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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane


    I thought it was simple enough. :(

    Hm, it was perhaps not that obvious. I dunno. I didn't get it at first, but I am not always the best at "getting" humour in written form - cue a very embarrassing episode recently because of a letter ... -_-' Still, I don't seem to be the only one who didn't get it.

  2. If love was logical then it might as well not exist, love is one of the most illogical things in existence and that's what makes it so brilliant because though we curse it when we aren't under its spell; when we are affected by it... our perception of the world around us is temporarilly altered in a positive way and it's a wonderful feeling.


    It's just a shame that it doesn't always seem to last...

    Indeed, love is the most powerful feeling there is. It can make you feel like you can conquer the world, and it can make you feel like killing yourself. Like all powerful weapons, it should only be used for good. :)


    You also have twice as many opportunities to cheat on the person you're with with someone else.

    Well, no, your partner would have twice as many chances of cheating on you. But I assume that's what you meant. :) Still, that's quite a pessimistic view on things, don't you think? :heh:

  3. Its not as cut and dry as that, sexuality is not a conscious decision.


    I would consider myself to not be somewhat bi, if I fancied a woman it would be instinct and not cause I worry that I'll never find a suitable man or felt the need for broader range.


    p.s math and sex are as further away from each other as possible. Logic doesn't really come into desire/lust/love

    Of course. I know all that. The point still stands whether or not it's a conscious decision, I'd say. The potential subject group is twice as large.


    But of course, it's all just supposition. As you say, logic hasn't got anything to do with love. :)

  4. Just cause your bi it does mean you fancy MORE people, just more of a different mix of people...


    You could be bi and have incredibly high standards!

    Of course. There are many other variables, but I was just looking at the basic math. Preferences and standards are always present no matter what your sexuality is, and they vary greatly from person to person, so for the purpose of this little logical demonstration, we can safely leave them out of the equation.


    Perhaps people are afraid of losing their special someone to a person of the opposite gender? Perhaps that's a harder hit for your pride than if you lost to someone of your own gender? I dunno.

  5. Some of them don't like it if your bi. Like some girls or some gays...

    That just seems ridiculous. If you're with someone who's bi, you have actually beaten twice as many competitors! But I guess logic doesn't always apply when talking about sexuality. :-/

  6. I couldn't even read through half of those due to the terrible grammar... I know that's the point of it but still, there's only so much American idiocy I can take. :blank:

    Agreed. I respect their political views, but I don't respect them being too stupid to argue properly. Comparing Obama with Hitler and Marx? Seriously? They should see how things are in Denmark. To them we must seem like a new Soviet Union.

  7. I am the geeky resident conspiratist who has a theory on everyone and everything, one more far out than the other. Believing the cookie factor managers to be working with new world order conspirators, I have gotten a job there to infiltrate them - but in reality I have grown quite fond of the cookies. Other than that, I am the arch-nemesis of Iun, as I believe him to be one of the head conspirators. My reasoning: He doesn't like The Matrix - obviously he's trying to hide the fact that the film is completely true.

  8. wtf stick to the units on the bottle?! Dude, alcohol does not taste good. The modern primary purpose of the substance it to get drunk.You do not get drunk from 3 units a day.


    Anyone can socialise sober. Socialising while off your face pissed is where the challenge is at.

    Well ... except some of it actually does taste good. And I only drink alcohol that I actually like. Otherwise it's a soda for me. I don't feel the need to be tipsy to have fun, but if my mood becomes a little more merry because of it, that's just a nice little side effect. I can understand people who want to get drunk to have fun, even though it isn't my style, but I don't get those who drink themselves under the table - I assume that's simply lack of moderation and/or self-control.

  9. Not much of a drinker myself. I do have something to drink, but I don't like the taste of beer, so I normally go for a Breezer or a Somersby. I don't think I've ever actually felt the effect of alcohol, perhaps except being slightly more social and "loose". But then again, if the company's good, I can do that without a drop of alcohol.

  10. This girl is worthless. Cheating is NEVER all right - it is mean and hurtful and can under no circumstances be justified. Her so-called justification is bullshit and bollocks all at the same time. Not to mention she obviously doesn't care about you. Screaming at you to come back to her and then propose to someone else? Just - what the hell?! She seems like she's a control freak who just likes the power she has on you and loves abusing it.


    I know how it's hard, if not downright impossible, to stop yourself from being in love with someone despite their flaws. But you have to listen to me: Forget her. Let her sail in her own fucking lake. Know that it is polluted and filled with biological, chemical, and radioactive waste of the worst kind - i.e. NOT the kind that gives you superpowers. She is not worth spending as much as a nanosecond more on, and you're worth so much more than this. You're an awesome guy, and there are countless girls out there who would love to have someone as you.


    We are here for you, and we only want the best for you. :)

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