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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Is it a bad thing that very little actually disgusts me any more? Dont get me wrong its shockng. But i dosent actually shock me. The worls full of cunts.

    Well, at some point you can probably get used to seeing and hearing about this kind of digusting acts. I mean, I'm not shocked that someone could do this - I'm well aware of how cruel and emotionless humans can be. But it still disgusts me that they can be so cold and heartless.


    Is it bad that I don't really care because it's a dog? Virtually any other animal and I would care a lot...

    Have you had bad experiences with dogs?

  2. This actually had me shouting at the screen and hiding behind my hands.


    Dog thrown off Bridge in Lithuania.


    They hoped it would survive, but it later died of internal injuries. The guy could get "up to a year" in jail. I'm thinking they should throw him off the same bridge, and see if he ends up surviving.

    The thought that keeps pressing its way into my head is: "Why?" Why the hell would he do such a thing? Because it would be "fun"? Let's see how fun he thinks a bullet to the knee cap is.

  3. :grin:


    I think you mean


    Love that comic! :D One thing has been bugging me, though, as I remember one strip where the joke was a pun that worked in Danish, but which wouldn't work in English. I've been wondering ever since what the original pun was.


    Aimless had the greatest ideas IMO, but I also worry about hinting at the past family. Of course it's a part of it, but I think you should focus on the positive sides of the foster family. Still, I might be wrong, but it's what my gut feeling tells me.

  4. Yes, of course.


    What's in a name? ... a rose by any other name is just as sweet...


    etc etc.


    If you were in a play that was being attended by some big industry players, and you and a a few other main cast members names were being batted about as possible signings/stars by said players, if at the last minute, they (non-descript, could just be your director, or was it the industry players...?) changed a scene to a nude scene, would you still go through with it?

    Probably, yes. It might be awkward at first, but I'm actually not that bothered by going nude.


    If your beloved asked you to become sterilised, would you do it?

  5. You must be getting towards the end of 'Cliched one liners. Vol I' Danny. ;)

    I can't help it. I have Latin, for crying out loud! My mind is rigged to try and express everything in catchy and/or cheesy one-liners. It's bound to get cliché at some point! :p

  6. See, I do sincerely find ReZ funny - most of the time. But I think you have indeed been trying too hard lately. Your humour works best as random ideas. When you try to force it out, it just doesn't work for me.


    Let's see if I can't re-phrase that ... When you try to actually sit down and write comedy, it doesn't work. It needs to come to you as inspiration. Wait for the Muses, don't try to catch them. Zeus knows what you would do to them ...

  7. Oh right... I kinda missed that part :p ok well...


    If you found a briefcase containing a substantial amount of money - £100,000+ - would you keep it?

    No, I don't think so. Being such a huge amount, it's bound to be important. I would look for conatct details inside the briefcase or simply go to the police station - though I dread explaining how I got hold of it. What are the chances you just stumble upon a briefcase with a shitload of money in it? :heh:


    EDIT: Beaten to it. Ignore me. I even forgot to post a new question as well. *facepalm*

  8. Gah ... anyone know of another photo uploading site which DOESN'T have a sensitivity problem with a two-headed man having a visible erection in his pants? ¬_¬


    EDIT: Seriously?! My picture isn't even ad bad as some of those other pics uploaded to PhotoBucket! >:-/

  9. There isn't really a wrong or right answer! Heck, we had our town lights on at the start of November!

    Aye, the shops and so always start out very soon with the Christmassyness. Heck, I was getting in a Christmassy mood even before Halloween! And yet, with my busy school work, time has flown, and now it's already December!

  10. i dont liek being THAT guy, but according to my memory of jackie chan adventures, and by extention, my whole knowlage of the chinese zodiac, there is to "bird" thus rendering this joke a lie.



    also, the cartoon tatoos are hillarious. if i met a guy with a dragon ball z tatoo, i would beat him up and take his lunch money, and im soft as can be.

    Yup, it's bollocks. At least according to Wikipedia's article on the Chinese zodiac.

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