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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. In my opinion it's always best to be honest about your feelings. Maybe she'll realise she's interested in you, maybe she'll just want to stay friends. You'll never find out unless you take the chance. Just don't push anything. Simply tell her how you feel and that you're OK with being friends - her having a boyfriend and all. If everyone just takes it easy and keeps cool about it, it doesn't have to ruin anything you already have.


    Still, that's just my opinion. I don't claim to be an expert on these things.

  2. That always puzzled - my ex and her family would do the same thing - what the hell do you guys even have Boxing day for if you're gonna do all the Christmas stuff before it's actually Christmas!

    No, we don't have a day for celebrating two guys with gloves punching each other in a square called a ring. Because that would just be stupid.

  3. Christmas Eve.
    ^ yeah. Christmas day is inevitably lacking in the feeling/juh nay se qua all the days running up to it possess.

    You know, in Denmark, Christmas Eve is the climax of Christmas. We have an amazing dinner, dance around the tree while singing Christmas songs, and open our presents. Christmas Day is just some sort of recovery day after the festivities, much like New Year's Eve and New Year's Day.

  4. As cheeky as it sounds, it isn't much about the gifts for me anymore. It was, but nowadays I mostly just buy what I want when I want it (provided I have money ...). Still, it's of course a part of the whole Christmas feel, which is what I love most. That's why I practically celebrate Christmas through all of December (and almost half of November as well), since that is when the Christmas spirit is present.

  5. Yeah, but at some point it does become objective. When you look at Eenuh's work, you think "That's good."; when you look at ReZ's cover of Cast, you think "... that's bad." (Sorry ReZ...)


    To say all art is completely subjective would be equating ReZ's ability with Eenuh's, which is really flawed.



    Eenuh's tutors are no doubt experienced in the art world, and ergo probably have more of an eye for what's good and what isn't. In the same way that when you listen to more music, you can more easily tell what is good, and what isn't.


    (IMO obviously - I can predict you'll be horribly struck and say "But everything is subjective.")

    But everything is subjective!




    Joke aside, of course you're right, we can easily compare ReZ's and Eenuh's art and judge which is better, but that "better" is defined by parametres to which the human brain reacts positively - as opposed to parametres to which it reacts negatively. While many of those parametres are generally universal, making it possible to have generally universal understandings of what "good" and "bad" art is, sometimes it just isn't that black and white. Take a game like Star Fox Adventures or films like the Matrix sequels - not even the professional critics can agree on whether those are "good" or "bad", simply because their definitions of a "good" game or film vary.


    So yes, art (and that includes books, films, games, etc.) is "subjective" in that the parametres by which we judge it is not a physical law of nature, but something defined by the human mind, and since not all human minds agree on every parametre, there is no objective definition of "good" art or "bad" art. But that's technically speaking. As you say, we can easily compare Eenuh with, heck, most other people on N-E (bar maybe a few people) and decide whose art is better. When I reacted strongly to the comments Eenuh had gotten, it was because some art professionals have a tendency to think that their own views are the undeniable truth.


    That's my opinion of it, anyway. I know Oxigen_Waste doesn't agree with me on this one. :heh:

  6. I concur. ReZ, I believe you have a problem with scripted "comedy".

    Aye, I believe this thought entered my mind at some point as well. You're great at random, nonsensical humour, but you're apparently not very good at scripting it. I think what you need is some basic education in writing jokes and comedy sketches. Aren't there books for that?

  7. I thought she said they wanted her to be more "inidivdual" or "experimental" or something, which most art-y schools will want their students to be. Not that it was bad.

    I think what's bugging me is that they're trying to force something upon her. I know you're supposed to be individual and all that, but what if your individual style is bright, colourful, and cartoony? Why should they decide what art style Eenuh should use? It smells a little bit like pretentiousness to me ... but maybe I'm just being paranoid.

  8. I'm afraid I must concur, ReZ. I simply can't get myself to watch it all the way through. It's just too boring. I love your humour, I really do, and thus I know you can do much better than this. While some of the jokes were funny ("Do you like petrol? I gas so."), you need to work on two things: The points and the timing. Also, while random and nonsensical humour can be VERY funny, it can also be completely meaningless to the point where it's entirely NOT funny. I think your delivery of the jokes may be a factor here.


    I can easily deal with the not-so-professional layout of the videos if the jokes improve (though better design and technical video quality wouldn't hurt at all).

  9. Goafer, he's so cute! I love dogs, sadly our family dog died earlier this year. She had a good run though, 13 years old bless her.


    This is my cat, Luigi. He's got such a personality unlike those cats that timidly mew and then run off. He'll come up to you, whore himself out for a bit, get bored of you, give you a look like you're worthless, and mince off. He's very affectionate though too. I took this picture when I was revising for my A-Levels back in May, he wanted attention so decided to lie across all of my work.



    No pets anymore unfortunately but heres one of my last cat, Domino. Was packing to go to London, went out of the room then came back to find him like this:



    Our cats do these things as well. :p

  10. I can't even be bothered getting worked up about these narrowminded bigots anymore. We can only hope that such morons are eventually outnumbered enough by members of Homo sapiens to lose any sort of influence they might have had.

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