality that makes her interested you and "want" you, not the aforementioned "tactical moves". Sure, they'll definitely help the process, but if they're all the relationship is based on, there ain't much in it IMO.


    Still, I think we may be agreeing more than we think and are simply talking a little past each other.

  6. @ tapedeck


    What about the whole "not showing your true self/being who you are" thing? Because using all those manipulative methods just doesn't seem sincere or honest to me. If a girl likes you because you're acting in a certain way which is not how you really are, but how you're acting the simple goal of getting her affection, it's not a very good foundation for a relationship, is it?

  7. Danny:

    From my experiences, people are indeed attracted to certain things. There are a multitude of factors and I was just giving a few 'famous' examples for reference. I didn't mean it to come across as a sweeping generalisation that all women fall into those examples. I could have said men are attracted to women who have self worth...tons of examples.

    I don't think it's a stretch to say that, as humans we are attracted to certain things. If you believe that isn't the case I suggest some research into attraction.

    Oh, no, I am well aware that some things are attractive to people. Don't get me wrong there - I may be inexperienced, but I'm not completely hopeless. :p I was referring to the generalisation, which you have explained above.


    Manipulation is never a good thing. A "soppy man" will soon show his colours. So using those "techniques" are just lies. It's better that a person knows who you are.


    Much as you say women aren't attracted to this and that... its bull. Every single person is different. Some girls just love that kind of attention. Some like the joker. Some like the serious/sensitive guy. I'm thinking your only gonna end up picking up the wrong girl/guy by using sneaky tactics they fancy at the time, then end up not liking what the real you is.


    I've played mind games before, it can get you the intelligence you want, but it doesn't mean you'll end up happy.

    I must admit this is how I feel about it as well. No offence, but turning dating into a "game" in which you have to "win" the other just seems like a very bad foundation for a relationship.

  8. Danny:


    I agree. Relationships are all about trust etc..

    But in the 'dating' game it's a whole different beast. It's about building attraction, the thrill of the chase etc...

    Think of it like this:


    Men are goal based - they see something and they aim for it. Women are much more illogical to men as they 'test' what they want - they need to be SURE that what they want is what they want. In relationships you could argue that women NEED to ensure a man will be what they are looking for. So they 'test' men to see if you really are the man they want.

    You could argue that women are emotional and thus, if you engage their emotions they will be attracted to you.


    The badboy who teases women = causes emotional response and is challenging.

    The rockstar who needs taming = causes emotions and is challenging.

    The guy who sucks up to her and will do anything = unnatractive.

    I see your point, but are all women and men really like that? Those seem like some awfully big generalisations to me. And I dunno, I just have a hard time believing that it's that "simple". Surely what we want from our partner is very subjective, no?

  9. I think sometimes you have to play women at their own game. It's the thrill of the chase too...People don't want what is easy to obtain.

    Imagine a girl throwing herself at you and saying "I've missed you" and "Do you want me?" etc...You'd run. (Eventually, after a fair few nights of passion.) Unless you had low self-esteem too, - whole other topic.


    I just feel that if she knows your single and you've put a lot of energy into you and her then you need to sit back and see if she will come to you now you've laid some foundations. If she does, reward her but let her take YOU out for a coffee and a catch up. Then if she asks why the distance tell her you couldn't resist her and just didn't want to ruin your 'CUTE' friendship.

    You'll be a challenge and she'll be extremely attracted to you.

    I understand all that, and it makes perfect sense, but I'm talking about the whole deal with applying "tactics" and the like to it. It makes relationships seem like a game. Maybe I've been deluded so far, but I thought relationships were about being in love with each other, not making the other want you.


    (I'm not claiming to be right, by the way. I know you've had waaay more experience than me. :heh: I'm simply trying to learn something and challenge my perceptions of things.)


    I'm not sure if this is the correct thread for it but what the hey...


    For some strange reason, I am able to set my smoke alarm off by walking under it and before anyone asks, I'm not on fire when it happens. Consequently, the smoke alarm is rapidly becoming the Captain Falcon Alarm.


    It's not all the time I go past it but happens a couple of times a day usually.


    Anybody care to offer any suggestions?

    This post was really funny to read. :p I unfortunately don't have a solution to your problem.

  10. I know I suck at relationships, so I may be totally wrong here ... but I must say I feel tapedeck's methods are very ... manipulative. I do not doubt the efficiency of the methods, but is what you get a true relationship? Are the feelings real? Because to me it seems like you've just manipulated the person into wanting you.


    Keep in mind that I really have no experience whatsoever to build this on. I'm simply stating my thoughts, and I could easily be completely wrong.

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