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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Here is what you do.


    Log off N-Europe.


    Do the damned Essay.


    Finish the damned essay.


    Make sure you've done it. Stay up late if you need to.


    Go out tomorrow and confess you're undying love for this hot girl. If she likes you, you'll have hot, wild, wet 'n' windy sex in one of many romantic locations. If she doesn't like you, you now have a finished essay, are amongst other friends and will live to fight another day or night, where plenty of other hot males and females await you, depending on which way your door swings.


    In this order.

    Best advice I've heard in a long time.


    And Wolfy, time spent trying is never wasted. Time spent NOT trying is wasted.

  2. I guess you could call the small village I live in boring. But I like the fact that it's so peaceful and quiet out here. If I want to experience things, I journey to the city. Then I can always withdraw to my peaceful place when I feel like having some peace and quiet. :)

  3. Yep, I've also come across this before, and the answer to (a) is indeed 23. I guess you can adapt the method used to reach this to answer part (b).


    I really am, or at least when it comes to handwriting. Even I can barely read my notes, I should post a sample some time. :heh:

    I've been pretty bad at it, too. :heh: Let's just say there is an opposite correlation between the speed with which I write and the readability of what I write. :p

  4. Well that's kind of what I was getting at. Lets just say that in five years time, we have near-as-dammit photo realism and top draw animation to go with it. At this point, do you really want to be palying Modern Warfare 9 where headshots look like actual headshots? I can't see myself thinking 'man this shotgun is satisfying!' when it blows a guy in half in the most realistic way technonlogy allows it to.

    My point is that by that point, and hopefully before, we can say gaming will have matured creatively enough to move past the fairly basic and absurd cycle of violence and mindless killing and use that technology to make it so that if we do kill people in games, it should be as shocking and effective as the violence in (good) films and books that give you a mature and deep emotional response.

    I have a feeling there would still be a market for it. Think SAW.

  5. The world is already darn violent without games, movies, etc. And when talking stuff that is damaging to society, we might as well remove most stuff in the world. We cannot run around and try to hide everything that is bad or potentially harmful in the world. Instead, we need to more properly inform people so they can handle these potentially dangerous objects safely.


    I'm tired and may not make complete sense. Panda with me.

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