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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. This. Late night channel 5 changed the world back in the late 90's.


    Wow, everyone nearly had a revelation a page back where Eenuh stated that she preferred EMOTIONS to VISUAL erotica.

    Obvious no? :idea:

    Women are more emotional creatures whereas men are more visual. A woman generally won't date a guy on looks alone where (most) men would date a girl on looks first. It's not shallow. It's the way of the world. Deal.


    Men are more visual, goal orientated (or logical) beings - thus porn feeds their needs.

    Women are more emotional, illogical beings - thus romantic novels and Mills and Boon books featuring drama/suspense/mystery are kept in business year after year. (And why soaps continue to be ratings winners!)


    It's just 'men's' porn is more 'shocking' as it is visual. But in reality by looking at the copious amounts of romance/erotica books available you may be surprised to find that, that industry is huge (and female dominated) too.

    Funny how we are actually equal in so many ways.


    In all of my experiences women talk about sex more than men - purely for the emotional high they get from discussing such a private, emotional area of a relationship.

    Hussies! :p

    We knew that. Know-it-all ... :heh:

  2. lol! I love.


    People assuming I'm an indian woman. I'm stunned. I'm white as a sheet and the closest I get to indian is that my grandmother was a quarter pakistani.


    So no, I'm basically in no way asian, any way, shape or form.


    Paj Meen Ah is a play on Pashmina, which was just a username I chose on another site after it became the end of a joke at school that day, so it was in my head. And it wasn't shit like james65h or whatever. But I changed it when I came over here, initially to see if ReZ would realise it was me. I've never worn a pashmina in my life. :/


    EDIT: LOL! How is "Pashmina" a female indian name?!


    A genuine lol. "Hey Pashmina! Come play with us!"



    Dude, Pashmina is a name. Search for it on Facebook.

  3. You're just jealous because I have amazing restraint.

    Bah! :heh:


    Never watched male on male porn really. I did read erotic stories which had male on male when I was younger, but never watched porn like that (and again don't feel the urge to). Like I said, I need more than just mindless sex, but then again I rely a lot on emotions so maybe that's why.

    I perfectly understand. I can relate to emotions playing a big role when talking love and sex.


    How can asking somebody their view on porn, in a thread asking people about their views on porn, be too personal a question?

    Meh, I guess it seems a bit silly. It just felt more personal when asking one single individual directly. I just really don't want to offend anyone. :heh:

  4. Nope, doesn't work either. Can't say I've ever been hugely interested in it to begin with.

    One's enjoyment of porn is solely dependant on what one is turned on by. I understand why mindless humping (which a lot of porn is) doesn't turn some people on.


    Out of curiosity: What are your thoughts on male-on-male porn? (If it isn't too personal a question, of course.)


    See, now based on the small amount of porno I've watched

    I call severe twisting of the truth.

  5. I think homosexual porn has a tendency to be more "realistic" because it also focuses on the feelings. Heterosexual porn has all the focus on the guy getting off as a result of his interaction with the girl. In homosexual porn, the focus cannot for obvious reasons be on the guy getting off on the girl, so the focus is switched to the sensual side of the act.


    That being said, not all porn follows the typical template. Some porn, even straight porn, actually intentionally focuses on the feelings and sensuality. Not all watchers of porn is interested in money shots - some want to see emotion that doesn't seem blatantly unrealistic.


    Though it's impossible to argue that porn is realistic, and it is indeed sad when young people get the impression that porn is an accurate representation of sex. I think it would be an idea for porn to be a part of sexual education - it's impossible to avoid, so youngsters should be prepared to handle it and understand its fictional nature, just like they understand the fictional nature of movies.

  6. You remind me a little of Harry Potter for some unknown reason...

    Man, if I had a penny ... I'm basically unable to get rid of the Harry Potter image at school. Before I grew a beard, I looked a lot like him (see below), but even after growing the beard, people just can't let go of it! I think it's gonna stick with me forever. :p




  7. Similar to concrete (I have 2 hours of lecture on it on Fridays, separated by 1 hour on the reinforced variant...), it heats up surprisingly fast it begins to set shortly after you stop stirring it. I don't know the exact percentages, but within something like 15-30 minutes it's suitable for an art piece such as this, which corresponds to it having something like 60% of it's strength within 10 minutes tops.


    Oh, and one little point - plaster doesn't dry, it sets - theoretically, the higher the water content in proportion to the plaster, the faster it sets.

    My point was if it started hardening before heating up, because that would explain why she got so terribly burned.

  8. Oh, I totally missed the bit about the clay mold, I'm an idiot, forgive me, and thanks for the explanation Eenuh.




    Ok, I managed to stop laughing. It's kind of bad, and obviously poor risk assessment, but then again, they were dealing with 16 year olds and probably thought they can't be that fucking stupid. I knew PoP does get hot when setting, the heat's produced as part of the chemical reaction or something, but I just knew that cos I was weird as a child.


    What I don't get, like EEVILL suggested, how did it apparently manage to happen in seconds. I DON'T know how fast plaster sets, but I'm pretty sure it takes its time. What the hell was she doing in the meantime/whilst her hands were getting warm? AND how frickin hard is it to remove plaster? Smash it on something! Where were her friends or anyone sensible during this whole debacle?

    Hm, seeing as she tried to make a mold of her hands directly in the plaster, it explains why she kept her hands in. The question is: When does the plaster start heating up? As soon as it start hardening or some time after?

  9. But I guess it wouldn't start burning until it had been in there for sufficient time. I think this is mainly because that should have been explained that it can burn, but then you have health and safety gone mad because then every single danger would have to be explained.


    Tough call in my opinion.

    I don't really see the problem. "Okay, kids, DON'T put your hands into the plaster. It'll harden and start burning." There.

  10. Oh they're not. Brown is probably my favourite colour for eyes. But mine are Blue damnit!


    Some would say that they are so gorgeously blue that they get lost in them, causing them to reminisce about holidays to the seaside when they were children. Eyes so blue that they could only belong to an angel so pure that they weep at the sight of a landscape ruined by the ravages of man.

    But you ARE an angel, Goafer! ;)

  11. No, plaster becomes hot once it's been applied. It starts out at a normal temperature, but once it starts to dry it becomes really warm (and if there's body temperature in there I bet that makes it even worse).

    Tricky stuff, then. Also, with some common sense, the girl would have figured that to make a plaster model of her hands, she would need to make a mold of her hands to put the plaster in, not simply splash them into the plaster itself. She's 16, she should have at least that amount of brain activity, and if she doesn't, that's why we have teachers to guide the students.

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