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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I'm sorry but you don't go out with the intention to break the law, nor the expectation.


    The kid has taken responsibility -- it's not like he's blaming the world for his problems, or claiming it was someone else, is it? The problem I have with your argument is "you must be ready to take responsibility..." and the general vagueness of such a term. How is one 'ready'? Is there a line drawn in the sand-desert of 'Potential Things That May Happen When Drunk"? Tied in with the "0-60" that ashley and I mention above, which are highly relevant to this point we debate over, even if you knew where the line was, you'd not know when you were about to reach it.


    When I am drunk, I do get away with more things because I am drunk. That's a very generalising statement you make which, if I were to formulate a concise answer, would make me seem extremely nit-picky.


    ETFC. You will not be as conservative once you are older and beer-bellied.

    I am not focusing on the case at hand. I've said that I don't know how many times now.


    I am not sure what you're trying to argue here. That you should be able to get away with everything because you're drunk? Of course you don't go out with the intention of breaking the law, but if you end up breaking the law, you've still broken it. Of course it should be taken into account that you're drunk, but depending on the seriousness of the crime, you can't expect to avoid some form of punishment.

  2. The guys taking responsibility for it. That doesn't mean he deliberately pissed on a war memorial.

    Heavens no, I never accused him of doing so, nor do I believe he did. I think it's great that he's taking responsibility - that's all I'm asking. But like I've stated several times already, I'm not focusing on this case in particular. I'm talking on a general level.

  3. What is this golden ratio you speak of? :P


    Threads like this are the reasons girls don't use the intarnat, btw. They read this shit and have an uncontrollable facepalm fit.

    I don't know the exact numbers, I must admit. :p


    I don't think we're being that bad, to be honest. I could imagine much worse scenarios. :heh:

  4. Well if jayseven can go from sober to drunk in 30 minutes (and I mean that in a good way of course :)) then I would say in that context (i.e. that night out) it pretty much is. There is no room for thinking, just drinking. You're 0-60 in a matter of minutes.

    Granted. But I still don't see how that excuses irresponsible behaviour.


    I've noticed a pattern in that the people who complain about irresponsiblity while drinking are the people who have never done it before.

    So? Does that make my point less valid? If I one day end up drunk - intentionally or unintentionally - I'll take responsibility for what I might end up doing.

  5. The problem is your only sober enough to decide to stop drinking when your sober. So once you've started drinking it rarely feels like a good idea to stop until after its too late.

    I see what you mean, but while I cannot talk from experience, I know it's not impossible to stop drinking before it's too late.

  6. As I said, I'm not focusing on the case at hand. That's indeed been blown out of proportions. I realise the type of drinking done here is excessive and can easily get out of control, but it's still people's own responsibility. If you decide to get drunk, you must be ready to take responsibility for your actions. Just because you're drunk doesn't mean you can get away with anything. It's of course not as bad as if you had been sober, but done is still done.


    I don't think we disagree completely, we're just focusing on different points.

  7. Nope, not yet. I still only see it on that last post. :-/


    And now this post as well, of course.


    Well, it seems to have appeared in all other threads now. I don't know if it's just slow.


    EDIT: It appears as if the few posts I posted while not having a sig refuse to accept that I now have a sig. All other posts have accepted the change.

  8. Is it just me who doesn't use that upload function, and just 's the hotlink?

    I tried that as well, it didn't work.


    I tried it again. Now it seemed to work - except it doesn't appear to show up in my posts. :confused:


    EDIT: Yet it shows up in this post ... I'm officially confused.

  9. Perhaps its my own beliefs I'm bringing toward this but I see it as an attack against students. Any Sheffieldians wanna tell us what the local evening papers are saying?


    And I don't think you can say "well...I think if I drink more I'm going to do something stupid" for numerous reasons, the lack of thought processes such as that while drinking and its a craps shoot at the end of the day. Its just as likely he could have thrown up on his own shoes, slept in a bin or gone home and curled up in bed.


    Have you ever been completely wasted drunk?


    Cause I don't think drinking is ever conducisive to logical "choices".

    No, I've never been wasted drunk. Yes, I know you're not thinking completely logical while drunk, even before you get completely wasted. But are you saying you cannot be held responsible for things you do while drunk? You may not have done them intentionally, and you may regret them afterwards - and that should of course be considered - but you can't just run away from your responsibility.

  10. I'm having trouble uploading a new image as my signature. It's 500x100 pixels and has a file size of 15,4 KB. I've both tried uploading it directly from my computer and linking to it on Photobucket, and every time it says "unable to save image". What's wrong?

  11. If you can get away with killing during temporary insanity I don't see how this is much different, the person was clearly not of sound mind. Its not like we don't know the effect of alcohol on people. By the sounds of it he woke up and pissed on the first thing he could find.


    Again, I'm not saying it isn't disrespectful in its own way, but it seemed rather unintentional. Maybe more public toilets should be open 24/hours because lets face it, none bloody are.

    Temporal insanity is not exactly the same as drinking your own brains out. The difference is that when drinking, it's your own choice. If you're going to do stupid things when drunk - and by stupid I mean serious-stupid, not just laughable-stupid - then you should stop before it comes to that.


    It's not so much the case itself. Yes, it was disrespectful, but worse things have happened. It's more the whole being drunk thing that bothers me. In this particular case, I think they're maybe overreacting, but in worse cases - like drunk driving or drunk cheating - I have no respect for the drunks.


    Mind you, this is not an attack against drinking in general. I have no problem with that. It's an attack against being irresponsible while drunk.

  12. I totally agree with you, but what I mean is that breasts don't actually have that much influence on the whole body shape (because they're best when they're smaller than people think they ought to be - goes back to proportions). Bones like ribs and hips have a much greater role in setting the proportions, then muscles such as thighs, buttocks etc.

    I'd say that breats are a defining part of the body and its shape. But maybe I just really like breats. :heh:

  13. Oh yeah, definitely. Breasts are nice, but it's mainly the hips, waist, thighs, buttocks etc that make women attractive. To me, anyway. Each to his own!


    Being older, I'm having a good laugh reading the descriptions in this thread about finding old porno mags in bushes and the old rubbish they used to put on Channel 5!

    Oh, I disagree, I find breasts very beautiful - just like the rest of the female body. But I don't like a larger-than-average ass or breasts that could kill you if applied enough force. The more proportionate the individual parts of female body are to each other, the more beautiful the body is in my opinion.

  14. Falling and falling, through skies I tumble

    And prayers to Heaven are the only things I mumble

    Ai try ta say goodbahye but ah choke, try ta walkaway but ai stumble

    I hear in the distance, so faint, a rumble ...

  15. haha yeah, and they always used to show those crazy Russ Meyer films featuring women with large breast, like Faster Pussycat Kill Kill etc... oh and films like Vixen and Barbarella.




    Jesus, that is so cheesy! :laughing: And a classic example of "movies that tell you the whole plot in the trailer".


    I never really got what's so appealing about large breasts. They just look ... disproportionate.

  16. Why am I not suprised ...


    It does puzzle me a bit that they decide to contact MJ of all dead people. Why not Hitler? Or Einstein? I would argue that those people were more interesting to find out about from a scientific standpoint. But not from a popular standpoint, which just kinda proves the unseriousness of this. If they were really taking this seriously, they would have used this method for more important matters.

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