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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I can be nervous about new things, especially meeting new people. I also get nervous when I have to perform or accomplish something like a test or an exam. The thing is, like with Odwin, I think it helps me perform better. Still, I'm always pretty well prepared and feel secure about my material. I've been to one exam where I wasn't too sure about my stuff in advance, and I physically felt ill before the exam. I normally only shake and sweat, not get queasy.

  2. I haven't seen the show, just to mention it.


    My brief thoughts on the matter, judging from the apparently almost identical case with the national party in Denmark, Dansk Folkeparti (the Danish Folk Party):


    There is a lot of xenophobia, nationalism and prejudice in those national parties. They generally seem to dislike everyone who's different from themselves, and they just can't argue this logically - because frankly, it ISN'T logical. Well, the feeling of fear towards things we don't understand is to a degree understandable, but can certainly be combatted by logic.


    But the subject of political correctness is also interesting. While their opinions on immigrants are waaay out there, they're also the only ones who actually dare take up some of the real problems with immigrants. The subject has sort of become taboo, at least to almost any sort of negative comment, however justified it may be.


    So yeah, not much new to add, just wanted to state my points of view.

  3. I do all sorts of weird stuff. It's like I have to keep my hands occupied while listening or reading. If I'm not playing with the folds in my duvet or pants, I'm stroking my beard, twirling my hair, molding my lips into strange shapes, twirling my pencil around my fingers, scratching my face and ear with my pencil, etc., etc.

  4. You're forcing it too much. You need to overlay the two middle images.



    And now that I think of it, I can't understand how you can see the red and blue videos in 3D without glasses, not that I'm questioning does that do, but it seems impossible to create a single 3D image in your brain without individual pictures for each eye.

    Ah, I see. But I still can't seem to do it. :(

  5. That doesn't have much to do with pornography though. I know lots of people (lots of women/girls) who agree that the female body is more beautiful to look at than the male's body. Because it simply is more appealing to the eye.

    Oh, that's not what I meant. I just thought that talking about what makes a female body beautiful isn't as facepalm-worthy when it comes to male thinking. There are much, much worse examples of that. :heh:


    Eenuh; yes curves are more beautiful, but "curves are more beautiful because curves are more beautiful" isn't really getting to the bottom of it, is it? :P Why are they more beautiful? I guess I can guess my own answer...

    I would guess that the reason a female body is so appealing to men and women alike is because of its association with reproducing and giving life, one of our most basic biological drives. I also think that's why the world is so fixated on sex. It's our instincts.

  6. I was arguing that being drunk should be taken into consideration and does make a difference to the severity of the crime (as you sorta agree with).


    Stemming from this are general undertones of me decreeing the law ought not be so black and white (see: the bit where I say people would be outraged if a sober person was not punished more for the 'same' crime), as well as the odd bit of eye-rolling at the shallow, world-of-advertising-driven symbolistic mentality a lot of people have.


    Plus I was being defensive about the nature of being drunk, and a slight bit confounded by your call to make an action into a contract (when you drink you hereby agree to accept any and all consequences of alcohol, subject to T&C*) and I don't understand, or maybe I don't think you understand, the limitations and/or extent to which you can say "ooh, this might happen, so should I drink another one in case it does?"


    Hard to say without examples. Let's say you get horrendously drunk, and fall asleep in a doorway. You wake up to find a used condom sticking out of your bum and a "Hey! Now You Have AIDS Too!!" needle sticking out of your arm, to what extent do you hold blame for this particular consequence?


    Yes, I am arguing for the sake of arguing. But I'm enjoying it, and I'm sure (hoping) you are too.


    *Even if there are other worldly circumstances, be it natural or man made, fate or pure coincidence. Even if you have been taken advantage of, it is your fault for letting your guard down, because ultimately all people are obviously bad and we shouldn't rely on the good nature of anyone. And stuff. This isn't really well thought out.

    It's hard not to get carried away when arguing. :heh: Plus I'm tired, so that might not have improved my debating skills. The fact remains that ... well, I think we agree completely. There's not one point in your post that I disagree with. I might have come off as some uptight conservatist, but really, that's the last thing I try to be. :heh:


    I think it's just the fact that Danny thinks one can make clear, thought-out and considered plans of action whilst off one's face that irks me.


    I think the fact he was wasted completely, and as Jay said, almost certainly (think the article even mentions a group pulling him up off the ground in the first place) into doing the stupid shit, and then them taking pics, needs to be taken into account.

    Oh, but I don't think you can make thought-out plans while drunk. If I gave that impression, I didn't word my argument well enough. Naturally, the drunker you get, the less ability you have to think rationally.

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