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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. She was before my time here too and yet I still know all about her.

    Same for me. She's pretty much the forum myth (along with rohked). :heh:


    Wow! Just read the whole thread and I was like "Has she ever heard of calming the hell down? It's just a thread."


    She sounds like a mad woman with all her capitals permanently on in every post and doing a Jeremy Kyle (calling everyone scum)...

    The worst part? She was Sheikah's girlfriend at the time. :heh:

  2. Shirley.


    I found the sequel better. j00? Everyone else enjoy!


    Me and Dan Dare would properly love a certain moment.

    I must say I always preferred the original, though the sequel undoubtedly has some golden moments as well.


    "If God gives you lemons, you FIND A NEW GOD!"

  3. I might ask for a N64 for old times sake. I keep walking past a flat where they're contsantly playing goldeneye / Mario Kart. Epically jealous.


    Basiclaly I just want one for Conker's bad fur day and Diddy Kong multiplayer. Anyone know if they hold up these days?

    Well, I picked up Diddy Kong Racing again a while ago with much joy as a result. :D

  4. Danny I love you for that. <3 I love the powerthirst videos.

    Women normally love me for different reasons, but it's fine for me. ;)


    You should see when me and my best mate re-enact the Powerthirst ads. It's friggin' hilarious! (At least to be a part of. I don't actually know whether we're hilarious to look at. But my guess is we are. :p)

  5. If you had your way I would have slept with every other knee member by now :heh:

    Then be glad this isn't Burger King. :heh:


    Seriously, Oxy, I get what you're trying to argue, but you're just terrible at arguing it. :heh: You're essentially saying you know exactly what a good life is and what a bad life is. Isn't it a little high on the horse of you to claim to know what philosophers have been discussing for thousands of years without coming to a conclusion they could agree on? :heh:


    It isn't so much the fact that you believe another way of life to be better, nor so much the fact that you're trying to convince us of the same, but the fact that you're convinced that YOU are right and WE are wrong!


    But hey, it's Christmas! It's not about fighting, it's about pres... I mean love! :D

  6. This one wasn't so embarrasing for me, moreso for a mates girlfriend.

    I had a vertical poo (it just sat in the pan vertically, unassisted :o) at my house in Manchester and i was amazed, so i called my mate Diamond to come and see it but hadn't realised him and his mrs were having the sexy-time. He came rushing (thats pretty much the only word to describe it) out of his room, leaving her half way through to come and look at my poo :laughing:

    In fairness to him, it was an awesome poo :D

    ... Oh my god! :laughing: I don't know whether to laugh or cry!

  7. I found a better picture too.


    KKK/Black Bouncer story.


    So I was dressed as Moon Knight. Already slightly KKKish. Anyway I staggering around just before we were going to leave, walked passed the bouncer, and he said "Hold on" and he was sniggering. Two friends joined him (also black in skin tone) and the boncer said, "Can you make that more pointy?" and I was like "........" and he grabber the top of my hood and made it pointy. Then He pushed the tip of it down to cover my face, and they all cracked up.


    It was nerving/hilarious.


    Haha, cool story! :D I bet you didn't know whether it was appropriate to laugh. :heh:

  8. I don't hate TP. Quite the opposite, in fact. It holds to many fond and wonderful memories of getting the Wii and playing it through the Christmas holiday. Many things in the game are brilliant: The story is really, really good (as fresh and engaging as OoT and MM, even), the dungeons are (as always) superb, the characters are memorable, and the music is amazing (even if it isn't orchestraed). I think what let me down a little is that the world, albeit huge, didn't feel as much alive as OoT's and MM's worlds. The world was larger, but there was not more in it. ...'s post that I thanked above sums up very well the way I feel about TP's world.


    So that's my point. I'm not critical of TP, I love it. But we've grown so accustomed to Zelda games being amazing that we forget to look at the amazing things and only look at the points where the game didn't quite live up to our expectations. In essence, we're spoiled rotten when it comes to Zelda games. :heh:

  9. Truly one of those moments. I don't buy the Russian rocket explanation.

    What fascinates me the most is the truly peculiar appearance of it. I mean, what the heck looks like that?! I'm not one to go for the paranormal explanation first, but I'm really befuddled by this. :heh:






    All right, so it seems it most likely was a Russian rocket after all.


    Astronomer Knut Jørgen Røed Ødegaard (yeah, try to pronounce THAT! :heh:) has studied it and says that it follows the pattern of something fired from Earth. He says he's 99.9 % sure of it being a Russian rocket.


    Truls Lynne Hansen from the Northern Lights Observatory in Tromsø believes that the peculiar spiral shape is a result of the Sun shining on the leaking fuel.


    It was also announced on Navtex that a test launch was scheduled between 06:00 and 23:00 the night between Tuesday and Wednesday from Arkhangelsk, Russia.


    According to Russian sources that TV2 (a Danish television station) has spoken to, it was a failed launch of a Bulava missile from a submarine. No official Russian sources has confirmed anything yet.

  10. My sister's can Orson had a heart attack on Monday. Luckily my sister had food poisoning so she was home when it happened and got him to the vets on time. He had his lungs drained and has to take beta blockers.


    The whole thing is really traumatic.


    Orson has a pet cat of his own, Ada, and she was sitting at the top of the stairs waiting for him and at night wouldn't stop making noise. Orson's back at home now so all is well, fingers crossed.

    Aw, that's heartbreakingly sweet. :')

  11. I want to buy this cashmere scarf/pashmina as a Christmas present, for myself. But on the website the model has grey hair. Should this tell me something?!

    Well, it tells me that the scarf comes with magical hair colour changing abilities. But the nice doctors also tell me that the medication might give me strange ideas like that. Psh, as if the scarf is "magical" :heh: ... it's obviously the genetic nanobots!

  12. Meh, I tried. It's a game that gets progressively worse, though.


    For the new Zelda, surely they will waste more time in making sure whatever new ideas they have can be fully implemented from the beginning (and I don't just mean making them functional, I mean making sure they are fun and decently versatile, unlike the situational command rod. Even the clawshot was more situational in TP than in previous games).

    Hopefully, they'll also remove little annoying details like "YOU FOUND A RED RUPEE! THAT'S WORTH 20!", or the inability to change night into day.


    Honestly, TP had plenty of good ideas, but bad execution. I have a good feeling this new one won't make that same mistake.

    I'd still argue that it's because you compare it to the other Zelda's (which is natural, of course). If you look at TP by itself, it's still a truly great game.

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