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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. The truck from The Duel. I love how the truck seems to be the villain, rather than the driver. The truck has a personality of it's own:


    Damn, I remember that film. You're absolutely right. That truck scared me. I never saw the end of the film, now that I think of it.

  2. Obviously you have short term memory.


    *Member gets banned*

    Everyone in this thread: Ooh what happened what happened?

    Me: Got banned, move along.

    Member #1: I bet they were a double account

    Member #2: I bet they tried to haxor

    Member #3: I bet they were a member of the communist party

    Member #4: I bet thry sed that Jordun is a wumnn.

    *Another member gets banned*

    Everyone: Ooh what happened what happened?

    Haha! :laughing:





    ... Seriously, though, what happened?

  3. I'm kinda envious of all the language options you guys have. I had no idea that latin was so widely taught around Europe.

    Funnily enough, Latin and Ancient Greek aren't taught much in Denmark. I think only 14 gymnasiums in total offer them as subjects, and not all of them even have enough students interested to create teams. I was just lucky. :)

  4. Awww You Guys Are So Nice!

    This Forum Is The Friendliest Forum Ive Ever Been On!

    Yayy! You Like The Adverts Like Me!!

    They're Kl Aren't They?!

    2 KL 4 SKL. :) :) :)

    I see the beginning of a long and beautiful relationship. :p

  5. chart?cht=t&chs=440x220&chd=s:AAAAAAAAAAA&chco=00FF00,FF0000,33ccaa&chld=ATHRDKFRDEITLUNOSEGBVA&chtm=world&chf=bg,s,0000FF


    I live in Denmark and haven't travelled too much in my life. I've been up north in Sweden once (and possibly also Norway when I was very little, though I don't remember exactly), and I've also been to Germany a few times to get cheap candy. :heh: I've been on holiday in London and Southern France (with a stop in Luxembourg on our way home) and on school trips to Rome, Italy (including Vatican City) and Dubrovnik, Croatia (with a stop in an Austrian airport). So yeah, I haven't left Europe. :heh:

  6. Latin's pretty filthy is general. Everything has something to do with sex, somewhere.


    We were studying Cicero's In Verrem, and at one point in his speech he accuses Verres of having been promiscuous in his younger years, with both men and women - and the teacher went on a 10 minute tangent talking about the attitudes towards homosexuality in Rome, and Greece, which was pretty interesting (and creepy), and then the only girl in the class (there were 4 guys and a girl) pipes up with "I just don't get homosexuality.", and then instantly one of the guys says "Ruth, we all question whether you get sexuality in general."


    It was just the funniest thing I've ever heard in my life, considering she was a 19 year old fat munter with the worst skin and social life you could ever dream up.

    Haha, exactly! Who's to say Latin is a boring language to read? ;)


    It's funny, at my gymnasium, there are about 2/3 girls and 1/3 boys, and the same goes for my Latin/Greek group. We were originally 2 boys and 7 girls. 2 have left the group, but we're still outnumbered! :p It doesn't help that both our Latin teacher and our Greek teacher is female as well.

  7. I've been in that situation. In a relationship where I lost my feelings for her. Eventually I came clean - you can't lie to yourself - but it took some time, and she was actually the first to bring it up, as I think she had noticed it or maybe were having doubts about the relationship herself.

  8. No, but you're not an idealist. An idealist strives for an ideal world, and harming creatures unnecessarily when there are alternatives is therefore not idealistic. Just pointing out that you are selectively compassionate (and speciest) as opposed to idealistic.


    Your logic really is baffling me. From what I can gather, it's perfectly acceptable to kill animals who haven't wronged us, but humans who have murdered and raped shouldn't be killed due to having greater levels of understanding and ability. Heaven forbid these humans suffer the kind of fear they afflicted their victims with while they sweat it out on death row!

    From what I have understood, idealism isn't necessarily a black and white thing. But I may be wrong in that definition. In any case, it's beside the point. To aswer your question: No, I don't exactly have a problem with killing animals, because I differentiate between humans and animals.


    I should make it clear that I perfectly understand your line of arguments. And from a pure cold and logical point of view, it makes sense. But it's just so cruel and vengeful that I cannot seem to accept it in my mind. I don't really think I can sum it up better. Whatever purely practical arguments you throw against me, you probably won't convince me.


    I will consider what you have said, though. You have certainly sparked some thought processes in my head. I find I'm not able to argue against your logical points, but I still don't agree with you, so I'll need to take some time to get my head around it.


    Don't think you've won or anything. ;)

  9. Just wondering; are you vegan? If not you're not really an idealist. You'd still be buying into unnecessary cruelty; cruelty that wouldn't be present in an ideal world. Gosh, I sound like my ex-girlfriend now. But the point is still true.


    It'd basically mean you're selectively compassionate.

    Like I mentioned, I differentiate between humans and animals. And you're using the invalid "if you say A, you have to say B" argument. I would say there's a large enough difference between humans and animals to differentiate between them without having double standards. Just because I don't condone killing of humans, it doesn't mean I have to be vegan. That's not logical.

  10. Killing someone is a bit different to taking a computer. If someone stole a computer they'd probably get a punishment along the lines of losing the computer plus community service/prison. In other words, the punishment would be worse than the crime. But with murder, how would you issue a punishment worse than the crime comitted? It's obvious, really.


    To take someone's life is to deny the victim of ever experiencing anything ever again. It also meant they were put through tremendous pain and probably extreme fear. There's no punishment other than death that is fair and just for a murderer. Even if they were in prison for the rest of their life they'd have shelter, sports, activities and communication. And let's face it, life doesn't usually mean life, either. Bloody ridiculous.


    To be honest, unless you're intending to murder someone I honestly can't see why people get their panties in a twist over the thought of the death penalty. Who gives a fuck if some murderous random bastard gets killed?

    Because I'm an idealist and for the love of ice cream can't fathom the idea of killing someone else. I'm not saying it's practical. I'm saying it's idealistic, and that idealism shouldn't always be shunned.

  11. So if someone steals your computer, you're allowed to steal theirs? I know that's not what you're saying, but it's the same point you're arguing: If someone does something to you, you're allowed to do exactly the same to him. I never could agree with that vengeful mentality. That's why I don't think "An eye for an eye .." is a pointless saying. We may still technically be animals, but we have developed values like morals and ethics. We're not as primitive as animals.

  12. How is it? Humans are animals and therefore we kill. We have no problem killing animals who have not wronged us in any way, yet some casually wish for rapist murderers to live?


    No human being should ever want to cause harm to others, but sometimes it is necessary or just. To say that human beings are so advanced that they shouldn't go killing one another is a bit silly. Someone who shows a complete disregard for another person's life has no right to life themselves. That's what I think, anyway.

    But that's just it. We're supposedly much more advanced than other animal species, yet we still kill each other. You would think we would have left the jungle laws behind by now. I want to know why you just think it's "silly" that I don't believe in killing people. I know for a fact that people can change their ways. But you don't think we should give them that chance? How about people who have had traumas in their childhood and who later, as a result thereof, commits murder. Should we just kill those people? I just don't think the world is that black and white. "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" is still my opinion. I guess I have always been an idealist, but someone has to be, no?

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